Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

Biden has introduced a lame-brain ' ceasefire ' plan intended to take the heat off of Netanyahu's looming arrest warrant for war crimes and his government's genocide being considered by the ICJ.
It won't work.
Naughty Jews are going to jail.
Biden has introduced a lame-brain ' ceasefire ' plan intended to take the heat off of Netanyahu's looming arrest warrant for war crimes and his government's genocide being considered by the ICJ.
It won't work.
Naughty Jews are going to jail.
You keep saying that, yet when I ask the simplest of questions - what specifically do they need to do differently to not be committing genocide - you can't answer.
You keep saying that, yet when I ask the simplest of questions - what specifically do they need to do differently to not be committing genocide - you can't answer.
Read the UN definition of what constitutes genocide.

Oh, yes- and fuck off.
1. Protect every single civilian noncombatant - . How?
Now you are pretending to not understand the word "protect." Answer your own question. How does someone protect someone/something?

2. Never engage in ethnic cleansing - This claim is why I'm asking SPECIFICALLY what they need to do differently.
I told you what the IDF needs to do differently. I was very specific. You are pretending to not understand non-technical words that I am not re-defining.

Let's not confuse this with your attempts to redefine common words and your refusal to express what those redefinitions are.

3. Adhere to every convention to which Israel is a signatory - You're only repeating your claims of genocide.
Learn to read. I am repeating my assertion that Israel is a signatory to various conventions, and that Israel should adhere to them. After all, Israel signed up to adhere to them. How did you fail to understand that? Let's take another look at my exact words: "3. Adhere to every convention to which Israel is a signatory" Yep, conventions, signatory, adherence ... all the key words are in there. How did you so egregiously screw that pooch?

What specifically do they need to do differently?
They need to stop killing civilian noncombatants. They need to stop sending indirect fire into civilian population centers. They need to protect the civilian noncombatants under their control. They need to ensure all civilians have access to food, potable water, medicine and shelter, not deliberately deprive them of such. They need to adhere to the Geneva Conventions. They need to adhere to the Convention against Genocide.

There's more to the list but this should do for now.
They need to stop killing civilian noncombatants.
There has never been a war where civilians didn't die.
They need to stop sending indirect fire into civilian population centers.
It's an urban area where the government uses civilian buildings/areas as military locations and uses the civilian s as human shields. What can the IDF do other than try to warn civilians to leave before moving in. Even more complicating is the fact that many of these people want themselves and their family to be martyred.
They need to protect the civilian noncombatants under their control. They need to ensure all civilians have access to food, potable water, medicine and shelter, not deliberately deprive them of such.
I agree. Where have you heard otherwise is happening Link?
They need to adhere to the Geneva Conventions. They need to adhere to the Convention against Genocide.
You're again repeating what you've said a dozen times..
There's more to the list but this should do for now.
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There has never been a war where civilians didn't die.
There has never been a society in which there wasn't any murder, theft or rape.

It's an urban area where the government uses civilian buildings/areas as military locations and uses the civilian s as human shields.
Nope. We've been over this. You have no intention of being honest.

What can the IDF do other than try to warn civilians to leave before moving in.
The IDF is only there to slaughter innocent civilians who never attacked Israel.

Also, we've been over the "warning" fallacy. Indirect fire into civilian population centers is illegal everywhere. There is no such thing as "ample warning." Each and every count of such is a war crime.

Even more complicating
So far this is a simple, straightforward matter. There are no complications whatsoever.

many of these people want themselves and their family to be martyred.
Nope. You do not speak for anyone else. Besides, your assertion is totally absurd and is dismissed.
There has never been a society in which there wasn't any murder, theft or rape.

Nope. We've been over this. You have no intention of being honest.

The IDF is only there to slaughter innocent civilians who never attacked Israel.

Also, we've been over the "warning" fallacy. Indirect fire into civilian population centers is illegal everywhere. There is no such thing as "ample warning." Each and every count of such is a war crime.

So far this is a simple, straightforward matter. There are no complications whatsoever.

Nope. You do not speak for anyone else. Besides, your assertion is totally absurd and is dismissed.
"Nope. We've been over this. You have no intention of being honest."

The only dishonest person on this topic is you. Al -Qassam is the military arm of the Hamas run government. That is a fact. How many of them there are is irrelevant. Whether or not the receive some funding from outside sources is irrelevant. The Hamas run government has intentionally used civilian locations, like hospitals and schools, as military locations. Israel has gone above and behind to try to warn Palestinians to get out. You have no leg to stand on. Unless you can come up with something meaningful to support your claims, you are pushing a lie to try and save face at this point.

Palestine is among the top "countries" in the world for receiving foreign aid. Pretty much everything that they do is paid for by outside money. What they choose to do with that foreign aid is build miles of tunnels for their military personnel to hide in when they attack Israel... Because they are terrorists.
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Al -Qassam is the military arm of the Hamas run government. That is a fact.
Nope. Hamas is a political party without any military and without money. We can assume that Al Qassam has, in the past, placed weapons in all sorts of places, however Al Qassam bugged out of Gaza after perpetrating the Oct 7th attack. Iran funds Al Qassam to do the Ayatollah's bidding and no one else's. This precludes Al Qassam from being anyone else's military. Al Qassam doesn't even confer/collaborate with Hamas.

You have no intention of being honest. Let's move on to your next dishonesty.

The Hamas run government has intentionally used civilian locations, like hospitals and schools, as military locations.
Hamas is not a military. They don't make "military locations."

Israel has gone above and behind to try to warn Palestinians to get out.
Israel has done nothing to protect the civilian noncombatants they are charged to protect. In fact, the opposite is true, i.e. is slaughtering outright the civilian noncombatants the IDF is morally and legally obligated to protect.

You are aware that Israel's attacks are illegal and that there is no "sufficient warning" that justifies what they are doing; nonetheless, you keep repeating this quip ... because you have no intention of being honest.

What they choose to do with that foreign aid is build miles of tunnels for their military personnel to hide in when they attack Israel
They build tunnels in order to buy time when Israel attacks. They have no military. They can't defend themselves and they can't fight back.

... Because they are terrorists.
... especially the children, right?

The Gazans did not attack Israel. Iran attacked Israel. Israel is slaughtering exclusively tens of thousands of innocent civilians who never attacked Israel just because they are Arabs, and Israelis are RACIST shits (for the most part). Now you are as well.
Nope. Hamas is a political party without any military and without money. We can assume that Al Qassam has, in the past, placed weapons in all sorts of places, however Al Qassam bugged out of Gaza after perpetrating the Oct 7th attack. Iran funds Al Qassam to do the Ayatollah's bidding and no one else's. This precludes Al Qassam from being anyone else's military. Al Qassam doesn't even confer/collaborate with Hamas.

You have no intention of being honest. Let's move on to your next dishonesty.

Hamas is not a military. They don't make "military locations."

Israel has done nothing to protect the civilian noncombatants they are charged to protect. In fact, the opposite is true, i.e. is slaughtering outright the civilian noncombatants the IDF is morally and legally obligated to protect.

You are aware that Israel's attacks are illegal and that there is no "sufficient warning" that justifies what they are doing; nonetheless, you keep repeating this quip ... because you have no intention of being honest.

They build tunnels in order to buy time when Israel attacks. They have no military. They can't defend themselves and they can't fight back.

... especially the children, right?

The Gazans did not attack Israel. Iran attacked Israel. Israel is slaughtering exclusively tens of thousands of innocent civilians who never attacked Israel just because they are Arabs, and Israelis are RACIST shits (for the most part). Now you are as well.
You have ridiculous beliefs on several topics. You seem to live in an imaginary world where you seek to believe the opposite of what is reality.
never ever going to happen......
No, of course not;

Palestine is among the top "countries" in the world for receiving foreign aid. Pretty much everything that they do is paid for by outside money. What they choose to do with that foreign aid is build miles of tunnels for their military personnel to hide in when they attack Israel... Because they are terrorists.
You are adrift upon a strange sea without a paddle.

Where we gave the most foreign aid in 2023
Ukraine ($16.4 billion)
Israel ($3.3 billion)
Ethiopia ($1.95 billion)
Jordan ($1.65 billion)
Egypt ($1.43 billion)
Afghanistan ($1.19 billion)
Somalia ($1.13 billion)
Yemen ($1.05 billion)
You are adrift upon a strange sea without a paddle.

Where we gave the most foreign aid in 2023
Ukraine ($16.4 billion)
Israel ($3.3 billion)
Ethiopia ($1.95 billion)
Jordan ($1.65 billion)
Egypt ($1.43 billion)
Afghanistan ($1.19 billion)
Somalia ($1.13 billion)
Yemen ($1.05 billion)
I wasn't basing my comment only on money given by the US. Palestine receives money from many sources.