Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

You seem to be very skilled at fabricating convenient "Hamas Scapegoats" for Israeli atrocities. Well done.
No skill needed, the terrorist pigs you defend constantly place munitions among civilian structures and fire off rockets and artillery from civilian structures and then feign shock when those blow and kill their own people.
No skill needed, the terrorist pigs you defend constantly place munitions among civilian structures and fire off rockets and artillery from civilian structures and then feign shock when those blow and kill their own people.
Palestine is a sovereign state. It can place whatever it wants anywhere it likes. It's BOMBING them that is illegal, you poor, prosemitic mug.
No heaven for you.
Attack the country attacking you, e.g. Iran, while avoiding commiting genocide against civilian noncombatants who never attacked you, e.g. Gazans. That's what Israel should do, at least.
Hamas/Palestine attacked Israel.

Again, what is the definitive factor that makes Israel's actions genocidal? If you say "targeting", I'll tell you all the ways Israel has tried to warn civilians to leave. So, what other factor?
No skill needed, the terrorist pigs you defend
I don't defend anyone except for civilian noncombatants. I demand accountability and demand that Israeli war crimes be investigated.

You, on the other hand, are quick to demonize, and hand out death-sentences to, civilian noncombatants. That makes you a shitty person. Actually, "evil" is a more appropriate word for you. You probably become giddy with laughter upon hearing that more dead Arab children need to be fished out of rubble. I can almost hear you rejoicing "Those terrorist pig children so totally deserve it!"

constantly place munitions among civilian structures
Civilian noncombatants are allowed to have weapons, which they would naturally have in civilian structures.

Gazans don't have a military, and thus there are no military bases to serve as legitimate military targets, yet the IDF destroys buildings full of civilians just to kill the Arab Semite civilian noncombatants.

Palestine is a sovereign state.
Palestine is not a state and never has been. Gaza is a terrorist cesspit where piggy little terrorists ignore basic rules of law and hide weapons and fire weapons from civilian structures and locations, making them fair game under the Geneva conventions and rules of law.
It can place whatever it wants anywhere it likes. It's BOMBING them that is illegal, you poor, prosemitic mug.
No heaven for you.
No, piggy, bombing terrorists is not illegal and no matter how much you wish it, you are not God.

US state department report absolving Israel on Gaza aid is false, says ex-official​

A state department report earlier this month absolving Israel of responsibility for blocking humanitarian aid flows into Gaza was “patently false” and went against the consensus of department’s experts, according to a former senior US official who resigned this week.

DETROIT (AP) — Police broke up a pro-Palestinian encampment Thursday at Wayne State University in Detroit and arrested at least 12 people after organizers turned down offers to meet with school officials and refused to leave.

President Kimberly Andrews Espy cited health and safety concerns and disruptions to campus operations. Staff were encouraged to work remotely this week, and in-person summer classes were suspended.

Gazans don't have a military, and thus there are no military bases to serve as legitimate military targets, yet the IDF destroys buildings full of civilians just to kill the Arab Semite civilian noncombatants.

They have to store their rockets, which they were still firing into Israel a few days ago, somewhere.

This is from CNN... the network that caters to the people who are most likely to call for cease fire, blame Israel, take Hamas' side, claim genocide, setup protest camps on college campuses, etc

White House says intelligence shows Hamas using al-Shifa hospital for command node, storing weapons​


The latest mass killing of civilians brings Israel to an inflection point​

The latest mass casualty event in Gaza, the accidental killing of at least 45 civilians in a horrific fire set off by shelling, echoes the killing of seven World Central Kitchen aid workers last month. After that tragedy, fierce condemnation forced Israel to increase humanitarian aid and intensify efforts to “deconflict” (i.e., take measures to prevent accidental killings).

Why do all the supposed "Hamas" fighters wear "Al Qassam" headbands and not "Hamas" headbands?

It's easy to claim that it's not a genocide when you dehumanize the victims. Just refer to it as the slaughtering of the spring lambs.

It's happening. I trust Israeli social media on this one.
Redefinition fallacies.
Palestine is not a state and never has been. Gaza is a terrorist cesspit where piggy little terrorists ignore basic rules of law and hide weapons and fire weapons from civilian structures and locations, making them fair game under the Geneva conventions and rules of law.

No, piggy, bombing terrorists is not illegal and no matter how much you wish it, you are not God.
You are one sick Pharisee.
No heaven for you.
No, it's not. Israel, like any country, has the right to defend itself.
Self-defense may not entail a war of itself- and any resulting occupation must only be temporary. That's the law.

Palestine also has a right to defend itself. Oct 7th was a reprisal action.
They have to store their rockets, which they were still firing into Israel a few days ago, somewhere.

This is from CNN... the network that caters to the people who are most likely to call for cease fire, blame Israel, take Hamas' side, claim genocide, setup protest camps on college campuses, etc

White House says intelligence shows Hamas using al-Shifa hospital for command node, storing weapons​

Palestinian intelligence said it didn't.