Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

Good. Whether you decide to look at it as the IDF destroying an ethnic group (Arab Semites) or a religious group (Muslims) or an ethnic religious group (Muslim Arab Semites), the ethnic/religious cleansing perpetrated by the IDF meets the definition you understand that Israel ratified.

Yes, the Fourth Geneva Convention, to put Israel's atrocities and war crimes into proper context.
Go read it. No war crime by Israel. Hamas has plenty of them though.
I've never said it has to be efficient. I've said that Israel, if they were seeking genocide, would have killed a LOT more civilians than they have using the weapons available to them. I've also said that Israel is going above and beyond to warn civilians about upcoming bombings but apparently warning them, so they can go somewhere else, is genocide also.

Again, explain what I'm missing.
He's missing the content of the Geneva conventions. He apparently never read them.
No skill needed, the terrorist pigs you defend constantly place munitions among civilian structures and fire off rockets and artillery from civilian structures and then feign shock when those blow and kill their own people.
Which itself is a war crime by Hamas under the Geneva conventions. Of course, they never signed on to the Conventions in the first place!
Self-defense may not entail a war of itself-
Or it may.
and any resulting occupation must only be temporary. That's the law.
who's law and define "temporary". The US occupied Afghanistan for, what" 20 years?
Palestine also has a right to defend itself. Oct 7th was a reprisal action.
So, Palestine chose war as a form of reprisal for, what, Britain giving land to Israel and Arabs?
Go read it.
I have read it thoroughly. What questions do you have?

No war crime by Israel.
The IDF has commited many egregious war crimes per the Fourth Geneva Convention. The most egregious is the rampant slaughter of civilian noncombatants the IDF is required to protect.

Hamas has plenty of them though.
Please, enlighten me ... without conflating Hamas with Al Qassam, of course.
Whoever "they" are. Do you normally blame innocent people for the crimes inflicted upon them? It takes a particularly shitty person to do that.
Every war has civilian casualties, especially when urban warfare is involved.. Those casualties are increased when your own government uses you as human shields.
You are trying to change history, dude. That won't work.
You are denying history, dude. Iran is the only source of attacks on Israel, using its proxies Al Qassam, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. Your attempts to revise history will only work on other members of Team Israel.

Today's episode of Sesame Street is brought to you by the number 38,000 and the word "Nakba."
Please, enlighten me ... without conflating Hamas with Al Qassam, of course.

Unfortunately for your argument, al-Qassam IS Hamas.

Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group, has been governing the Gaza Strip since 2007.

Its military wing, the Qassam Brigades, carried out attacks inside Israel on October 7, killing more than 1,400 people and taking up about 200 people captive, sending shockwaves across Israel.


You cannot blame the war crimes by Hamas on Israel.
I promise that I won't. I will only blame Israel's egregious war crimes and Israel's genocide on Israel.

You can't blame Israel's genocide on either its victims or a political party, regardless of whether they might be HATERS.

I see you are still conflating Al Qassam with Hamas in order to justify Israel's genocide. I also notice that it works like a charm on Team Israel.

Do a search on "Hamas fighters" and you'll get lots of pictures of these:


Lots of well armed and well-funded Al Qassam militants who take their orders from the Ayatollah of Iran.