Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

I have posted relevant articles here on JPP, and now you want me to spam by posting it all again ... when you could just read the conventions.
Zencommode specializes in feigning dumbassness. He's a failed nuisance. Not much of a c.v., is it.
Agree. He asks the same question over and over. He ignores the response.
Correct. I posted the two items that I read, that you are claiming proof genocide, but I don't see specifically what you are referring to. What specifically is Israel doing that is genocidal? Of the bulleted items, which one are you referring to? Or, which sentence, group of sentences or paragraph are you referring to that makes it clear that genocide is happening?

You can't just say "civilians are dying so it's genocide".
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Correct. I posted the two items that I read, that you are claiming proof genocide, but I don't see specifically what you are referring to. What specifically is Israel doing that is genocidal?
Targeting non combat civilians for death.
Targeting non combat civilians for death.
They aren't targeting non-combat civilians. Israel has gone above and beyond to get civilians out. They dropped leaflets warning civilians, they sent mass text messages to areas they were going to bomb and they used the non-damaging bombs to shake buildings to warn people to leave. What other military, that you know of, has done that?
They aren't targeting non-combat civilians. Israel has gone above and beyond to get civilians out. They dropped flyers, they sent mass text messages to areas they were going to bomb and they used the non-damaging bombs to shake buildings to warn people to leave. What other military, that you know of, has done that?
Moving civilians is another tactic of genocide.
Moving civilians is another tactic of genocide.
Then what should ANY country do when at war if you can't warn them or leave them in harms way?

BTW, you just claimed that EVERY war is genocidal because there are literally no non-genocidal options to protect civilians.
You literally do not know the definition of genocide.
What is a country at war supposed to do to protect civilians? You're saying they can't warn them, because moving is genocide, but they can't kill them because that is also genocide. Explain it to me like I'm 8 years old.
What is a country at war supposed to do to protect civilians? You're saying they can't warn them, because moving is genocide, but they can't kill them because that is also genocide. Explain it to me like I'm 8 years old.
Genocide is not just killing people. It is a coordinated effort. You keep saying genocide has to be efficient or it cannot be genocide. No genocide historian in the world would agree with that.
Below are the two items I've seen posted.
Good. Whether you decide to look at it as the IDF destroying an ethnic group (Arab Semites) or a religious group (Muslims) or an ethnic religious group (Muslim Arab Semites), the ethnic/religious cleansing perpetrated by the IDF meets the definition you understand that Israel ratified.

Is there something else I should read to understand the claim that Israel is committing genocide?
Yes, the Fourth Geneva Convention, to put Israel's atrocities and war crimes into proper context.
Genocide is not just killing people. It is a coordinated effort. You keep saying genocide has to be efficient or it cannot be genocide. No genocide historian in the world would agree with that.
I would caution you against pretending to speak for anyone but yourself. The correct answer is that the definition of Genocide, as ratified by Israel, does not contain any such requirement.
Genocide is not just killing people. It is a coordinated effort. You keep saying genocide has to be efficient or it cannot be genocide. No genocide historian in the world would agree with that.
I've never said it has to be efficient. I've said that Israel, if they were seeking genocide, would have killed a LOT more civilians than they have using the weapons available to them. I've also said that Israel is going above and beyond to warn civilians about upcoming bombings but apparently warning them, so they can go somewhere else, is genocide also.

Again, explain what I'm missing.