George Floyd - Cop did not kill him. ???

THE AUDACITY of the two leftie snowflakes on here who literally said I quote: "HOMICIDE IS NOT MURDER" ??? can anyone be so stupid?? As they dish out their usual vitriol - "you dumb fuck" etc because I said Homicide includes murder. For gods sake you people stop making absolute morons of yourselves.
Cide - means to kill and Homo means man. The killing of a MAN as in Mankind. This includes deliberate and not deliberate.
Murder is a legal concept. Manslaughter is a legal concept - both are KILLING a man (person) Homicide. .
Silly nutty boys you lefties are.

Dumber666 is infamous for this kind of behaviour, truly a nitpicking cunt!
did you not read about the LARGEST civil settlement over excessive force in the history of this country??????? 27 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!

why would they settle for so much if they had done nothing wrong?

Probably because they hoped to buy off any further violence by BLM.

The Activist Media has lied to America about what took place in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 when Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd's neck, killing him. Chauvin is going to face trial in the coming weeks. The justice system will play itself out and Chauvin will be held accountable in some form. BUT—it will likely NOT be a satisfactory enough ruling to keep BLM Incorporated from burning down America again. Before the verdict is announced, before hysteria ensues, educate yourself: here are the top five LIES that led to the destruction of American cities, the deaths of police officers, and the growing racial divide in our country.
There are two factors in objective assessment of the Floyd incident. (1) Homicide. (2) The Egg Shell Skull - Both emanate from Common Law.
The issue is - who caused what to whom and what are the salient factors involved in the actions of person (a) to person (b)?
Assailant - Victim.
Homicide (Murder) is the deliberate intent to take a life. Killing a person is not necessarily MURDER/Homicide.
Egg Shell Skull is case law set as precedent whereby "YOU TAKE THE PERSON AS YOU FIND THEM" for example... if you stab a woman, she dies, she is pregnant, the baby dies BUT YOU NEVER KNEW SHE IS PREGNANT - you are responsible for the death of the baby because you, in law, take the person as you find her.

If we look at Floyd - He committed an unlawful act. The cop was correct in arresting him - Floyd was not correct by resisting arrest. This escalated to the need for use of handcuffs and physical hands-on restraint methods. According to reports the knee on the neck is a recognised police technique - the cop did not therefore act unlawfully. His knee is not on Floyds windpipe nor suppressing his windpipe by force of the knee. The knee is on the side of the neck. Floyd can speak because he kept calling for his mother. He can therefore breathe. As a former sports participant I know of a good rule - if you can run and talk at the same time you have good lungs and respiratory system - - this is widely known.
Reports say Floyd took drugs and drugs with some risky impact, known by those who take them. Reports (post BLM bollox point scoring) say that these drugs killed him... the cause of his death. The knee on the neck therefore - not the CAUSE of his death.
But: Does the Egg Shell Skull precedent have merit in this matter? Can there be settled argument?
The cop did not know Floyd took drugs. Should the cop be aware and take into consideration - Floyd took drugs?
I say NO!!! Because Floyds taking of drugs is unlawful/illegal and his chosen path. There will be no expectation for the cop to consider the victim acting violently and not cooperating with a lawful arrest.
There can not be a finding of guilty of homicide if the drugs killed Floyd. The law us such: If the victim would die in any case no matter what the cop did then the cop is not guilty of homicide/murder.
Is the cop guilty of anything else?
Well, this is why the judge introduced 3rd degree murder - because they have to get the cop on something to quell the unrest - the BLM and not incite riots by a not guilty finding.

Was the cop wrong to have his knee on Floyds neck?
Does it matter that a known very violent felon was not cooperating with the police during a LAWFUL arrest.
In UK we do not allow proline positional restraint - except when spontaneous. A person so restrained MUST, by law, be allowed to sit up or be sat up. The cop is 100% responsible. There are exceptions.


All you're doing is doubling down with this revisionist screed of yours....chock full of the typical right wing wonkery of trying to pass off supposition and conjecture as fact.

I already dismantled similar drivel in your posted video....but obviously facts and the logic derived from such are lost on the insipidly stubborn. Carry on.
New court docs say George Floyd had "fatal level" of fentanyl in his system
Lou Raguse 8/26/2020

From your link:

Dr. Stephen Nelson, chairman of Florida's medical examiners commission; ....who is not affiliated with the case, reviewed the new files and says that doesn't mean the drugs or health condition is what caused Floyd's death.

"We've all had cases where those kinds of of levels come into play. You've got to look at the whole picture," Nelson said. "It's one thing to die *with* something. It's another thing to die *from* something."

In Baker's final report after watching the videos, he ruled Floyd's death a homicide caused by "law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."
The cop was a bigotted dick with 18 complaints on his record. He was involved in 3 shootings. Most cops go through their careers with no shootings. They never even pull their guns out. He was cited for smothering an arrestee, who cried he could not breathe before Floyd.
Chauvin worked as security in a bar. The owner said his tactics were way overkill and unnecessarily aggressive.
You are deifying a bad guy who never should have become a cop.

This is the typical double standard of right wing flunkies....Chauvin should be cleared of all charges because of Floyd's past criminal record and
, yet Chauvin's dubious police record is off the table because he's a cop? GMAFB!
Probably because they hoped to buy off any further violence by BLM.

The Activist Media has lied to America about what took place in Minneapolis on May 25, 2020 when Derek Chauvin knelt on George Floyd's neck, killing him. Chauvin is going to face trial in the coming weeks. The justice system will play itself out and Chauvin will be held accountable in some form. BUT—it will likely NOT be a satisfactory enough ruling to keep BLM Incorporated from burning down America again. Before the verdict is announced, before hysteria ensues, educate yourself: here are the top five LIES that led to the destruction of American cities, the deaths of police officers, and the growing racial divide in our country.

Didn't work either. There is no compromising possible with Democrats, including Antifa or BLM.
From your link:

Dr. Stephen Nelson, chairman of Florida's medical examiners commission; ....who is not affiliated with the case, reviewed the new files and says that doesn't mean the drugs or health condition is what caused Floyd's death.

"We've all had cases where those kinds of of levels come into play. You've got to look at the whole picture," Nelson said. "It's one thing to die *with* something. It's another thing to die *from* something."

In Baker's final report after watching the videos, he ruled Floyd's death a homicide caused by "law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."

The even didn't take place in Florida.
You are just flat lying. Intentionally.
This is the typical double standard of right wing flunkies....Chauvin should be cleared of all charges because of Floyd's past criminal record and
, yet Chauvin's dubious police record is off the table because he's a cop? GMAFB!

Chauvin should be cleared of all charges, and restitution should be ordered again st Floyd's estate, simply because he didn't kill Floyd.

All you're doing is doubling down with this revisionist screed of yours....chock full of the typical right wing wonkery of trying to pass off supposition and conjecture as fact.

I already dismantled similar drivel in your posted video....but obviously facts and the logic derived from such are lost on the insipidly stubborn. Carry on.

I will - thanks. I don't seek approval.

All you're doing is doubling down with this revisionist screed of yours....chock full of the typical right wing wonkery of trying to pass off supposition and conjecture as fact.

I already dismantled similar drivel in your posted video....but obviously facts and the logic derived from such are lost on the insipidly stubborn. Carry on.

There is nothing in this post of mine not correct. Tell me what is not correct. I challenge you. You will never find anything