Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

The point is that there is no way to enforce these "obligations" and depend on voluntary compliance by other nationas.
The UN Security Council is the executive arm of international law. States that do not comply can face military action.
Failing SC agreement on Chapter 7 Resolutions there are many other tools to bring rogue states to heel- such as sanctions.
Correct. There is no "law" to which a sovereign is subject. Again, I recommend you learn the word "sovereign" and understand its meaning.

You are doubling-down on stupid right now. Pull out a dictionary or two and familiarize yourself with the word "sovereign." You are going to continue posting stupid things as long as you have no idea what the word means.

Rabbit holes have escape routes? It can't be a rabbit hole if it is self-excavated.

International law? Is this JPP comedians week?

Correct. That is exactly what I will say. In fact, I will add that there is no such thing as international law, only international agreements and treaties. I know what the word "sovereign" means.

Everybody judges and scrutinizes matters of importance.

Nope. There is no international law to oversee. There do exist bodies to provide forums for communication and to coordinate international agreements/treaties.

Laws that America create are binding only to Americans.

You think you have some sort of English proficiency.
You're out of your stubborn skull, pal.
I take pleasure in knowing that you will persist in cloaking yourself with ignorance rather than accept facts and truths.
Here- have another look, dumbo;

No international law ? Are you registered lobotomized ?

P.S.- note well the level of scum that your misplaced ego has attracted to the thread.
You might change your handle to IBDaMug.
You're out of your stubborn skull, pal.
What is it about the word "sovereign" that impels you to panic? I presume you are a Marxist who needs to worship the all-powerful government, am I right?

I take pleasure in knowing that you will persist in cloaking yourself with ignorance rather than accept facts and truths.
"Facts" is another word you apparently don't seem to understand. Furthermore, I do not accept you as being omniscient.

Marxists are terribly undereducated to the point that they don't even understand the meanings of the words they use. This must be the case with you. I also noticed your presumption of speaking for everyone else on the planet, a tell-tale dependency of a Marxist mind.

You have no intention of learning the word "sovereign", do you? You have no intention of polluting your mind with education, do you?
The UN Security Council is the executive arm of international law. States that do not comply can face military action.
Failing SC agreement on Chapter 7 Resolutions there are many other tools to bring rogue states to heel- such as sanctions.
Sanctions are determined on a case-by-case, situation-by-situation basis, not by any existing non-binding law. Adherence to treaties is not the same as OBEYING a law.
What is it about the word "sovereign" that impels you to panic? I presume you are a Marxist who needs to worship the all-powerful government, am I right?

"Facts" is another word you apparently don't seem to understand. Furthermore, I do not accept you as being omniscient.

Marxists are terribly undereducated to the point that they don't even understand the meanings of the words they use. This must be the case with you. I also noticed your presumption of speaking for everyone else on the planet, a tell-tale dependency of a Marxist mind.

You have no intention of learning the word "sovereign", do you? You have no intention of polluting your mind with education, do you?
You're a misguided egotist .
I am enjoying your reaction to the FACT that SOVEREIGN states must answer to INTERNATIONAL LAW.

Naughty Jews are going to jail.
Naughty Hamas animals are being removed from the earth, just like ISIS.
Why are you so intent on exterminating Arabs and wasting innocent children by the thousands instead of simply punishing the 100+ people responsible for the Oct 7th attack on Israel? Are you hell-bent on ethnically cleansing all the Arab Semites in the region?

You remind of the gun control freaks who pretend that the answer to all of our problems is to confiscate all the firearms from all the law-abiding people and to specifically do nothing about the firearms of violent criminals. Team Israel seeks to kill with a vengeance all the innocent Arab Semites who never attacked Israel, and to specifically do nothing to the 100+ violent Al Qassam militants who actually attacked Israel at the behest of Iran.

Hamas is a political party with no military and no money. Only a sick RACIST shit would point to Hamas as justification for a genocide of innocents.
My, my, IBDaMug- you sure like the cut of your own jib.

Haw, haw.......................................haw.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the be-headings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.
Earl, you're a dumbass, plagiaristic winkle

Haw, haw........................................haw.
Why are you so intent on exterminating Arabs and wasting innocent children by the thousands instead of simply punishing the 100+ people responsible for the Oct 7th attack on Israel? Are you hell-bent on ethnically cleansing all the Arab Semites in the region?

You remind of the gun control freaks who pretend that the answer to all of our problems is to confiscate all the firearms from all the law-abiding people and to specifically do nothing about the firearms of violent criminals. Team Israel seeks to kill with a vengeance all the innocent Arab Semites who never attacked Israel, and to specifically do nothing to the 100+ violent Al Qassam militants who actually attacked Israel at the behest of Iran.

Hamas is a political party with no military and no money. Only a sick RACIST shit would point to Hamas as justification for a genocide of innocents.
Hamas is a pack of rabid genocidal dogs.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.

The video of the be-headings and burning alive of Israeli infants have been seen by members of Congress and the president.
Just another reincarnation of WW II Nazi Germany Mengele " Angel of Death" medical care that McHeil's Navy renders in West Nazi Germany Virginia & the Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate.......