Genocidal Jews ignore binding ruling by world's highest court.

The provision of troops has always been successful. They are defined as ' Peacekeepers ' If there's any killing to be done then that's the job of the interested party countries fighting under UNSC Chapter 7 Resolutions.

Can you think of any other dumbass qurestions ?
Bullshit. In most cases, they do nothing. In many cases they are a failure, like in Somalia...
The provision of troops has always been successful. They are defined as ' Peacekeepers ' If there's any killing to be done then that's the job of the interested party countries fighting under UNSC Chapter 7 Resolutions.

Can you think of any other dumbass qurestions ?
(emphasis mine)

Looks to me like:

A. You are full of shit

B. The UN has an unmitigated string of failures when it comes to military operations with the occasional half-assed marginal success.

The UN is worthless, toothless, and meaningless.
(emphasis mine)

Looks to me like:

A. You are full of shit

B. The UN has an unmitigated string of failures when it comes to military operations with the occasional half-assed marginal success.

The UN is worthless, toothless, and meaningless.
'The provision of troops ' means the provision of troops to the UN from member states, you poor deluded bigot.
Lest we forget...

On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killed.

Israeli infants were burned alive and beheaded.

There is no Palestine.
you know member states provide resources for u.n. actions.

you're better than this.
That's my point. The UN is toothless unless the various member states agree to provide resources. Even then, the UN often ends up putting insane restrictions on how they'll be used resulting in their being totally ineffective.

For example, I can remember reading about the experiences of a Canadian officer assigned to a UN peacekeeping unit (can't call what he did "force") in a zone between Israel and Lebanon. All he did was watch the two exchange intermittent fire on each other, helpless to do anything but stay out of the line of fire. UN troops are still there in the "Blue Zone," and still can't do shit to stop Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel or Israel responding with an air strike or artillery fire.

They are useless.
That's my point. The UN is toothless unless the various member states agree to provide resources. Even then, the UN often ends up putting insane restrictions on how they'll be used resulting in their being totally ineffective.

For example, I can remember reading about the experiences of a Canadian officer assigned to a UN peacekeeping unit (can't call what he did "force") in a zone between Israel and Lebanon. All he did was watch the two exchange intermittent fire on each other, helpless to do anything but stay out of the line of fire. UN troops are still there in the "Blue Zone," and still can't do shit to stop Hezbollah firing rockets into Israel or Israel responding with an air strike or artillery fire.

They are useless.
'An Orgy of Jewish Supremacy and Antidemocratic Euphoria '

That criminals do not respect law is unsurprising. That fascist Jews do not respect law is a given.

Now let's see what can be done about it.


The ICC is hardly the world's highest court. Of course, for uneducated, terrorist loving dotards, they're awesome. :palm: