George Zimmerman Rescues Family From Car Crash

Not when Zimmerman went specifically looking for Martin....a citizen who was doing nothing wrong....when he could have simply waited for the police. There was no need to follow. While him following is not a is the catalyst for what happened. can argue all you want...I don't'll go one way or the other.
Zimmerman doesn't have a case....period. He got his pound of flesh when he pulled the trigger.

There was a need.
The goon was getting away and he was reporting which way Trayvon was going.

Are you going to have a complete melt down, when Zimmerman wins his civil case against the Martins and they lose?
A little point of fact about the Law in the state of Florida:

I Quote Florida State Code:

776.032 Immunity from criminal prosecution and civil action for justifiable use of force.—

(1) A person who uses force as permitted in s. 776.012, s. 776.013, or s. 776.031 is justified in using such force and is immune from criminal prosecution and civil action for the use of such force.

(3) The court shall award reasonable attorney’s fees, court costs, compensation for loss of income, and all expenses incurred by the defendant in defense of any civil action brought by a plaintiff if the court finds that the defendant is immune from prosecution as provided in subsection (1).

Steelplate... GZ is immune from all Civil Proceedings. His use of force was Justified as confirmed by the Jury Verdict.

That "whooshing" sound you heard, was the truth going right over Steel's cranium.
ok i saw your sig howey. usfree didn't do anything ban worthy, that's why he was warned and not banned.

actually Zimmerman DOES have a case. Period. There is nothing illegal about following someone. NOTHING. There is something illegal about beating the shit out of someone... of the two, which showed signs of that occurring to them? Oh yeah, that would be Zimmerman. This mantra of 'he didn't have to follow' is almost comical. What do you think Neighborhood watches do? They watch. If there is a suspect, they call the cops and keep watching. If the subject moves, they move as well to keep them in sight. Pretty standard.

Bull. Even the neighborhood watch organization said he broke protocol.
ok i saw your sig howey. usfree didn't do anything ban worthy, that's why he was warned and not banned.


Is Howard still banging that same old drum?

GAWD - He's just like Poet, except Poet got banned. :)
Poet gives enough information that he could have been a victim of identity theft and then he complains about it. :palm:
Turning off sigs is the only sane way to survive this forum..

um, of course I'm not implying that those of you who haven't turned off sigs have gone crazy from them... really, no, no, didn't mean that.. probably...

You're missing a lot from me when you turn off sigs, tekky.
Turning off sigs is the only sane way to survive this forum..

um, of course I'm not implying that those of you who haven't turned off sigs have gone crazy from them... really, no, no, didn't mean that.. probably...

Just turned off sigs for the first time myself as well. I don't care to see a mile long list of quotes other people said nor have any of the gifs really made me laugh.