Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

The law versus fascist Jews. Place your bets.

What would a triggered, repugnant, terrorist hugging sociopath like you know about the law?

Only the dumbest among us believe that Hamas cares. Or the ones who elected them in the first place and celebrate Jewish murder.
"Everywhere America goes it spreads lawlessness, misery, and must be immediately removed from power.....justice demands it"
The Han

Moronic. You really are dumber than a box of rocks. Apparently, it's a competition between you and MoonBat.
'An Orgy of Jewish Supremacy and Antidemocratic Euphoria '

That criminals do not respect law is unsurprising. That fascist Jews do not respect law is a given.

Now let's see what can be done about it.


Israel is a sovereign country. They don't need to answer to anyone.

I'm still waiting for a worldly governing body/court to condemn the terror attack on Oct. 7th.
The Old Testament is proven myth;

As Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July interpretation of the laws of nature & nature's God of those flying flaming chariots pseudoscience cognitive dissonance suicidal Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom Christiananality pedophilia super ego mentalities of human reproduction medical pseudoscience immaculate virgin Mary son of Allah Jesus the Christ conception of Palestine exists.....
What would a triggered, repugnant, terrorist hugging sociopath like you know about the law?

Only the dumbest among us believe that Hamas cares. Or the ones who elected them in the first place and celebrate Jewish murder.
Try me, half-wit.
Where was the world court in Auchiwitz?
Jews aren't going to repeat the Holocaust!
Hamas started this rodeo
Where do you imbeciles come from ?
The UN came into existence AFTER WW2- as a result of WW2.

The Jewish experience of the Holocaust is called ' The Shoa '

There was no Hamas until after the Nakba and numerous genocidal Jewish atrocities.

Do me a favor and fuck off. I'm already up to my ears straightening out other prosemitic imbeciles . Regards.
Hamas is a resistance organization. The Jews are illegal occupiers. Check with the UN.
Wrong. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. Hamas formed a military, yea a shitty, poorly trained, and equipped one but they formed one. Hamas then invaded Israel, effectively declaring war on that state.

Israel responded to this invasion by launching an assault on Gaza with the intention of completely defeating Hamas and removing them as a threat. Hamas' military proved totally incapable of defending Gaza and is getting its collective ass stomped in the dirt. Along the way, the Palestinians living in Gaza are now subject to being caught in that war and suffering terribly--as defeated nations usually do--because of what Hamas, their elected government, decided stupidly to do to Israel.
You're reading them, dumbass- so contemplate their effect upon viewers who actually have a functioning mind.
I occasionally read some of them, and find that you are still denying the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and probability and statistical mathematics.

So I point it out again.

Pointing to storms or heat waves does not prove 'global warming' or 'climate change'. No gas or vapor has the capability to warm the Earth. You cannot create energy out of nothing.

Mostly, you just spend time posting to yourself, apparently in an attempt to keep a light in the window for your religion.

In this case, you are AGAIN making shit up, but this time about a so-called 'jurisdiction' of a court that has no jurisdiction.

There is no genocide. No court has jurisdiction over belligerents in a war zone. The Geneva Convention, which is a treaty, doesn't even apply here.
Lest we forget...

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

There is no Palestine.
There is, but it's not a nation. It's a region.