Gang Raped In Hell

Monks can't do it, laymen can. Monks are forbidden any sexual contact at all, including masturbation. It is one of the reason that there are so few monks among billions of buddhists.


Anyway, punishment for a monk caught masturbating is different than one participating in mutual masturbation or another sexual act with another which gets them kicked out of the orange.

Ok! I just blushed. lol.

I was just wondering about the religion. So the Monks are just like Catholic priests. I always wondered about those guys, like, how is it they don't just explode? I think that's why there are so few priests too, and there's a shortage now.
Ok! I just blushed. lol.

I was just wondering about the religion. So the Monks are just like Catholic priests. I always wondered about those guys, like, how is it they don't just explode? I think that's why there are so few priests too, and there's a shortage now.
Dreaming about it isn't a sin, if you don't get normal release you will have those dreams, you know....
I didn't realize the recidivism rate was so high. That's really scary. On the one hand I think people deserve a chance to make amends, pay their debts to society and move on, but on the other when you weigh the risks and the severity of giving them normal sentences on first glance I'm inclined to give them life in prison. But I think giving them long sentences uninterrupted by parole is more of what I'd be inclined to support. 25 years of hard time for each act of child abuse is sufficient punishment. I think the recidivism rate is so high because these animals get out way too early.
I'd never give them the death penalty though. I agree with Damo & Once on this one. The state should not have the power to kill you. They've already proven to be highly irresponsible. But
I just want to assure you, it's not me. I was talking about your war on kittens, and was not looking for that visual.

LOL! I know! I scrolled down, and chuckled at what you wrote and then I get to Dalai's post and I'm like, "what the.....?" mind in the gutter. He actually gives us a run for our money.
LOL! I know! I scrolled down, and chuckled at what you wrote and then I get to Dalai's post and I'm like, "what the.....?" mind in the gutter. He actually gives us a run for our money.

Why thank you LadyT. If we simply just put our minds together, you never know what type of outcome can be derived from a healthy debate. After much thought to this, I believe that Damo has a good, clear mind on this one. It is most important to remove the threat from society that could harm the little ones, without actually killing the abuser. Though, I have often thought that maybe making a spectacle out of these abusers might make a little bit of an impact. What if we made these child abusers write a report on their crime, stating why what they did was wrong, and give a public speech apologizing, carrying their shame, might actually make some people think twice. They wouldn't want to be the next person on the podium holding their head low. This is a turn-around from my previous approach but the facts that Damo provided warranted a different approach.