Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

Nope the UN and Britain agreed to give the land to Jews and the rest to Arabs.

Slaughtering human being unfortunately, is apart of all wars. WW2 had 30 million + civilians "slaughtered". The claim here is that Israel is committing genocide. What would they have to do differently to not be committing genocide?
I appreciate you tipping your king right away and not wasting any more time and bandwidth.

Assumption of victory fallacy.
Blatant lie. I'm not listening to any propaganda. You should note that I'm not listening to yours.
Blatant lie.
Delusion and denial.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
I never accused you of being bothered by innocent children being slaughtered en masse.
It bothers me but no, you are not required to be bothered. In fact, your demand for continued increasing body count of Arab Semite children bothers me as well, but you are well within your right to pursue happiness however you define it.
Pivot fallacy. The 'For the Children' argument never works.
The 'For the Children' argument never works.
I get it. Israel kills innocent children by the tens of thousands. I express horror at the occurrence. You dismiss any concern for the lives of innocent children as a "fallacy." Smooth.

Again, I recognize that you are not required to feel any particular way about the deliberate slaughter of innocent children en masse by the intentional indirect fire pumped into civilian population centers. It's pretty shitty, but you certainly have your 1st Amendment right to not give a crap.
Don't try to deny your own posts
I stand behind every one of my posts.

or blame on them on me.
You didn't write my posts.

That won't work.
Perhaps you have me confuse with someone else.

The meaning is pretty clear. You might read the Qu'ran.
I have, several times. It would appear that you have no idea what "Jihad" means, or that one hundred different people will use the term in one hundred different ways.
I get it. Israel kills innocent children by the tens of thousands. I express horror at the occurrence. You dismiss any concern for the lives of innocent children as a "fallacy." Smooth.

Again, I recognize that you are not required to feel any particular way about the deliberate slaughter of innocent children en masse by the intentional indirect fire pumped into civilian population centers. It's pretty shitty, but you certainly have your 1st Amendment right to not give a crap.
The 'For the Children' argument never works.
I stand behind every one of my posts.
You just tried to deny them.
You didn't write my posts.
I never said I did.
Perhaps you have me confuse with someone else.
No, you just seem confused, since you are believing Hamas propaganda.
I have, several times. It would appear that you have no idea what "Jihad" means, or that one hundred different people will use the term in one hundred different ways.
LIF. That won't work.
What specifically should Israel do differently in the current situation where the are fighting war in an urban area and their government is intentionally putting their own civilians in harms way. Again...what SPECIFICALLY.

Your premise is false. So are you. Fuck off.

Ok, well, let me know if you come up with anything
Incorrect. "Targeting" is not applicable to indirect fire. This is why indirect fire into civilian population centers is illegal everywhere.


Nope. That is a red herring. There is no such thing as "sufficient warning" that justifies the massacring of civilian noncombatants, especially of those that are required to be protected.

Just as with the Global Warming religion, you simply will never call boooolsch't when you should, even on the most absurd of claims. Instead, you readily regurgitate everything you are ordered to believe.

1. Protect every single civilian noncombatant - . How?
2. Never engage in ethnic cleansing - This claim is why I'm asking SPECIFICALLY what they need to do differently.
3. Adhere to every convention to which Israel is a signatory
1. Protect every single civilian noncombatant - . How?

2. Never engage in ethnic cleansing - This claim is why I'm asking SPECIFICALLY what they need to do differently.

3. Adhere to every convention to which Israel is a signatory - You're only repeating your claims of genocide. What specifically do they need to do differently?