Funny Shit Spewing From the DemoSpin Machine...

Do you deny that what he actually said was that kids should stay in school and work hard?

Why would I deny that? It's in the actual quote he made! Do you deny that he implied those who don't, get stuck in Iraq? That's the debate here, not the first part of the statement. Day before yesterday, you stated that Kerry said nothing we didn't already know, you agree with his statement regarding the troops, and that is what democrats are trying to distance themselves from now, and claiming he was talking about Bush. I admire you, not many pinheads actually stand up for what they believe like you have. At least you are being honest about it, and not trying to pretend he meant something entirely different than what he said.
no one in the military, because of their education, ''gets us stuck'' in iraq...

number one, we have a voluntary military

...they chose to join the armed forces

no one that enlisted in the armed forces has any decision making power to get us ''stuck'' in iraq, or ''unstuck'' in is the President's and only, the president's final decisions that has gotten all of us , stuck in iraq.

no mention of any military men, or soldiers in kerry's statement....none.

and no military guy is stuck there....they volunteered their services, there was no draft of the non college students, as with vietnam....those that did not go to college were FORCED to fight in vietnam....and were ''stuck'' fighting a war, for us...they had no choice.
Because the wager is null and void. I explicity said there was only one reason I made the wager with you, and I only had one condition, that you would not bring it up any more. I have not mentioned it one time, yet you have persisted in bringing it up, and since you haven't abided by the conditions of the wager, you've rendered it invalid by your own actions. Sorry, next time pay attention to the details.

you NEVER made that condition at the time you made the wager. I knew you would renege.... you are a man without honor or ethics, let alone any intelligence. Only a douchebag who realized he'd fucked up and couldn't face the monetary consequences would create conditions after the fact not agreed to by both parties and somehow think they released him from his obligation. But I have made a few side bets with other posters that you would, in fact, renege, so I make out better this way, actually.

Yes, I most certainly DID make this condition, I had no other reason for making such a bet, and I told you that at the time. [editor's note...that is a lie, of course] You agreed to the terms, and for a while, you did pretty good at keeping your yap closed, I only had to warn you twice, but after the comments you made about my kid, I didn't bother warning you anymore, and you have persisted in breaking the terms of the bet. Sorry, but it's your loss... or maybe not... we will just have to wait and see how the elections shake out. In any event, the bet we made was voided by your inability to abide by the one condition of the bet.

Well.... that didn't sound right to me.... so I went back and looked it up. The wager was made and accepted in THIS thread:

In that thread, I said:
"And my wager is still there: we will gain seats in both the Senate and the House in '06.... putting the ball in the net with our eyes wide open.... $100... and you STILL bluster about but refuse to put your money where your loud obnoxious mouth is."

to which YOU replied:

"You're on!"

you went on to say:

"We'll see Maine, I think it's a dumbass bet to make. Your party has not gained a thing in the past 6 election cycles... that's 12 years of decline. Couple that with the fact that you have no plan or vision for America, and nothing but the same old playbook of hate and smear... It doesn't look good for you changing the trend.... much less in BOTH house and senate! It ain't going to happen unless the Republicans self-destruct! "

you made NO conditions at the time of our bet. And there was plenty of bad blood that arose between us in between the time of our bet and today..... starting, of course, with your slanderous accusations that I was a pedophile... and my tasteless retort delivered only after your continued refusal to retract and apologize for the slander.... and then my heartfelt apology for that tasteless retort, followed by your continued refusal to apologize for YOUR slander..... but...the record is clear...we made a bet.... you thought at the time that I was making a dumbass bet.... and you made NO requirement about our not further discussing the bet as as condition for your honoring it.

So.... call a spade a spade... and a lying reneging welching bastard exactly what he is..... you made a bet, and now you won't pay up.

You were wrong about this were wrong about the insurgency drying up after Zarqawi's were wrong about the place not exploding into civil war... you were wrong about how many Americans would die.....

if you don't honor this wager, you will prove to the entire board what a dishonorable piece of slime you really are.
John Kerry, Dixie, Edward Kennedy, George Bush, Saddam Hussein

What do they each share in common?

They are all douchebags.
Did he really? I guess I am not all that surprised. The inbred racist hick obviously never learned ethics at home. When Ma and Pa are beddin' down with the chillun after a good meal of coon stew with a shine chaser, there's not a lot of time for manners.

the alabama girl approaches her daddy and asked him for the car, and he tells her, as he unzips, that she knows what she's gotta do to "earn it". She does and after a second says, "daddy, your dick tastes like SHIT" and dad says, "oh that's right...I forgot, your brother's got the car tonight!"
the military would NEVER HAVE BEEN INSULTED by this mistake of Kerry's or even known about it, IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR BUSH & CO exploiting it, and putting this statement right in front of the military's face, making SURE that they saw it, and in making sure they rook it as an insult from DEMS....

they did this, and made certain that the military saw it for POLITICAL PURPOSES ONLY..........

and you R suckers, bought in to it, and blame kerry for demoralizing the troops when it was YOU THAT made CERTAIN, they were DEMORALIZED....

its a pretty sad time indeed in this once great country of ours....

btw R's...... YOU SUCK! :(

the military would NEVER HAVE BEEN INSULTED by this mistake of Kerry's or even known about it, IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR BUSH & CO exploiting it, and putting this statement right in front of the military's face, making SURE that they saw it, and in making sure they rook it as an insult from DEMS....

they did this, and made certain that the military saw it for POLITICAL PURPOSES ONLY..........

and you R suckers, bought in to it, and blame kerry for demoralizing the troops when it was YOU THAT made CERTAIN, they were DEMORALIZED....

its a pretty sad time indeed in this once great country of ours....

btw R's...... YOU SUCK! :(

I've already said it was political. It was political from the beginning. It was political when it was written. That the troops wouldn't have known, does NOT make it better, Care.
what slander? I am not a pervert, or a pedophile as you have repeatedly suggested and never apologized for..... where have I slandered you?...The inbred racist hick obviously never learned ethics at home. When Ma and Pa are beddin' down with the chillun after a good meal of coon stew with a shine chaser, there's not a lot of time for manners.

the alabama girl approaches her daddy and asked him for the car, and he tells her, as he unzips, that she knows what she's gotta do to "earn it". She does and after a second says, "daddy, your dick tastes like SHIT" and dad says, "oh that's right...I forgot, your brother's got the car tonight!"

Yeah, you never slander me, do you pervert?

You need to get some professional help for this sickness of yours, the filth that is coming out of your mind here, is disgusting and reprehensible, not to mention offensive and perverted.
the military would NEVER HAVE BEEN INSULTED by this mistake of Kerry's or even known about it, IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR BUSH & CO exploiting it, and putting this statement right in front of the military's face, making SURE that they saw it, and in making sure they rook it as an insult from DEMS....

they did this, and made certain that the military saw it for POLITICAL PURPOSES ONLY..........

and you R suckers, bought in to it, and blame kerry for demoralizing the troops when it was YOU THAT made CERTAIN, they were DEMORALIZED....

its a pretty sad time indeed in this once great country of ours....

btw R's...... YOU SUCK! :(



WAAAaaahhhh! WAAAAaaaaaahhhh! You mean old repugs showed the world what a scumbucket Kerry is, and it's just not faaaaaair! Boohooo hhoooo!
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WAAAaaahhhh! WAAAAaaaaaahhhh! You mean old repugs showed the world what a scumbucket Kerry is, and it's just not faaaaaair! Boohooo hhoooo!

No, not at all....

you suck because you don't give shit about the troops moral, while claiming that you do, while waving flags before your homes and putting those yellow ribbons on your car, you spat on them and made sure the whole world spat on them too, all for the sake of exploiting Kerry's mistake, to help you "rile" the constituants that have given up on winning, and getting them to the polls....

yes, you suck...and you and your ilk have done nothing to boost the moral of our soldiers but making a big deal out of Kerry's statement and making it in to something it was not meant to do, which is HURT THE TROOPS....

And give you an opportunity to pull Kerry's actions as a 28 year old BACK UP AGAIN, not because Kerry is even up for election, because he is not, but because you saw an advantage in exploiting this statement of his that could benefit your party at the polls and whilst doing this, if YOU HURT THE TROOPS...IT DID NOT MATTER, AS LONG AS YOU COULD SAY THAT IT WAS "someone else" that was hurting the troops...when it really was you that was doing the demoralizing by putting this mispoken statement in front of them night and day for 4 days....

yeah, confirmed, you suck....

"Why would a career Naval veteran intentionally denigrate the troops?"

(The same reason he did in 1971 and 2004!)

bin kerry was never a carreer navy man. He served one enlistment and got out as fast as he could. So this one is even more laughable than the other ones Dixie.
what slander? I am not a pervert, or a pedophile as you have repeatedly suggested and never apologized for..... where have I slandered you?...The inbred racist hick obviously never learned ethics at home. When Ma and Pa are beddin' down with the chillun after a good meal of coon stew with a shine chaser, there's not a lot of time for manners.

the alabama girl approaches her daddy and asked him for the car, and he tells her, as he unzips, that she knows what she's gotta do to "earn it". She does and after a second says, "daddy, your dick tastes like SHIT" and dad says, "oh that's right...I forgot, your brother's got the car tonight!"

Yeah, you never slander me, do you pervert?

You need to get some professional help for this sickness of yours, the filth that is coming out of your mind here, is disgusting and reprehensible, not to mention offensive and perverted.

I assume you are referring to my post above from which you quoted. Please show me where your name is mentioned in that post. It is difficult to make "slander" stick when the post doesn't even mention you by name.

And you know what? The crap you were spewing about me felt pretty disgusting and reprehensible from my perspective.... and that didn't seem to stop you one bit.
bin kerry was never a carreer navy man. He served one enlistment and got out as fast as he could. So this one is even more laughable than the other ones Dixie.

gaffer needs to understand the terminology...Kerry NEVER served an ENLISTMENT.

ANd unlike George "nose candy" Bush, Kerry served with great distinction in the war... where he was decorated for some pretty fucking serious heroism, regardless of how the SBVT liars tried to smear him.
bin kerry was never a carreer navy man. He served one enlistment and got out as fast as he could. So this one is even more laughable than the other ones Dixie.

Where did Dick Cheney, George Bush, Tom Delay, Bill Frist, Karl Rove and Rush Limbaugh serve?
the military would NEVER HAVE BEEN INSULTED by this mistake of Kerry's or even known about it, IF IT HAD NOT BEEN FOR BUSH & CO exploiting it, and putting this statement right in front of the military's face, making SURE that they saw it, and in making sure they rook it as an insult from DEMS....

they did this, and made certain that the military saw it for POLITICAL PURPOSES ONLY..........

and you R suckers, bought in to it, and blame kerry for demoralizing the troops when it was YOU THAT made CERTAIN, they were DEMORALIZED....

its a pretty sad time indeed in this once great country of ours....

btw R's...... YOU SUCK! :(


Your right care4 the military shouldn't be getting to see the news from home. It might demoralize them. Lets get congress to immediately censor all their news and entertainment and keep them in the dark about what's really going on here. Its the liberal thing to do.

You blame Bush for kerry's statements being put out in public, but it was the MSM that put it out. I'm sure Bush sat back and smiled when it happened tho.

I'm an I, but I plan to vote R in this election so I guess I suck too.
I'm an I, but I plan to vote R in this election so I guess I suck too.

Oh're one of those "independents", that have been popping up over the last six months, who say they don't neccessariy support bush, or republicans, lockstep.

Who's the last Democratic presidential candidate you voted for? thanks.
you suck because you don't give shit about the troops moral

OMG! I don't believe you went there! After 3 years of hearing you trash and belittle their commander in chief, after the comments of Howard Dean, Jack Murtha, Ted Kennedy, Dennis Kusinich, and others, about how our troops can't win this war, our troops are baby killers, our troops are terrorists, our troops are uneducated, our troops are mindless pawns in Bush's unjust war...after listening to pinheads exploit every tid-bit of negative news on Iraq down to the daily body counts.... and you want to lecture ME about the morale of the troops? What fucking nerve!

...but because you saw an advantage in exploiting this statement of his that could benefit your party at the polls and whilst doing this, if YOU HURT THE TROOPS...

I see a definite advantage in showing the American people the true face of liberalism, and I don't have any regrets for that. I didn't make the asinine comments, John Kerry did! I simply exposed the ignorant spin that the Democrats (who will say or do anything to regain power) put on this! It's YOUR party who is protesting at their funerals, calling them "cold blooded murderers" and taking every opportunity to undermine their mission and objectives in Iraq.

It is John Kerry who betrayed his fellow comrades in 1971, and accused the troops of being terrorists in 2004. It is John Kerry who expressed his opinion about a volunteer army being subject to the poor and disadvantaged, and it is John Kerry who has voted against every major weapons system our military has in its arsenal, going back to the Reagan years.

Republicans are not the reason John Kerry felt compelled to issue his half-assed apology (on his web site, no less), republicans are not the ones cancelling appearances with Kerry and unless Hillary Clinton, Jim Webb, and Harold Ford, Jr. have switched parties, it's not republicans forcing Kerry to do a damn thing. Have Republicans made this an issue in the election? You are damn straight they have, and rightly so! People need to understand the kind of people they are about to elect to power in Congress, because in spite of the liberal-controlled media and opinion polls, Americans are who will decide on Tuesday, and they really need to be informed.
dixie still can't see the difference between HIS caring about the morale of the commander in chief, and democrats actually caring about the morale of the troops. Dixie would rather see five hundred more americans slaughtered in the senseless counterproductive carnage in Iraq if it meant that BGeorge W. Bush somehow kept his ego and approval ratings from falling completely in the toilet. Dixie could give a FUCK about our troops....he only cares about his beloved president in blue jeans.