Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

The IDF is enforcing the 2nd Nakba through genocide, as defined formally in Article II of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The ethnicity being cleansed from Gaza are the Arab Semites that the Jewish Semites HATE.
They fear them. They know they are in the wrong- by Man's law and by god's. Their brazen claim to be ' chosen' leaves them with the dubious comforts of being ' god's chosen ethnic cleansers, murderers, thieves and child-killers '- and there is no god on earth or in heaven who can survive with such damning characteristics. Rome fell. If their god is an anti-human entity- then what are the Zionist Jews ?
It was also mentioned that the missile strike by The IDF projected very hot shrapnel into a munitions location that was estimated to be a hundred meters away. The IDF has already acknowledged what happened and is investigating.
Yep only reason things went out of control is because Hamas yet again was storing large amounts of explosives and weapons inside a civilian camp
They fear them. They know they are in the wrong- by Man's law and by god's. Their brazen claim to be ' chosen' leaves them with the dubious comforts of being ' god's chosen ethnic cleansers, murderers, thieves and child-killers '- and there in no god on earth or in heaven who can survive with such damning characteristics. If their god is an anti-human entity- then what are the Zionist Jews ?
Satan worshippers, sir.

the children of yaldabaoth.

the people of the snake.
Satan worshippers, sir.

the children of yaldabaoth.

the people of the snake.
They force their children to read and memorize tomes of myth and outright lies until their eyesight and health fails. No children, anywhere, should be subjected to the insanities and errors of miseducation by their parents.


Then they grow up into this ;

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On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.
Yep only reason things went out of control is because Hamas yet again was storing large amounts of explosives and weapons inside a civilian camp
It's sounding more and more like that is probably the case. Unfortunately for Israel, Hamas is winning the PR war because people aren't taking the time to truly understand who Hamas is and what they are capable of doing. Credit to Israel for maintaining the course and continuing to try to wipe out a terrorist organization despite pressure on them to stop.

They force their children to read and memorize tomes of myth and outright lies until their eyesight and health fails. No children, anywhere, should be subjected to the insanities and errors of miseducation by their parents.


Then they grow up into this ;

looks like the freak show people at the carnival.
It's sounding more and more like that is probably the case. Unfortunately for Israel, Hamas is winning the PR war because people aren't taking the time to truly understand who Hamas is and what they are capable of doing. Credit to Israel for maintaining the course and continuing to try to wipe out a terrorist organization despite pressure on them to stop.
hamas was an operation started by Israel as a counter group to PLO and Fatah.

a controlled opposition if you will.
'An Orgy of Jewish Supremacy and Antidemocratic Euphoria '

That criminals do not respect law is unsurprising. That fascist Jews do not respect law is a given.

Now let's see what can be done about it.


How to Recognize and React to Duper’s Delight

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Spot lies like a pro
Co-authored by Carmine Shannon
Last Updated: December 12, 2023 Fact Checked
If you’ve ever felt a spark of joy when a lie of yours went unnoticed, that was duper’s delight. Duper’s delight, or duping delight, is the experience of getting a little kick of dopamine when you get away with something scott free. While it’s often experienced when the deceiver feels no one has gotten hurt, it’s an emotion that can lead people to tell bigger and bigger lies. If you think you or someone you’re interacting with is experiencing duper’s delight, read this article to learn the signs and appropriate responses to the phenomenon. Put your Sherlock Holmes’ hats on and let’s get lie detecting.

Things You Should Know​

  • Duper’s delight is the joy someone experiences after they get away with a lie.
  • Signs of duper’s delight are flashes of inappropriate smiles, crinkled eyes, and lip biting.
  • The best way to deal with duper’s delight is to recognize it, encourage the truth, and disengage from the person if you keep seeing it.
