Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

They took hostages, a violation of the Geneva Convention.

They are barbarians and are being decimated, as we speak.

Don't start a war unless you can finish it.

Israel is finishing the war that Hamas started, as we speak.
If you are silent when the caged lioness endures years of goading, deprivation , torture and the killing of her cubs by her brutal keepers- then stay silent when she escapes and savages her tormentors.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.
If you are silent when the caged lioness endures years of goading, deprivation , torture and the killing of her cubs by her brutal keepers- then stay silent when she escapes and savages her tormentors.
On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.
If you are silent when the caged lioness endures years of goading, deprivation , torture and the killing of her cubs by her brutal keepers- then stay silent when she escapes and savages her tormentors.
So basically just a reincarnation of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom as Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin's extermination of Ukrainians & Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Bicentennial & "what is 9/11?" Freudian slip George Washington University Hospital Washingon, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Christiananality pedophilia & Nazi Germany's Kristallnacht & those Trumpanzees Czar of Russia renaming of citizens coffee, tea, sugar or having them killed as bungling GI Joe biding his "serve the Pope or die" term......
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So basically just a reincarnation of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom as Russia's Orthodox Church rootin' tootin' Putin's extermination of Ukrainians & Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich Bicentennial & "what is 9/11?" Freudian slip George Washington University Hospital Washingon, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam Christiananality pedophilia & Nazi Germany's Kristallnacht & those Trumpanzees Czar of Russia renaming of citizens coffee, tea, sugar or having them killed as bungling GI Joe biding his "serve the Pope or die" term......
If you are silent when the caged lioness endures years of goading, deprivation , torture and the killing of her cubs by her brutal keepers- then stay silent when she escapes and savages her tormentors.
If you are silent when the caged lioness endures years of goading, deprivation , torture and the killing of her cubs by her brutal keepers- then stay silent when she escapes and savages her tormentors.
So basically just a reincarnation of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom........
So basically just a reincarnation of Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom........
The Old Testament is proven myth;

' This is what archaeologists have learned from their excavations in the Land of Israel: the Israelites were never in Egypt, did not wander in the desert, did not conquer the land in a military campaign and did not pass it on to the 12 tribes of Israel. Perhaps even harder to swallow is the fact that the united monarchy of David and Solomon, which is described by the Bible as a regional power, was at most a small tribal kingdom. And it will come as an unpleasant shock to many that the God of Israel, Jehovah, had a female consort and that the early Israelite religion adopted monotheism only in the waning period of the monarchy and not at Mount Sinai. Most of those who are engaged in scientific work in the interlocking spheres of the Bible, archaeology and the history of the Jewish people – and who once went into the field looking for proof to corroborate the Bible story – now agree that the historic events relating to the stages of the Jewish people’s emergence are radically different from what that story tells. '

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

The cowards in Hamas are getting what they richly deserve.
Much depends upon whether the scurrilous US UN delegate performs another Veto of Shame at the Security Council.
If he does- as is expected, US stupidity being what it is- the ICC signatories may well impose sanctions upon the genocidal Jews, maybe even close Israeli embassies- for starters . You can be absolutely certain that the best UN legal minds are working on it. Expelling Israel from the UN is another possibility- or blackballing all things Israeli as a minimum response.
The UN is a democracy, you see- no matter what American fascists would like.
The UN has no enforcement power either. Any vote on anything done by the UN is as irrelevant as the ICC, ICJ, or any other such body of international under-flunkies. If the member states cannot or will not enforce something one of these 'gentleman's drinking and debating societies' produces as some toothless edict then that's all it is, a toothless edict that is meaningless.
The UN has no enforcement power either. Any vote on anything done by the UN is as irrelevant as the ICC, ICJ, or any other such body of international under-flunkies. If the member states cannot or will not enforce something one of these 'gentleman's drinking and debating societies' produces as some toothless edict then that's all it is, a toothless edict that is meaningless.
Nonsense- Chapter 7 Security Council resolutions are binding- and backed by military force. You're not even on the planet.
The UN has a standing army? I did not know that!
The UN military is drawn from its member states. You might have noticed numerous conflicts policed by UN soldiers with a large UN on their helmets. Then again- you might have thought that that meant ' University of Nebraska '
The UN military is drawn from its member states. You might have noticed numerous conflicts policed by UN soldiers with a large UN on their helmets. Then again- you might have thought that that meant ' University of Nebraska '
So, if they refuse to donate their troops, what will the UN do?
So, if they refuse to donate their troops, what will the UN do?
The provision of troops has always been successful. They are defined as ' Peacekeepers ' If there's any killing to be done then that's the job of the interested party countries fighting under UNSC Chapter 7 Resolutions.

Can you think of any other dumbass qurestions ?