Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

Yes I support the genocide of rabid animals that want to eradicate news from the face of the earth.
You keep EVADING my question. Why do you support the genocide of people you have declared to be HATERS while totally excusing genocidal killers who HATE just as much?

Now I will ask you AGAIN
Answer my question.

how many zionists did Hamas kill on Oct 7?
I answered your question, dumbass, quite some time ago. Now you answer mine.

What inning is it?
You keep EVADING my question. Why do you support the genocide of people you have declared to be HATERS while totally excusing genocidal killers who HATE just as much?

Answer my question.

I answered your question, dumbass, quite some time ago. Now you answer mine.
I told you why. Its not my fault youre an idiot.

show me where you answered it.
How many of the 1269 killed by hamas on Oct 7were zionists, pussy galore?
Hamas didn't kill anyone on Oct 7th. Al Qassam, however, attacked Israel on Oct 7th.

This is a picture of Hamas leaders. They didn't even know about the Oct. 7th attack until it happened.


Below is a picture of Al Qassam fighters, funded by the Ayatollah to do his bidding. About 100+ such militants attacked Israel on Oct 7th on orders from Iran, killing about 1,100 Israelis.


Israel did not invade Iran to exact justice for the Oct 7th attack. Israel instead used Iran's attack as a pretense to effect the 2nd Nakba via genocide in Gaza, an absurd pretense made plausible only because of the extent of gullibility of western ignorants and HATEFUL Christians who live a religious fantasy of destroying the Philistines.

As a result, Christians en masse are cheering on a horrendous genocide, being the most HATEFUL mother-fuckers on the planet ... 2nd only to the Israelis, of course. Wait, I take that back, at least there are some Israelis who are calling for an immediate cease-fire and an end to Israels atrocities. Christians, on the other hand, can't stop cackling every time another Arab child has to be pulled from some pile of rubble, caused by another illegal Israeli airstrike pumped into a civilian population center.

Yes, you are a shit.
Hamas didn't kill anyone on Oct 7th. Al Qassam, however, attacked Israel on Oct 7th.

This is a picture of Hamas leaders. They didn't even know about the Oct. 7th attack until it happened.


Below is a picture of Al Qassam fighters, funded by the Ayatollah to do his bidding. About 100+ such militants attacked Israel on Oct 7th on orders from Iran, killing about 1,100 Israelis.


Israel did not invade Iran to exact justice for the Oct 7th attack. Israel instead used Iran's attack as a pretense to effect the 2nd Nakba via genocide in Gaza, an absurd pretense made plausible only because of the extent of gullibility of western ignorants and HATEFUL Christians who live a religious fantasy of destroying the Philistines.

As a result, Christians en masse are cheering on a horrendous genocide, being the most HATEFUL mother-fuckers on the planet ... 2nd only to the Israelis, of course. Wait, I take that back, at least there are some Israelis who are calling for an immediate cease-fire and an end to Israels atrocities. Christians, on the other hand, can't stop cackling every time another Arab child has to be pulled from some pile of rubble, caused by another illegal Israeli airstrike pumped into a civilian population center.

Yes, you are a shit.
Hamas is the representative authority of the Palestinians. Don't like it? Nobody gives a shit
Why do you think Israel has come nowhere close to the civilian death rate of Hamas?
Because Hamas didn't kill anyone. Al Qassam, however, killed more than a thousand Israelis and should be punished, not given a total pass as you andTeam Israel are want to do. The moment the IDF bagged their first casualty, they surpassed Hamas, but the IDF's numbers just kept growing. By the third day, the IDF had surpassed Al Qassam's body count. Eventually the IDF doubled, and then tripled, the number of civilian noncombatants killed by Al Qassam, without ever going after Al Qassam! ... or after Iran! Then the IDF reached the point that they had killed ten times the number of civilian noncombatants that Al Qassam had killed, and then 30 times, and by then the IDF's thirst for killing had become an obsession and an addiction with all the momentum of Holocaust 2.0. The IDF had become the new Nazis and Gazans had become the new Jews. Now all the IDF needs are ovens and "showers."

Still, Christians don't want any attention turned away from the killing of Philistines towards inadvertently pursuing justice against Al Qassam for having actually attacked Israel.

Christians have not been very Christian as of late, sad to say.
Hamas is the representative authority of the Palestinians.
This is no license to violate the Geneva Conventions or the Convention against Genocide. Also, it's no excuse for confusing one of the Ayatollah's militant proxies with a political party that has no army. Blaming the wrong person/group for a crime is bearing false witness, and you know that's poor form.

Nobody gives a shit
I always look for the dependence on pretending to speak for others. It signals that you've got nothing more and that you are tipping your king.
Because Hamas didn't kill anyone. Al Qassam, however, killed more than a thousand Israelis and should be punished, not given a total pass as you andTeam Israel are want to do.
Using your logic.....

"The US government didn't kill anyone, but the Marines killed 1000 people".
The moment the IDF bagged their first casualty, they surpassed Hamas, but the IDF's numbers just kept growing. By the third day, the IDF had surpassed Al Qassam's body count. Eventually the IDF doubled, and then tripled, the number of civilian noncombatants killed by Al Qassam, without ever going after Al Qassam! ... or after Iran! Then the IDF reached the point that they had killed ten times the number of civilian noncombatants that Al Qassam had killed, and then 30 times, and by then the IDF's thirst for killing had become an obsession and an addiction with all the momentum of Holocaust 2.0. The IDF had become the new Nazis and Gazans had become the new Jews. Now all the IDF needs are ovens and "showers."

Still, Christians don't want any attention turned away from the killing of Philistines towards inadvertently pursuing justice against Al Qassam for having actually attacked Israel.

Christians have not been very Christian as of late, sad to say.
Using your logic.....
Nope. That is not my logic. I will summarize our respective logic.

My logic: Iran attacked Israel via its proxy Al Qassam, therefore Israel should seek the perpetrators of the crime, i.e. 100+ Al Qassam militants, and punish them.

Your logic: Iran attacked Israel, therefore Israel is should commit genocide against Arab Semites who never attacked Israel ... because you can't expect Israel to just sit there and do nothing, especially when Gaza is sitting right there, a target-rich kill zone filled with fucking Arabs. Israel has a right to exist and to pursue genocide in ways that would be outrageous were they perpetrated by anyone else.

My logic: The IDF should be held accountable for its violations of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide, to both of which Israel is a signatory.

Your logic: The IDF should not be held accountable for any war crimes because ... I special-pleaded "Israel" ... HELLO! Didn't you hear me? Trump card! Game over. Of course Israel should be allowed to do whatever they wish to whomever they wish.
Nope. That is not my logic. I will summarize our respective logic.

My logic: Iran attacked Israel via its proxy Al Qassam, therefore Israel should seek the perpetrators of the crime, i.e. 100+ Al Qassam militants, and punish them.

Your logic: Iran attacked Israel, therefore Israel is should commit genocide against Arab Semites who never attacked Israel ... because you can't expect Israel to just sit there and do nothing, especially when Gaza is sitting right there, a target-rich kill zone filled with fucking Arabs. Israel has a right to exist and to pursue genocide in ways that would be outrageous were they perpetrated by anyone else.

My logic: The IDF should be held accountable for its violations of the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide, to both of which Israel is a signatory.

Your logic: The IDF should not be held accountable for any war crimes because ... I special-pleaded "Israel" ... HELLO! Didn't you hear me? Trump card! Game over. Of course Israel should be allowed to do whatever they wish to whomever they wish.
When you start with an incorrect premise, Iran attacked Israel, it's not surprising that the subsequent reasoning is also wrong.
Do you have an answer for my question, or are you just going to keep flaming?

Why do you think Israel has come nowhere close to the civilian death rate of Hamas?
I've already squashed your ignorant premise- and I'm not interested in scraping it up. You've been SEEN. Fuck off.