Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

I don't know how you can respond either. You have already attempted to blame Hamas war crimes on Israel,
Explain. I don't recall ever doing any such thing. In fact, I can't recall any Hamas war crimes.

All I can recall are the heinous Oct 7th crimes of Al Qassam, just in case you are intentionally conflating Hamas with Al Qassam (Team Israel is uniformly dishonest in this way).

Please explain.

and ignored important sections of the Geneva Conventions,
... such as?
You really should, but carry on as you must.

No. I'm posting to make people aware of your wacky attitude on this and where it's coming from.
The conventions. Israel is violating them egregiously. I demand accountability. You are on record as having forgiven Israel of all atrocities in advance. You cheer on Israel's genocide of Arab Semites. That's a pretty shitty thing to do.

You cannot blame the war crimes of Hamas on Israel.
You deliberately conflate Hamas with Al Qassam so as to justify your cheering on of Israel's genocide that you forgave ex post facto.

A partial signatory. Not all elements are agreed to by Israel.
Israel is a full signatory without any reservations or caveats, to the Fourth Geneva Convention, as well as being a full signatory without reservations or caveats to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

You cannot blame the war crimes of Hamas on Israel.
You should not falsely accuse.
'They' is defined, IBD. 'They' is Hamas militants.
Incorrect. Follow along next time. ZenMode clarified that "they" refers to Al Qassam, the perpetrators of the October 7th attack.

It is HAMAS using human shields.
I never imagined that you would become this dishonest.

It is not possible for anyone to "hide behind human shields" when Israel is simply blowing away civilian noncombatants who they are required to protect, in a genocide that you deny. How many children are you hoping the IDF snuff out?

You cannot blame Israel for Hamas war crimes.
You should not falsely accuse.
You've already broken THAT promise!
Nope. You are being dishonest again ...

You cannot blame Hamas war crimes on Israel.
Like I said, I will continue to blame Israel only for Israel's war crimes and no one else's. I will not blame Hamas for Israel's war crimes, as you are want to do.

There is no genocide.
Definitely a genocide, with an ethnic cleansing on top. 2nd Nakba in progress.
All because you are believing Hamas propaganda.
You like to repeat this refrain in your dishonesty, but I haven't heard/seen/read anything from Hamas. I get my information from Israeli sources; they virtue-signal their HATRED and their war crimes. The Israelis make a mockery of everything you are saying.

The Israelis are full signatories to the aforementioned conventions and are violating them egregiously. You haven't even bothered to read them because you have already excused Israel's genocide.

How many Arab Semite children are you hoping become worm food when the 2nd Nakba concludes?
Nope. Follow the money. Hamas has none.

Al Qassam was. Hamas was not. Al Qassam are killers. Hamas are impotent HATERS.

Nope. Now that the IDF has decimated a political party with no military, you'll see that Al Qassam has not been affected in any way (they didn't hang around in Gaza). Al Qassam will continue serving the Ayatollah and will continue to be the well-funded killers that they've always been.

All those of Team Israel who believe that Israel has somehow wreaked vengeance on the Oct 7th attackers will be disappointed to learn that the IDF attacked innocent noncombatants and did not cause any of the actual attackers to even need a Band-Aid.

Al Qassam is drinking virgin maragaritas somewhere.

Al Qassam is a proxy of Iran.
Al -Qassam is Hamas' military arm. The fact that they are funded by someone else is irrelevant. The US funds IDF and Ukraine's military. So do other countries. Those militaries are still the military of the country who directs and provides the troops.
Al -Qassam is Hamas' military arm.
Nope. Al Qassam is Iran's proxy, funded by the Ayatollah $100 million annually to do his bidding.

The fact that they are funded by someone else is irrelevant.
The fact that Iran funds Al Qassam to do the Ayatollah's bidding precludes Al Qassam from somehow belonging to anyone else. The Ayatollah owns Al Qassam. Period.

It's the same with Hezbollah.

It's the same with Islamic Jihad.

The US funds IDF and Ukraine's military.
... and if the US attached any strings, the IDF would have to decide whether to accept the funding along with the strings.

The Ayatollah attaches all the strings, and Al Qassam want the money, so they accept Iran's total control.
Nope. Al Qassam is Iran's proxy, funded by the Ayatollah $100 million annually to do his bidding.

The fact that Iran funds Al Qassam to do the Ayatollah's bidding precludes Al Qassam from somehow belonging to anyone else. The Ayatollah owns Al Qassam. Period.

It's the same with Hezbollah.

It's the same with Islamic Jihad.

... and if the US attached any strings, the IDF would have to decide whether to accept the funding along with the strings.

The Ayatollah attaches all the strings, and Al Qassam want the money, so they accept Iran's total control.
Be careful you don't hurt your shoulder reaching the way you are.
Hamas/Palestine attacked Israel.
Only the 100 or so Al Qassam militants attacked Israel, not any of the civilian residents of Gaza. Justice needs to be delivered to the attackers, not to civilian non-combatants for being Arab.

Do you deserve a death sentence just because someone else commited murder?
Only the 100 or so Al Qassam militants attacked Israel, not any of the civilian residents of Gaza. Justice needs to be delivered to the attackers, not to civilian non-combatants for being Arab.

Do you deserve a death sentence just because someone else commited murder?
Only a small portion of a country's population fights in war. That's generally how militaries work.

When your elected government decides to do something, like attack a neighboring country for over and over and over, the consequences of that are often not relegated to only those members of government involved. That is why civilian deaths/collateral damage are standard in war.
Or it may.

No- 'may' is a modal verb
The adverb ' not ' governs the modal verb to form a negative statement.

There is no ambiguity in the phrase ' You may not start a war '

Good wriggle though. Amusing. That's the sort of wriggle that naughty Jews might use in order to try to stay out of jail.