Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

Wrong. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. Hamas formed a military, yea a shitty, poorly trained, and equipped one but they formed one. Hamas then invaded Israel, effectively declaring war on that state.

Israel responded to this invasion by launching an assault on Gaza with the intention of completely defeating Hamas and removing them as a threat. Hamas' military proved totally incapable of defending Gaza and is getting its collective ass stomped in the dirt. Along the way, the Palestinians living in Gaza are now subject to being caught in that war and suffering terribly--as defeated nations usually do--because of what Hamas, their elected government, decided stupidly to do to Israel.
This reads like ' the news according to the asylum Friends of Genocide group '
I occasionally read some of them, and find that you are still denying the 1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics, the Stefan-Boltzmann law, and probability and statistical mathematics.
You read like a catatonic with a single-book library. You're a clown with a home-made certificate of sanity. Fuck off.
Wrong. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. They raised a military and invaded Israel. Israel is stomping on them for doing that.
No- Hamas is a resistance organization. The Jews are illegal occupiers. Check with the UN.
Palestine is a sovereign state with the legal right to armed resistance. Zionist Jews are illegal invaders with no such right in occupied territories.
Palestine will outlive the pseudo-state of Israel.

If you are silent when the caged lioness endures years of goading, deprivation , torture and the killing of her cubs by her brutal keepers- then stay silent when she escapes and savages her tormentors.
Hamas, on the State Department list of terrorist groups, slaughtered more than 1000 innocent Israelis on Oct. 7, 2023,
Nope. That was Al Qassam. Hamas is a political party with no military. You should get your groups straight.

including the beheading and burning alive of Israeli infants.
You're describing the IDF's slaughter of Arab children who never attacked Israel. The IDF had/has the moral and legal obligation to protect the people they are slaughtering, similar to the Nazis' treatment of the Jews in WWII.

They took hostages, a violation of the Geneva Convention.
The IDF is violating both the Geneva Conventions and the Convention against Genocide, to which Israel is a signatory.

They are barbarians and are being decimated, as we speak.
Better wording: Gazans are innocent, lawful civilian noncombatants that are being ethnically cleansed as we speak, while you cheer on Holocaust 2.0
No- Hamas is a resistance organization. The Jews are illegal occupiers. Check with the UN.
Palestine is a sovereign state with the legal right to armed resistance. Zionist Jews are illegal invaders with no such right in occupied territories.
Wrong. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. They raised a military. They invaded Israel. Now they're losing the war they started with Israel. It looks like when Israel gets done with them this time, it'll be decades before Hamas has anything close to enough firepower to try again, almost certainly with the same results.
Wrong. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza. They raised a military. They invaded Israel. Now they're losing the war they started with Israel. It looks like when Israel gets done with them this time, it'll be decades before Hamas has anything close to enough firepower to try again, almost certainly with the same results.
I've no more time for a back-assward dope intent upon humiliating himself in public. Get lost.
No- Hamas is a resistance organization. The Jews are illegal occupiers. Check with the UN.
Palestine is a sovereign state with the legal right to armed resistance. Zionist Jews are illegal invaders with no such right in occupied territories.
Hamas is a political party. You speak of Hamas' charter.

Whether or not the IDF is there illegaly is moot; the IDF invaded Gaza. The moment the IDF invaded, they incurred the full legal obligation to protect all civilian lawful noncombatants under Articles 3, 4 and others of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Instead, the IDF began slaughtering the lawful non-combatants out of racial HATRED with no intention of stopping until the 2nd Nakba is complete.
Hamas is a political party. You speak of Hamas' charter.

Whether or not the IDF is there illegaly is moot; the IDF invaded Gaza. The moment the IDF invaded, they incurred the full legal obligation to protect all civilian lawful noncombatants under Articles 3, 4 and others of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Instead, the IDF began slaughtering the lawful non-combatants out of racial HATRED with no intention of stopping until the 2nd Nakba is complete.
Yes- a genocidal Zionist agenda which is successfully manifesting itself due to US government complicity. Christian Zionism has stained America.
Hamas is a political party. You speak of Hamas' charter.

Whether or not the IDF is there illegaly is moot; the IDF invaded Gaza. The moment the IDF invaded, they incurred the full legal obligation to protect all civilian lawful noncombatants under Articles 3, 4 and others of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Instead, the IDF began slaughtering the lawful non-combatants out of racial HATRED with no intention of stopping until the 2nd Nakba is complete.
Note: Hamas is not a signatory to the Geneva Convention and has proven itself more than willing to openly violate its provisions as well as lie about anything related to this war.
Wrong. Hamas is the elected government of Gaza.
It's not really a government and Gaza is not really a country.

They raised a military.
You're delusional. They have no military.

They invaded Israel.
Hamas never invaded Israel. Al Qassam did, yes. Are you confusing the near-broke military-less political party Hamas with the well-financed militant terrorist group Al Qassam? I'm not surprised.

Now they're losing the war they started with Israel.
Israel started the one-sided genocide that you are cheering on. You were hoping to get it all on pay-per-view.

You never answered the question of how many lives of Arab children you are hoping are claimed by the IDF's Holocaust 2.0?

It looks like when Israel gets done with them this time,
... they'll look like the Jews did after the Nazi's got done with them.

it'll be decades before Hamas has anything close to enough firepower to try again,
... especially considering that they never had the firepower to ever do it once.
Yes- a genocidal Zionist agenda which is successfully manifesting itself due to US government complicity.
Unfortunately, yes.

Christian Zionism has stained America.
I refer to them collectively as "Team Israel." They provide the IDF preemptive forgiveness for all that they will do, they cheer on the deaths of tens of thousands of lawful civilian noncombatants and they become gleeful every time another dead child's body is pulled from some rubble. It's some of the shittiest behavior I have witnessed.
No- Hamas is a resistance organization. The Jews are illegal occupiers. Check with the UN.
Palestine is a sovereign state with the legal right to armed resistance. Zionist Jews are illegal invaders with no such right in occupied territories.
Hamas is a government supported by the people in the Gaza strip. The attacked Israel. Palestine is not a nation. Israel is a recognized nation.
Your chanting won't change that, Moonbat.
No- Hamas is a resistance organization. The Jews are illegal occupiers. Check with the UN.
Palestine is a sovereign state with the legal right to armed resistance. Zionist Jews are illegal invaders with no such right in occupied territories.
Really? Who then is the elected government of Gaza? If Palestine is a "sovereign state" then it has a government. Who is that? Governments of sovereign states are capable of raising military forces. They are also responsible for what they and their citizens do in foreign countries.

Did forces belonging to or associated with Hamas invade Israeli territory on Oct 7?
