Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

I promise that I won't. I will only blame Israel's egregious war crimes and Israel's genocide on Israel.

You can't blame Israel's genocide on either its victims or a political party, regardless of whether they might be HATERS.

I see you are still conflating Al Qassam with Hamas in order to justify Israel's genocide. I also notice that it works like a charm on Team Israel.

Do a search on "Hamas fighters" and you'll get lots of pictures of these:


Lots of well armed and well-funded Al Qassam militants who take their orders from the Ayatollah of Iran.
al-Qassam is Hamas' military.

What is the Qassam Brigades?
Hamas established its military unit, the Qassam Brigades, in 1992 to support its objective of armed resistance against Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.

The name is inspired by Syrian freedom fighter Ezzedine al-Qassam, who struggled against European colonisers in the Levant. After he was expelled to Palestine by the French colonialists, he took up the Palestinian cause, calling for armed resistance against Jews and British assets.

al-Qassam is Hamas' military.
Nope. Al Qassam is Iran's proxy. Iran funds Al Qassam at roughly $100 million annually to do the Ayatollah's bidding.
Iran funds Hezbollah at roughly $700 annually, to the same ends.
Iran funds Islamic Jihad at roughly $15-30 million annually.
Nope. Al Qassam is Iran's proxy. Iran funds Al Qassam at roughly $100 million annually to do the Ayatollah's bidding.
Iran funds Hezbollah at roughly $700 annually, to the same ends.
Iran funds Islamic Jihad at roughly $15-30 million annually.
Al -Qassam is Hamas' military. They were the murderers on Oct 7. They exist with the consent/support of Hamas. They are an arm of Hamas.
I did. I read, and then re-read, the conventions. They read the same the second and third times. Israel has no wiggle room.
You obviously haven't read them. Israel is within the Geneva Convention treaty. Hamas is not (but they never signed on to the thing in the first place!).
Whoever "they" are. Do you normally blame innocent people for the crimes inflicted upon them? It takes a particularly shitty person to do that.
'They' is defined, IBD. 'They' is Hamas militants. It is HAMAS using human shields. You cannot blame Israel for Hamas war crimes.
I have read it thoroughly. What questions do you have?

The IDF has commited many egregious war crimes per the Fourth Geneva Convention. The most egregious is the rampant slaughter of civilian noncombatants the IDF is required to protect.
You cannot blame Israel for Hamas war crimes.
Every war has civilian casualties, especially when urban warfare is involved.. Those casualties are increased when your own government uses you as human shields.
Which is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions. This is Hamas doing this. Of course, they never signed the treaty.
I promise that I won't.
You've already broken THAT promise!
I will only blame Israel's egregious war crimes and Israel's genocide on Israel.
You cannot blame Hamas war crimes on Israel.
You can't blame Israel's genocide on either its victims or a political party, regardless of whether they might be HATERS.
There is no genocide.
I see you are still conflating Al Qassam with Hamas in order to justify Israel's genocide. I also notice that it works like a charm on Team Israel.
There is no genocide.
Do a search on "Hamas fighters" and you'll get lots of pictures of these:

Lots of well armed and well-funded Al Qassam militants who take their orders from the Ayatollah of Iran.
Attempted proof by Google. Redefinition fallacy.
Al -Qassam is Hamas' military. They were the murderers on Oct 7. They exist with the consent/support of Hamas. They are an arm of Hamas.
Correct. It doesn't matter if they receive money from allies like Iran.

What IBD is attempting here is equivalent to calling the United States 'France' because they helped us out during the revolutionary war.
Thank you. You have made a correct statement. Al Qassam perpetrated "Oct. 7"

I never expected you to say anything correct so I don't know how to respond.
I don't know how you can respond either. You have already attempted to blame Hamas war crimes on Israel, attempted to redefine Hamas and Al Qassam as Iran, and ignored important sections of the Geneva Conventions, apparently because you never read them.

All because you are believing Hamas propaganda.
Al -Qassam is Hamas' military.
Nope. Follow the money. Hamas has none.

They were the murderers on Oct 7.
Al Qassam was. Hamas was not. Al Qassam are killers. Hamas are impotent HATERS.

They exist with the consent/support of Hamas.
Nope. Now that the IDF has decimated a political party with no military, you'll see that Al Qassam has not been affected in any way (they didn't hang around in Gaza). Al Qassam will continue serving the Ayatollah and will continue to be the well-funded killers that they've always been.

All those of Team Israel who believe that Israel has somehow wreaked vengeance on the Oct 7th attackers will be disappointed to learn that the IDF attacked innocent noncombatants and did not cause any of the actual attackers to even need a Band-Aid.

Al Qassam is drinking virgin maragaritas somewhere.

They are an arm of Hamas.
Al Qassam is a proxy of Iran.
You obviously haven't read them. Israel is within the Geneva Convention treaty.
Give it up. Oh wait, you're posting for the consumption of other Team Israel members. Silly me. Carry on.

Hamas is not (but they never signed on to the thing in the first place!).
Palestine isn't a country. Gaza isn't a country. Hamas is not a country. None can be signatories.

All that matters is that Gaza was invaded by Israel and thus Gazans fell under the control of a force to which they were not nationals. That is all that is required under the Geneva Conventions to oblige Israel to protect every single noncombatant.

Israel is a signatory. Israel was so obligated. Israel commited war crimes instead because Israel's top priority was, and is, effecting the 2nd Nakba.
Give it up.
Oh wait, you're posting for the consumption of other Team Israel members. Silly me. Carry on.
No. I'm posting to make people aware of your wacky attitude on this and where it's coming from.
Palestine isn't a country. Gaza isn't a country. Hamas is not a country. None can be signatories.
All that matters is that Gaza was invaded by Israel and thus Gazans fell under the control of a force to which they were not nationals. That is all that is required under the Geneva Conventions to oblige Israel to protect every single noncombatant.
You cannot blame the war crimes of Hamas on Israel.
Israel is a signatory.
A partial signatory. Not all elements are agreed to by Israel.
Israel was so obligated. Israel commited war crimes instead because Israel's top priority was, and is, effecting the 2nd Nakba.
You cannot blame the war crimes of Hamas on Israel.