Gaad puts the boot in the Veep

There is not a single indicator that points to a Harris win.

Not one.

That you WANT doesn't change reality - Comrade.

Harris is losing every battleground states AND the national average.

She is doing WORSE than Quid Pro was.

Here's what's going to happen:

Trump: 340
Harris: 198

And that's based on CNN

You're not just going to lose, it's going to be a landslide.

Will that translate down ballot? I hope so, but can't really say. As for the presidency though - you have literally zero chance of winning.
Yes, we've all heard about these Red Tsunamis before.

Looked more like the last squirt out of a Squirt gun!

Trump has done shot his load- and he is too pooped to pop anymore!

Oh Lord, is the world gonna' miss him!
She's an intellectual pygmy compared to Gad Saad, her honeymoon period won't last very long.
Compare her to Trump. That is the race. Trump is truly stupid. Listen to his speeches and you will get to WTF is he talking about every time. Harris has held several important positions and did well. She has won re-election.
Yes, we've all heard about these Red Tsunamis before.

Looked more like the last squirt out of a Squirt gun!

Trump has done shot his load- and he is too pooped to pop anymore!

Oh Lord, is the world gonna' miss him!


Harris is behind by double digits in every single battleground states.

But go with your delusion - I'll be happy to laugh at you.

Harris is behind by double digits in every single battleground states.

But go with your delusion - I'll be happy to laugh at you.
Yes, that's a really nice idea.

We can laugh together after the election results come in!

We may even have to break out a bottle of champagne!
Harris looks like she might subscribe to the ICC.
Hey- Netanyahu would be jailed for life and the US would cease to be a haven for retired war criminals !
Pseudo-Jews would be scurrying for the base-boards when the lights came on !
Haw, haw..........................................haw.

Yes, that's a really nice idea.

We can laugh together after the election results come in!

Oh, you're not going to be laughing - rioting is more likely.

We may even have to break out a bottle of champagne!

Dom Perignon to celebrate the second term for President Trump.

But you'll be out rioting , so I'll have to just split it with my wife...
Oh, you're not going to be laughing - rioting is more likely.

Dom Perignon to celebrate the second term for President Trump.

But you'll be out rioting , so I'll have to just split it with my wife...
I don't riot!

And let me give you a tip- If Trump don't watch his reckless mouth- HE'S GONNA BLOW IT! LOL!

He said some of the most stupid things just yesterday.
You better learn how to get along with Democrats dude. Because the way your party has gone crazy, they are going to lose the power that they once had.

Your party has gone so crazy, they may never be in power again unless they come back down to Earth and join the Human Race again! Fair warning!
So you are convinced the DNC will steal the election again. Interesting.
Why do leftists never specify anything valid and always appear to be either fabricating or outright lying?
Oh, so you need an example RETARD?

In his Minnesota stump speech Saturday, the Autocratic Idiot told his White Evangelicals, "You will never need to ever vote again, my Christian Friends, I am not a Christian, but you are, so I need for you to go out and vote for me this one last time".

What a complete idiot Trump is!

And what a complete Idiot you are- for not realizing it!

Next Idiot! PLEASE!
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So you are convinced the DNC will steal the election again. Interesting.
You never have to steal anything that is Free for the asking- all you have to do is ask with your vote, and be in the MAJORITY of askers!

You, TRUMP, and all of his idiots need to learn that MAJORITY is key here! The MAJORITY always wins elections.

Next crazy person PLEASE!
Oh, so you need an example RETARD?
Like I said, leftists can never specify anything valid. Citing a sound byte with all context removed is not valid.

I know what Trump was saying, just as his audience did, and it makes perfect sense. Once elected, Trump will fix the problem of DNC election-stealing, but he needs to get elected in order to fix the problem.

I feel bad for you having such shitty English comprehension that you can't grasp messages that are expressed in English, relegating you to eternal confusion and frustration.