Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

Want a body count since 1947 to see who’s equal? I can probably look that up for you, but it won’t look good for your pro-Israeli stance.

Can you also find another example of a government intentionally using civilian areas and buildings as military locations?
What specifically should Israel do differently in the current situation where the are fighting war in an urban area and their government is intentionally putting their own civilians in harms way. Again...what SPECIFICALLY.
Your premise is false. So are you. Fuck off.
Can you also find another example of a government intentionally using civilian areas and buildings as military locations?
I can give you an example of a government forcing 750,000 indigenous people out of their homes and off of their land.

In fact, I can give you two. Israel and the country supplying them arms to kill innocent human beings.
I can give you an example of a government forcing 750,000 indigenous people out of their homes and off of their land.

In fact, I can give you two. Israel and the country supplying them arms to kill innocent human beings.
Yep, Arabs did not like the fact that Britain gave some of their land to the Jews. Around the same time, Muslims and Hindus fought a major war that resulted in Pakistan coming into existence. World war II resulted in an estimated 30 million civilian deaths. Wars are often not pretty. Of course, that is not really the point right now. The point now is the claim that Israel is committing genocide.
Yep, Arabs did not like the fact that Britain gave some of their land to the Jews. Around the same time, Muslims and Hindus fought a major war that resulted in Pakistan coming into existence. World war II resulted in an estimated 30 million civilian deaths. Wars are often not pretty. Of course, that is not really the point right now. The point now is the claim that Israel is committing genocide.
They are slaughtering innocent human beings. Again. Still.

BTW, Britain did not give the land to the Israelis. They were chickenshit and washed their hands of it. The UN did. And thus the creation of the world’s largest concentration camp.
They are slaughtering innocent human beings. Again. Still.

BTW, Britain did not give the land to the Israelis. They were chickenshit and washed their hands of it. The UN did. And thus the creation of the world’s largest concentration camp.
Nope the UN and Britain agreed to give the land to Jews and the rest to Arabs.

Slaughtering human being unfortunately, is apart of all wars. WW2 had 30 million + civilians "slaughtered". The claim here is that Israel is committing genocide. What would they have to do differently to not be committing genocide?
You like to repeat this refrain in your dishonesty, but I haven't heard/seen/read anything from Hamas. I get my information from Israeli sources; they virtue-signal their HATRED and their war crimes. The Israelis make a mockery of everything you are saying.
Blatant lie. You are listening to Hamas propaganda.
The Israelis are full signatories to the aforementioned conventions and are violating them egregiously. You haven't even bothered to read them because you have already excused Israel's genocide.
Inversion fallacy. There is no genocide.
How many Arab Semite children are you hoping become worm food when the 2nd Nakba concludes?
Don't fall for the 'For the Children' crap. That pivot fallacy won't work.
Nope. Al Qassam is Iran's proxy, funded by the Ayatollah $100 million annually to do his bidding.
Iran is not Hamas. Redefinition fallacy.
The fact that Iran funds Al Qassam to do the Ayatollah's bidding precludes Al Qassam from somehow belonging to anyone else. The Ayatollah owns Al Qassam. Period.
Iran is not Hamas. Redefinition fallacy.
It's the same with Hezbollah.

It's the same with Islamic Jihad.
Iran is not Jihad. Redefinition fallacy.
Only the 100 or so Al Qassam militants attacked Israel, not any of the civilian residents of Gaza. Justice needs to be delivered to the attackers, not to civilian non-combatants for being Arab.

Do you deserve a death sentence just because someone else commited murder?
You cannot blame Hamas war crimes on Israel.
Everybody is already familiar with the genocidal Jews' ' Ethnic cleansing by ' phone and post '. Your attempt to pass it off under a cloak of humanitarian concerns marks you as a genocidal Zionist yourself.
The world at large has also already observed that the genocidal Jews use such ' warnings ' to herd civilians into areas wherein they can more easily be killed

Naughty Jews are going to jail
There is no genocide, Moonbat.
Can you also find another example of a government intentionally using civilian areas and buildings as military locations?
Yes. All of these are examples of a government or faction using it's own citizens or children as human shields:

The Empire of Japan during WW2.
Nazi Germany.
The Taliban.
Houthis (Yemen).
Myanmar (Burma).
Venezuela (under Maduro).
The United States (during the Iraq war).
Sri Lanka.
Palestine (Hamas).
Various antigovernment factions.
The only thing you have mentioned is that Israel is targeting civilians.
Incorrect. "Targeting" is not applicable to indirect fire. This is why indirect fire into civilian population centers is illegal everywhere.

You claim that is in violation of the Geneva convention.

Yet, it is widely known that Israel has done all that they reasonably can to warn civilians
Nope. That is a red herring. There is no such thing as "sufficient warning" that justifies the massacring of civilian noncombatants, especially of those that are required to be protected.

Just as with the Global Warming religion, you simply will never call boooolsch't when you should, even on the most absurd of claims. Instead, you readily regurgitate everything you are ordered to believe.

What specifically should Israel do differently in your opinion?
1. Protect every single civilian noncombatant.
2. Never engage in ethnic cleansing
3. Adhere to every convention to which Israel is a signatory
Argument of the Stone fallacy. RQAA. Inversion fallacy. RQAA.
I appreciate you tipping your king right away and not wasting any more time and bandwidth.

Blatant lie. You are listening to Hamas propaganda.
Blatant lie. I'm not listening to any propaganda. You should note that I'm not listening to yours.

Inversion fallacy. There is no genocide.
Delusion and denial.

Don't fall for the 'For the Children' crap. That pivot fallacy won't work.
I never accused you of being bothered by innocent children being slaughtered en masse. It bothers me but no, you are not required to be bothered. In fact, your demand for continued increasing body count of Arab Semite children bothers me as well, but you are well within your right to pursue happiness however you define it.