Gang Raped In Hell

IMO child sex crimes should get mandatory life in prison.

I like grown women. If I was arrested for that and made to go to counseling for it and made to sit in prison for 20 years....I'd still like grown women and I'd still hook up with one when I got out.

I think the same can be said of guys that like little boys and girls. Keep them in jail forever but no I don't support death penalty.

I don't support the death penalty unless a death has occurred. For instance, the man who buried this 9 year old girl alive, after raping her. Or the man who tied his 6 year old step daughter to a chair and then beat her to death, after starving her, because she "stole" a yogurt out of the refrigerator. Because she was starving.

I am not going to argue to keep those things alive. If they are put in prison, for life, no possibility for parole, that's ok too. But I am not going to waste my energy on even arguing, or caring, if they do indeed get the death penalty.
I don't support the death penalty unless a death has occurred. For instance, the man who buried this 9 year old girl alive, after raping her. Or the man who tied his 6 year old step daughter to a chair and then beat her to death, after starving her, because she "stole" a yogurt out of the refrigerator. Because she was starving.

I am not going to argue to keep those things alive. If they are put in prison, for life, no possibility for parole, that's ok too. But I am not going to waste my energy on even arguing, or caring, if they do indeed get the death penalty.

Ya I'm definitely not going to mourn them lol.
So are you basically saying that NAMBLA is correct?
I am saying that they are so damaged that it cannot be "fixed". However it is not natural for a boy to love a man that way, so no, it may be in their nature to victimize children but it is not in the nature of children to relish their victimization and call it the same as adult "love".

Clearly you can see that there is a victim in their action, no matter how much they want you to believe it is "natural".

However you wanted to play "gotcha" rather than think it through.

Throughout I have explained that their victims are chidren. Had I believed it was in the nature of children and within their understanding to "love" that way I certainly wouldn't be arguing to remove these offenders entirely from society. My argument would be quite different.
I am saying that they are so damaged that it cannot be "fixed". However it is not natural for a boy to love a man that way, so no, it may be in their nature to victimize children but it is not in the nature of children to relish their victimization and call it the same as adult "love".

Clearly you can see that there is a victim in their action, no matter how much they want you to believe it is "natural".

However you wanted to play "gotcha" rather than think it through.

Throughout I have explained that their victims are chidren. Had I believed it was in the nature of children and within their understanding to "love" that way I certainly wouldn't be arguing to remove them entirely from society.

Relax Damo, I am not playing 'gotcha', I am merely seeing if you agree that their 'mental disorder' is something they have no control over, and understand why you have so much contempt for them if you feel that is the case.
Relax Damo, I am not playing 'gotcha', I am merely seeing if you agree that their 'mental disorder' is something they have no control over, and understand why you have so much contempt for them if you feel that is the case.
It isn't contempt, it is the realization that they cannot be "fixed" and that gambling with children as victims is not a compassionate idea.

The recidivism is too high and no solution has ever worked with these people, nor do I believe there is a "fix". The only real solution to keep children from continued victimization is to remove these people from society with no hope of returning upon their first conviction.
I'm with Damo on this one. If there is one thing worse than reading about one of these crimes, it's reading that the perp had committed a similar crime before & was already out of prison.

There's no justification for that. I can't even imagine how parents feel in those instances, knowing that someone who had shown they were capable of such a crime was actually free to do it again...
I'm with Damo on this one. If there is one thing worse than reading about one of these crimes, it's reading that the perp had committed a similar crime before & was already out of prison.

There's no justification for that. I can't even imagine how parents feel in those instances, knowing that someone who had shown they were capable of such a crime was actually free to do it again...

And in every one of the most henious ones it ends up that this was exactly the case. They were let out, and their sickness escalated, and the next time, they killed the child after abusing them.
And in every one of the most henious ones it ends up that this was exactly the case. They were let out, and their sickness escalated, and the next time, they killed the child after abusing them.

It's really painful to think about that, but you're right.

Not to heap more praise on Bill O'Reilly, but he really has been great about raising awareness of what goes on. There was a guy in Vermont who raped a pre-teen repeatedly over the course of a few years. The judge gave him a ridiculous sentence - it was either like 6 months, or no jail time at all & just therapy, and he actually gave the reason that extended jail time wouldn't help the victim at all, so why should he make it a longer sentence?

It was unreal...
It isn't contempt, it is the realization that they cannot be "fixed" and that gambling with children as victims is not a compassionate idea.

Good point that you are being compassionate by protecting children. Yet, I understand it may be true that these individuals might not have the ability to be 'fixed' as far as their desire goes, it may be possible to get them to understand the effect their sexual desire has on society. They don't have to perform those sexual acts, you know.

Damocles said:
The recidivism is too high and no solution has ever worked with these people, nor do I believe there is a "fix". The only real solution to keep children from continued victimization is to remove these people from society with no hope of returning upon their first conviction.

I'll repeat, good point. That the fear that you have for the children's safety is too great of a risk to society. But, I did agree with you that they need to be locked up for good unless they can somehow show they are rehab'd. It is very dangerous to assume they won't just do it again if you give them a regular sentence then let them go. They may even have to have constant surveilance on them even after they are released.
Damo, for example, Catholic Priests tend to have a high rate of sexual child abuse, though they vowed to stay celibate. Buddhist monks on the other hand, have been very good about keeping their big giant one eyed lizards in their robes.
Damo, for example, Catholic Priests tend to have a high rate of sexual child abuse, though they vowed to stay celibate. Buddhist monks on the other hand, have been very good about keeping their big giant one eyed lizards in their robes.
It is because any sexual misconduct is immediately punished by kicking them out of the orange and they are turned into the police if it is illegal, while the catholic church tried to rehabilitate them and moved then into other areas and helped to cover them up to avoid embarrassment.

This created an environment that actually attracted these people to the catholic priesthood.
It is because any sexual misconduct is immediately punished by kicking them out of the orange and they are turned into the police if it is illegal, while the catholic church tried to rehabilitate them and moved then into other areas and helped to cover them up to avoid embarrassment.

This created an environment that actually attracted these people to the catholic priesthood.

It is because any sexual misconduct is immediately punished by kicking them out of the orange and they are turned into the police if it is illegal.

If they break their vows they must wait until another life to reach nirvana. I am surprised that the Catholics don't do something about their church though and demand a more ethical church.
If they break their vows they must wait until another life to reach nirvana. I am surprised that the Catholics don't do something about their church though and demand a more ethical church.

Catholics are messed up. First of all, they all have persecution complexes, and are thus very hesitant to criticize other Catholics or the religion. They think it gives ammunition to their massive and multiple enemies.

Secondly, they don't like to touch anything to do with sex, thanks to the really effective brainwashings they got growing up, convincing them that they are all guilty. Who am I to throw a stone when I masturbated those two times? they will ask themselves, like good Catholics.
The Dalai Lama gives the Catholics a big :321:

Damo, I am having a buddhist party tonight and you are invited once again. We are going to roast you because, apperently, from what God told me, you've been masterbating a lot lately? Sorry to hear that man, if you just would have stayed celibate you wouldn't have had those temptations! Ha ha ha, ho ho ho!

Silly 'I don't want to be a monk' types. You never learn! :pke:
The Dalai Lama gives the Catholics a big :321:

Damo, I am having a buddhist party tonight and you are invited once again. We are going to roast you because, apperently, from what God told me, you've been masterbating a lot lately? Sorry to hear that man, if you just would have stayed celibate you wouldn't have had those temptations! Ha ha ha, ho ho ho!

Silly 'I don't want to be a monk' types. You never learn! :pke:
Well, I wouldn't call it "a lot"... Maybe "a ton"...
Does Buddhism have a problem with that too?
Monks can't do it, laymen can. Monks are forbidden any sexual contact at all, including masturbation. It is one of the reason that there are so few monks among billions of buddhists.


Anyway, punishment for a monk caught masturbating is different than one participating in mutual masturbation or another sexual act with another which gets them kicked out of the orange.