Gang Raped In Hell

I can only imagine that that is a very expensive and painstaking process to insure that each and every individual that has sexually harmed a child has to suffer. Do you honestly not feel that there may be a better way?
I can only imagine that that is a very expensive and painstaking process to insure that each and every individual that has sexually harmed a child has to suffer. Do you honestly not feel that there may be a better way?
Once again, it isn't the suffering that is the goal.
No, it is just the result. I would hope the goal is to rehabilitate them. Give them a life sentence but allow the system to reconsider once that person has shown remorse and shows they can turn into a valueable member of society. That is my final thought on this one.
No suffering is not the goal removing the threat from society is the goal and possibly removing them from the gene pool. As it is growing more apparent that many forms of mental illness have hereditary tendancies.

And SF the repeats are not because of light sentences it is most often because of a mnetal problem, which is generally considered incurable.
No, it is just the result. I would hope the goal is to rehabilitate them. Give them a life sentence but allow the system to reconsider once that person has shown remorse and shows they can turn into a valueable member of society. That is my final thought on this one.
There is no rehabilitation that works for adults who commit sex crimes on children, the recidivism rate is as close to 100% as you can get, and it is my belief that the others were just better at not getting caught the second time around.

The point is, in those such as these where rehabilitation does not work it is best to simply remove them from society, including that of prison. They wouldn't be in Gen Pop as it is because of the nature of their crime.
No suffering is not the goal removing the threat from society is the goal and possibly removing them from the gene pool. As it is growing more apparent that many forms of mental illness have hereditary tendancies.

And SF the repeats are not because of light sentences it is most often because of a mnetal problem, which is generally considered incurable.

Through my own practice, to state that a 'mental problem' is uncureable, is very wrong. We all have the ability to train our mind to think certain ways. Now, it is impossible for me to physically cure the way your brain functions, but it is possible for me to offer wisdom and enlighten you. In other words, give you my word, and let you do the thinking. Allow for them to train their mind.
No, it is just the result. I would hope the goal is to rehabilitate them. Give them a life sentence but allow the system to reconsider once that person has shown remorse and shows they can turn into a valueable member of society. That is my final thought on this one.

But Damo is correct about their recidivism rate.

An abuser of children does not stop.

Theirs is the one case I make an exception.

I would not let them out.
There is no rehabilitation that works for adults who commit sex crimes on children, the recidivism rate is as close to 100% as you can get, and it is my belief that the others were just better at not getting caught the second time around.

The point is, in those such as these where rehabilitation does not work it is best to simply remove them from society, including that of prison. They wouldn't be in Gen Pop as it is because of the nature of their crime.

I can not beleive such a thing from my own experiences. But the result of this approach will only result in suffering for all. Since society will have to suffer financially, and the prisoner will suffer immensely, with no chance of them being rehabilitated. I just think that I would not want to settle for a system like that and would want a better one.
And SF the repeats are not because of light sentences it is most often because of a mnetal problem, which is generally considered incurable.

Which is WHY you do not give them light sentences. You put them away for life. If they are in prison, the odds of them abusing a child are what?

If you give them a light sentence... the odds become.... higher or lower?
But Damo is correct about their recidivism rate.

An abuser of children does not stop.

Theirs is the one case I make an exception.

I would not let them out.

Maybe it is a problem with the approach of how they are trying to rehabilitate them?

I freak out when it's kids. I mean, I can and have literally cried for days, not all day long, but everytime it came into my mind, with some of these stories. And I try to AVOID these stories. But sometimes you can't.

And also, I know that if anyone ever took my niece or nephew, and I had to imagine them terrified and alone, and then hurt, that if I got any opportunity, I would kill that person. In fact, I don't know if I could live with myself if I didn't kill them.

So after years of going back and forth, and even listening very closely and rationally to leftists whom I respect very much, like Ornot, I realized that I could no longer even say I was against the death penality in those cases, and those cases only. Because what a hypocrite I would be when I know I'd kill that person myself, if it happened to me.

It is for certain, that I would not let these people out of prison. And I mean, first offense.
I can not beleive such a thing from my own experiences. But the result of this approach will only result in suffering for all. Since society will have to suffer financially, and the prisoner will suffer immensely, with no chance of them being rehabilitated. I just think that I would not want to settle for a system like that and would want a better one.
If you want into one hand and spit into the other which gets full faster?

We have spent billions of dollars attempting to find a way to rehabilitate these people including putting them on watchlists and limiting the freedom of choosing where they can live and they still have the highest recidivism rate among any people incarcerated.

They gather together, now online, and find ways to get "away" with it, test out theories and sick plans on how to get into the pants and victimize children with no qualms. They create groups that believe that it is "natural" such as NAMBLA. There is no cause less just than to take the side that we should let them out again to victimize more of the innocent and contaminate humanity with their genes.

They chose this life to learn, some suffering may be necessary to teach the lesson they need to find in this lifetime.
Maybe it is a problem with the approach of how they are trying to rehabilitate them?

In 99 percent of the cases?

Maybe they are just evil?

And for people who reject that word, and sometimes I do myself, then it is just a mind so disturbed, and so twisted, that it cannot be fixed.

There are minds so damaged that even a psychiatrist will say it cannot be fixed. The bottom line is, I am not going to put my niece or nephew up as stakes in the gamble. So I am not going to ask anyone else to do so either. Also, frankly, whether it's children close to me or not, I'm just not going to put any child up.
IMO child sex crimes should get mandatory life in prison.

I like grown women. If I was arrested for that and made to go to counseling for it and made to sit in prison for 20 years....I'd still like grown women and I'd still hook up with one when I got out.

I think the same can be said of guys that like little boys and girls. Keep them in jail forever but no I don't support death penalty.
If you want into one hand and spit into the other which gets full faster?

We have spent billions of dollars attempting to find a way to rehabilitate these people including putting them on watchlists and limiting the freedom of choosing where they can live and they still have the highest recidivism rate among any people incarcerated.

They gather together, now online, and find ways to get "away" with it, test out theories and sick plans on how to get into the pants and victimize children with no qualms. They create groups that believe that it is "natural" such as NAMBLA. There is no cause less just than to take the side that we should let them out again to victimize more of the innocent and contaminate humanity with their genes.

They chose this life to learn, some suffering may be necessary to teach the lesson they need to find in this lifetime.

I just want to point out, that I too agree with you that society should not have to fear these cruel actions of these individuals. I agree that they should be put away and told it could be for life, and we can hope that they can rehabilitate themselves. But how does putting them on a watchlist or limiting their freedom actually change their whole thinking pattern? That does not sound like rehab, that sounds like tools for society due to the fact that the process to rehab them hasn't worked.
I freak out when it's kids. I mean, I can and have literally cried for days, not all day long, but everytime it came into my mind, with some of these stories. And I try to AVOID these stories. But sometimes you can't.

And also, I know that if anyone ever took my niece or nephew, and I had to imagine them terrified and alone, and then hurt, that if I got any opportunity, I would kill that person. In fact, I don't know if I could live with myself if I didn't kill them.

So after years of going back and forth, and even listening very closely and rationally to leftists whom I respect very much, like Ornot, I realized that I could no longer even say I was against the death penality in those cases, and those cases only. Because what a hypocrite I would be when I know I'd kill that person myself, if it happened to me.

It is for certain, that I would not let these people out of prison. And I mean, first offense.

I agree completely. This is why I have always supported the DP... but for these types of cases only. I do see the need to reduce the sentences from the DP to life for most currently on death row. But cases like this one are so blatantly inhuman, I have no problem treating them as inhuman.
I just want to point out, that I too agree with you that society should not have to fear these cruel actions of these individuals. I agree that they should be put away and told it could be for life, and we can hope that they can rehabilitate themselves. But how does putting them on a watchlist or limiting their freedom actually change their whole thinking pattern? That does not sound like rehab, that sounds like tools for society due to the fact that the process to rehab them hasn't worked.
You cannot change a person's sexual proclivity. Just as a homosexual will always be homosexual rehabilitation does not work.

They have them live together because of some unreasonable belief that they can stop the others from "relapsing". Rubbish. Keep them from schools and "temptation". Again Rubbish. Psychological councelling has not worked, nor does "harsher" sentences as long as they get out. There is no rehabilitation or program that works to keep them from their action.