Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

Hamas, on the State Department list of terrorist groups, slaughtered more than 1000 innocent Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, including the beheading and burning alive of Israeli infants.

They took hostages, a violation of the Geneva Convention.

They are barbarians and are being decimated, as we speak.

Show me where the Israelis are going block by block exterminating every Palestinian they find.
That's not Israel's methodology.

The IDF selects apartment buildings, shopping centers, schools, hospitals, and other populations centers in which to launch air strikes.

This is what is happening and you know it.

This is illegal everywhere and you know it.

So which is it, your HATRED of Arabs, your HATRED of children, your support for genocides, or all three?
Hamas, on the State Department list of terrorist groups, slaughtered more than 1000 innocent Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, including the beheading and burning alive of Israeli infants.
That is an error. The organization that perpetrated the Oct 7th attack on Israel was Al Qassam, a well-funded, violent, militant terrorist organization.

Hamas is a political party with no army. They cannot attack anyone.

They took hostages, a violation of the Geneva Convention.
The taking of hostages makes those Al Qassam militants lawbreakers. They should be brought to justice.

They are barbarians and are being decimated, as we speak.
Nobody is doing anything to Al Qassam, the Oct. 7th attackers. Innocent civilian noncombatants who never attacked Israel are being ethnically cleansed by the IDF while being demonized by ignorant shits who have no idea what's going on.
The Al Qassam brigades are the military arm of Hamas and EVERYBODY says so, including Hamas!

The above is willful ignorance. Nothing else can explain someone being that dishonest other than gross stupidity. The above implies that Al Qassam is somehow subservient to, and takes marching orders from, Hamas.

Al Qassam is entirely funded by Iran and takes marching orders only from the Ayatollah. Even Al Qassam says so. After all, Iran is the only entity who has ever attacked Israel (through its proxies Al Qassam, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad) over the last forty years*.

* - with the lone exception of Saddam Hussein's few desperate SCUD missile attacks of no consequence.
That's not Israel's methodology.

The IDF selects apartment buildings, shopping centers, schools, hospitals, and other populations centers in which to launch air strikes.

This is what is happening and you know it.

This is illegal everywhere and you know it.

So which is it, your HATRED of Arabs, your HATRED of children, your support for genocides, or all three?

It isn't illegal if there is a valid military purpose to attacking those things. For example, if the enemy regularly uses schools, hospitals, and shopping centers as points of command and control, resistance, and for other military purposes hoping to gain propaganda value if those are attacked, then the opposing military is free to blow the fuck out of them as military targets. Civilian casualties are collateral damage caused by the misuse of these as military locations.

If mosques and minarets are used regularly by one side in a war as military positions, then the other side is free to drop them to rubble to avoid causalities and the side using them is in the wrong.

Hamas uses shopping centers, schools, hospitals, and other similar sites as military infrastructure. That is a proven fact. They do it regularly and often. It is a normal part of their military operations. That makes those military targets and if civilians are present that's on Hamas.
There is no genocide.
It's a genocide and it's an ethnic cleansing, i.e. Team Israel's two great tastes that taste great together. It melts in your mouth, not in your hands. It softens your Gaza while you do the dishes, and it lasts a long, long, long time.
That is an error. The organization that perpetrated the Oct 7th attack on Israel was Al Qassam, a well-funded, violent, militant terrorist organization.

Hamas is a political party with no army. They cannot attack anyone.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
It's a genocide and it's an ethnic cleansing, i.e. Team Israel's two great tastes that taste great together. It melts in your mouth, not in your hands. It softens your Gaza while you do the dishes, and it lasts a long, long, long time.
There is no genocide. There is no ethnic cleansing.
So, you trust

I'm still 100% certain that you don't know what genocide means. Israel could "genocide" Gaza into oblivion if it desired to. Meanwhile, Hamas, on 10/7, actually would have genocide-d Israel into oblivion if they had the means because...... Mohammed.
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That's not Israel's methodology.

The IDF selects apartment buildings, shopping centers, schools, hospitals, and other populations centers in which to launch air strikes.

Correct. They do that because Hamas uses schools, hospitals and other civilian areas as military locations. They do that because they know that Israel will be slowed by their desire to not kill civilians.
So, you trust

I'm still 100% certain that you don't know what genocide means. Israel could "genocide" Gaza into oblivion if it desired to. Meanwhile, Hamas, on 10/7, actually would have genocide-d Israel into oblivion if they had the means because...... Mohammed.
Genocide is targeting an ethnic group for death, merely by belonging to a group.

DEFINITION OF GENOCIDE IN THE CONVENTION: The current definition of Genocide is set out in Article II of the Genocide Convention: Genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:(a) Killing members of the group;(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.