Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

define "temporary". The US occupied Afghanistan for, what" 20 years?
The , failed, US occupation of Afghanistan was never challenged under international law to the point wherein judgement on its legality was ever made. Had it been, then the court would certainly have ruled in favor of the spirit of the law.
The Israeli occupation has recently been condemned by the UN along those lines. You can take that as your precedent.
The bomb fragments have been identified as American, you desperate wee genocidal numpty.

Hamas, on the State Department list of terrorist groups, slaughtered more than 1000 innocent Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023, including the beheading and burning alive of Israeli infants.

They took hostages, a violation of the Geneva Convention.

They are barbarians and are being decimated, as we speak.

Ruh roh! There’s the beheading lie again.
You are changing the topic. By saying that Hamas and Israel are equal, you are essentially saying that first degree murder and involuntary manslaughter are the same thing.
Want a body count since 1947 to see who’s equal? I can probably look that up for you, but it won’t look good for your pro-Israeli stance.
Bullshit. Indiscriminate bombing.
Gaza has about 2 million people in a very small area. Indiscriminate bombing would look much different. Israel dropped leaflets across Rafah warning civilians to get out. They've been doing that, and more, since before the invasion started.

How are you so uninformed on such important details of many big events?
who's law
9. Overshadowing the arguments in Paragraph 8 above is the undeniable fact that the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact of 1928, as definitively glossed by the International Tribunal at Nuremberg in 1948, has abolished forever the idea of acquisition of territory by military conquest. No matter who was the aggressor, international borders cannot change by the process of war. Resort to war is itself illegal, and while self-defense is of course legal, the self-defense cannot go so far as to constitute a new war of aggression all its own. And if it does, the land taken may at best be temporarily occupied, but cannot be annexed.

The Legal Boundaries of Israel in International Law
Anthony D'Amato
Leighton Professor of Law
Northwestern University School of Law
Gaza has about 2 million people in a very small area. Indiscriminate bombing would look much different. Israel dropped leaflets across Rafah warning civilians to get out. They've been doing that, and more, since before the invasion started.

How are you so uninformed on such important details of many big events?
Everybody is already familiar with the genocidal Jews' ' Ethnic cleansing by ' phone and post '. Your attempt to pass it off under a cloak of humanitarian concerns marks you as a genocidal Zionist yourself.
The world at large has also already observed that the genocidal Jews use such ' warnings ' to herd civilians into areas wherein they can more easily be killed

Naughty Jews are going to jail
Gaza has about 2 million people in a very small area. Indiscriminate bombing would look much different. Israel dropped leaflets across Rafah warning civilians to get out. They've been doing that, and more, since before the invasion started.

How are you so uninformed on such important details of many big events?
The problem is, dumbfuck. They got bombed on their “way out”. There is no place to hide anymore.

You want history, pally boy? Look at the history of why 750,000 or so Palestinians would up in the world’s largest concentration camp in the first place.
I've posted it over and over and over.....but you get your "need" from Al Jazeera, so....
Fascist regimes ban the free press. The Israeli fascists have banned Al Jazeera. They have also assassinated Al Jazeera journalists- so your evident fear of a free press clearly stems from your own fascistic inclinations.

All in all you're coming across as a prosemitic asshole, aincha. You'll enjoy this- Jewish scum attacking the funeral of the Al Jazeera journalist they murdered;

Naughty Jews are going to jail.
Everybody is already familiar with the genocidal Jews' ' Ethnic cleansing by ' phone and post '. Your attempt to pass it off under a cloak of humanitarian concerns marks you as a genocidal Zionist yourself.
The world at large has also already observed that the genocidal Jews use such ' warnings ' to herd civilians into areas wherein they can more easily be killed

Naughty Jews are going to jail
The world has, as anyone should, expressed concern for civilian deaths and the impact of war on civilians in general. The far left and, of course, Muslims are the only ones bringing up genocide. Ironically, when it's the US, and not Jews, invading a country (Iraq) and killing tens of thousands of civilians, there are no protests or concerns.
The world has, as anyone should, expressed concern for civilian deaths and the impact of war on civilians in general. The far left and, of course, Muslims are the only ones bringing up genocide. Ironically, when it's the US, and not Jews, invading a country (Iraq) and killing tens of thousands of civilians, there are no protests or concerns.
The ICC and ICJ genocide charges are being brought by..............................................................................?

There were massive protests against the illegal invasion of Iraq. Maybe you were off at some torture convention in a Tel Aviv cellar .

How about you acknowledge that your balloon is irreparably pricked and fuck off now ?
When your elected government decides to do something, like attack a neighboring country
Iran attacked Israel. Gazans were just going about their daily lives. You still haven't explained why Israel's genocide of Gazan civilian noncombatants should be excused, except for possibly your HATRED for Arabs ... or is it for Muslims?

Why is it OK, in your opinion, for the IDF to send indirect fire into civilian population centers of no military value, killing people who never attacked Israel?

Why do you insist that simply being Arab and/or Muslim somehow warrants a death sentence?

the consequences of that are often not relegated to only those members of government involved.
What if there is no "that", but only the declaration of "that" by those who are singularly focused on justifying a genocide? You can't bring back all the children who are slaughtered out of RACIST HATRED.

I find it shitty that there are so many people such as you who are so heavily vested in disinformation and false narratives, with zero interest in seeking to bring to justice those who actually perpetrated the heinous Oct 7th attack on Israel, but who have every intention of seeing slaughtered many thousands of children and other civilian noncombatants who never attacked Israel.

People such as you will leverage every lie possible just to keep the genocide running 24/7. That is very shitty.

That is why civilian deaths/collateral damage are standard in war.
Nope. Violations of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide are never considered acceptable and/or "standard."
The world has, as anyone should, expressed concern for civilian deaths and the impact of war on civilians in general.
... but Team Israel is ice cold in response, instead finding the slaughter of innocents too exhilirating to allow a ceasefire to diminish the death-rate.

The far left and, of course, Muslims are the only ones bringing up genocide.
Drastically incorrect.

Ironically, when it's the US, and not Jews, invading a country (Iraq) and killing tens of thousands of civilians, there are no protests or concerns.
Drastically incorrect.
Iran attacked Israel. Gazans were just going about their daily lives. You still haven't explained why Israel's genocide of Gazan civilian noncombatants should be excused, except for possibly your HATRED for Arabs ... or is it for Muslims?

Why is it OK, in your opinion, for the IDF to send indirect fire into civilian population centers of no military value, killing people who never attacked Israel?

Why do you insist that simply being Arab and/or Muslim somehow warrants a death sentence?

What if there is no "that", but only the declaration of "that" by those who are singularly focused on justifying a genocide? You can't bring back all the children who are slaughtered out of RACIST HATRED.

I find it shitty that there are so many people such as you who are so heavily vested in disinformation and false narratives, with zero interest in seeking to bring to justice those who actually perpetrated the heinous Oct 7th attack on Israel, but who have every intention of seeing slaughtered many thousands of children and other civilian noncombatants who never attacked Israel.

People such as you will leverage every lie possible just to keep the genocide running 24/7. That is very shitty.

Nope. Violations of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide are never considered acceptable and/or "standard."
The only thing you have mentioned is that Israel is targeting civilians. You claim that is in violation of the Geneva convention. Yet, it is widely known that Israel has done all that they reasonably can to warn civilians so they can leave the areas being bombed. They have done knock bombs, they have sent Mass texts to people in certain areas and may have dropped leaflets from the sky to warn them. What specifically should Israel do differently in your opinion?
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The only thing you have mentioned is that Israel is targeting civilians. You claim that is in violation of the Geneva convention. Yet, it is widely known that Israel has done all that they reasonably can to warn civilians so they can leave the areas being bombed. They have done knock bombs, they have sent Mass texts to people in certain areas and may have dropped leaflets from the sky to warn them.
These Israeli ethnic cleansing methods. Are you really sure you want to present them as humanitarian gestures ? Would you comply with a phone call telling you that your house will be demolished by bombing in ten minutes ? Would you thank the caller for being humanitarian ?

It really is time that you fucked off. You have nothing in your locker. You are a sick Zionist.

These Israeli ethnic cleansing methods. Are you really sure you want to present them as humanitarian gestures ? Would you comply with a phone call telling you that your house will be demolished by bombing in ten minutes ? Would you thank the caller for being humanitarian ?

It really is time that you fucked off. You have nothing in your locker. You are a sick Zionist.

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What specifically should Israel do differently in the current situation where the are fighting war in an urban area and their government is intentionally putting their own civilians in harms way. Again...what SPECIFICALLY.