Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the beheadings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.
Which, in turn , depends upon international law....
Nope. The United States is a sovereign country. Its laws do not depend on any other country's laws.

It would appear that you are approaching this from a EU perspective.

..unless you fancy yourself as being independent of American treaties.
American treaties are treaties, a seperate category.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip.
Nope. You just pulled the rug out from under all of your arguments.


Next time, get your facts straight.
Which, in turn , depends upon international law......unless you fancy yourself as being independent of American treaties.
The U. S. is not governed by international law unless it chooses to follow its rules. Nothing is "binding" unless someone is willing to use force to enforce its provisions.
What propaganda? Team Israel keeps referring to some nonexistent "The Propaganda" in exactly the same way that the warmizombies refer to "The Data."

I have seen neither. Please elaborate.
every press release copied here which includes the words "according to Hamas authorities".......
Nope. The United States is a sovereign country. Its laws do not depend on any other country's laws.

It would appear that you are approaching this from a EU perspective.

American treaties are treaties, a seperate category.
Treaties are subject to international law. International law defines boundaries, for example. The US is signatory to the UN Charter and UN conventions. This imposes limitations upon US domestic law- as it should.
Of course, US domestic law and US international obligations are often in conflict and subject to amendments in Washington. Some you win- some you lose.

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The U. S. is not governed by international law unless it chooses to follow its rules. Nothing is "binding" unless someone is willing to use force to enforce its provisions.
Treaties are subject to international law. International law defines boundaries, for example. The US is signatory to the UN Charter and UN conventions. This imposes limitations upon US domestic law- as it should.
Of course, US domestic law and US international obligations are often in conflict and subject to amendments in Washington. Some you win- some you lose.

every press release copied here which includes the words "according to Hamas authorities".......
So you have someone from the AP claiming that something is the position of currently dead people ... and you aren't smart enough to call booooolsch't. Got it.

The next time you claim to not believe whatever the media orders you to believe, I will certainly call boooolsch't.
Treaties are subject to international law. International law defines boundaries, for example. The US is signatory to the UN Charter and UN conventions. This imposes limitations upon US domestic law- as it should.
Of course, US domestic law and US international obligations are often in conflict and subject to amendments in Washington. Some you win- some you lose.

There really is no such thing as international law, or law between sovereign entities. If they make an agreement/treaty then they are effectively on their word/honor. There is no higher authority that can obligate the treaty to be observed, hence the term "sovereign."

Israel, having violated (blatantly) the various conventions to which they are signatory, can very well get away with it if other countries don't hold them accountable.
Treaties are subject to international law. International law defines boundaries, for example. The US is signatory to the UN Charter and UN conventions. This imposes limitations upon US domestic law- as it should.
It certainly represents guidelines to which the US will adhere as long as they stick with the agreement/treaty.

I hope you are aware that the US can "back out of the agreement."
There really is no such thing as international law, or law between sovereign entities. If they make an agreement/treaty then they are effectively on their word/honor. There is no higher authority that can obligate the treaty to be observed, hence the term "sovereign."

Israel, having violated (blatantly) the various conventions to which they are signatory, can very well get away with it if other countries don't hold them accountable.
Yes, international law is a reality and all states are subject to it. Sovereign states subscribe to it via their UN commitments and even non-UN member entities are subject to the force of UN intervention via the UN executive arm , the UN Security Council.
International law is an academic field of study pursued by millions in thousands of educational and professional facilities. There are experts in international law whose work affects all of our lives.
It isn't an arguable point so I'm not going to argue it.
Yes, international law is a reality and all states are subject to it.
You are operating under a major misconception. There is no such thing as a legal obligation to a sovereign. Maybe you don't understand what the word "sovereign" means, but agreements between sovereign entities are called "treaties" or "agreements", not "laws."

Sovereign states subscribe to it via their UN commitments
Those are agreements/treaties, not laws.

and even non-UN member entities are subject to the force of UN intervention via the UN executive arm , the UN Security Council.
Ignoring the fact that the US has a veto, you are describing politics, not laws.

International law is an academic field of study pursued by millions in thousands of educational and professional facilities.
None of whom are apparently smart enough to call booooolsch't when they should.

It should be called "International Agreements / Treaties."

It isn't an arguable point so I'm not going to argue it.
Wise decision. You aren't on the winning side of that issue.

I recommend you learn and understand the word "sovereign."
You are operating under a major misconception. There is no such thing as a legal obligation to a sovereign. Maybe you don't understand what the word "sovereign" means, but agreements between sovereign entities are called "treaties" or "agreements", not "laws."

Those are agreements/treaties, not laws.

Ignoring the fact that the US has a veto, you are describing politics, not laws.

None of whom are apparently smart enough to call booooolsch't when they should.

It should be called "International Agreements / Treaties."

Wise decision. You aren't on the winning side of that issue.

I recommend you learn and understand the word "sovereign."
OK- so you want to deny that international law exists.
For your attempted condescension on an issue that marks you as stubbornly ignorant you appear foolish.
You should now engage reverse and consider the escape route from your self-excavated rabbit hole.

No international law ? Is this JPP comedians week ?

What are you going to say ? That you meant that treaties have no basis in international law ? Was THAT what you were going to say ?

Have another look;

What you really MEAN is that, as an American you believe that you are not subject to any outside scrutiny - even though the US set up the body that produces and oversees international law for the purposes of world peace and the integrity of states . You think that AMERICANS are exempt from the laws that America helps draw up.
You think that the US veto at the Security Council provides Americans- and America's friends- with impunity .

Haw, haw...............................................haw.
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I mean , who could be dumb enough to believe that the US veto was not part law.

Incidentally- Palestine is a sovereign state. Do you think that Biden and the genocidal Jews are going to determine who governs Palestine and how ?
You should check your definition of ' sovereign '- and go tell Genocidal Joe.
Haw, haw..................................haw.
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Treaties are subject to international law. International law defines boundaries, for example. The US is signatory to the UN Charter and UN conventions. This imposes limitations upon US domestic law- as it should.
Of course, US domestic law and US international obligations are often in conflict and subject to amendments in Washington. Some you win- some you lose.

The point is that there is no way to enforce these "obligations" and depend on voluntary compliance by other nationas.
OK- so you want to deny that international law exists.
Correct. There is no "law" to which a sovereign is subject. Again, I recommend you learn the word "sovereign" and understand its meaning.

For your attempted condescension on an issue that marks you as stubbornly ignorant you appear foolish.
You are doubling-down on stupid right now. Pull out a dictionary or two and familiarize yourself with the word "sovereign." You are going to continue posting stupid things as long as you have no idea what the word means.

You should now engage reverse and consider the escape route from your self-excavated rabbit hole.
Rabbit holes have escape routes? It can't be a rabbit hole if it is self-excavated.

No international law ? Is this JPP comedians week ?
International law? Is this JPP comedians week?

What are you going to say ? That you meant that treaties have no basis in international law ?
Correct. That is exactly what I will say. In fact, I will add that there is no such thing as international law, only international agreements and treaties. I know what the word "sovereign" means.

What you really MEAN is that, as an American you believe that you are not subject to any outside scrutiny
Everybody judges and scrutinizes matters of importance.

- even though the US set up the body that produces and oversees international law for the purposes of world peace and the integrity of states .
Nope. There is no international law to oversee. There do exist bodies to provide forums for communication and to coordinate international agreements/treaties.

You think that AMERICANS are exempt from the laws that America helps draw up.
Laws that America create are binding only to Americans.

You think that the US veto at the Security Council provides Americans- and America's friends- with impunity .
You think you have some sort of English proficiency.
I mean , who could be dumb enough to believe that the US veto was not part law.

Incidentally- Palestine is a sovereign state. Do you think that Biden and the genocidal Jews are going to determine who governs Palestine and how ?
You should check your definition of ' sovereign '- and go tell Genocidal Joe.
Haw, haw..................................haw.
Incidentally- Palestine is a sovereign state.

What is their flag?a checkered tablecloth? what Is its borders? :ROFLMAO:

Ali snackbar putz