Global fry-up.

It’s 70 degrees warmer than normal in eastern Antarctica. Scientists are flabbergasted.


The coldest location on the planet has experienced an episode of warm weather this week unlike any ever observed, with temperatures over the eastern Antarctic ice sheet soaring 50 to 90 degrees above normal. The warmth has smashed records and shocked scientists.

“This event is completely unprecedented and upended our expectations about the Antarctic climate system,” said Jonathan Wille, a researcher studying polar meteorology at Université Grenoble Alpes in France, in an email.

“Antarctic climatology has been rewritten,” tweeted Stefano Di Battista, a researcher who has published studies on Antarctic temperatures. He added that such temperature anomalies would have been considered “impossible” and “unthinkable” before they actually occurred.

Parts of eastern Antarctica have seen temperatures hover 70 degrees (40 Celsius) above normal for three days and counting, Wille said. He likened the event to the June heat wave in the Pacific Northwest, which scientists concluded would have been “virtually impossible” without human-caused climate change.
More bullshit from the fecking eejit. Funny how climate bullshitters forget so soon that last winter was the coldest on record in Antarctica. Oh and it has just entered the annual 6 month perpetual night period of the year. Moonshi'ite's flabber is permanently gasted.

The reported facts confirm you as an attention-seeking fool, maggot. Go attend to your body-bag business.
Satellite data shows entire Conger ice shelf has collapsed in Antarctica

Antarctic ice shelf nearly the size of Los Angeles collapsed as temperatures soared to 40 above normal


The Conger ice shelf - which measures in at around 1,200 square kilometres - broke off from east Antarctica on 15 March, according to satellite information.

Dr Catherine Colello Walker, a scientist at Nasa and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, said that although the Conger ice shelf was on the smaller side, "it is one of the most significant collapse events anywhere in Antarctica since the early 2000s when the Larsen B ice shelf disintegrated".

Lest we forget, in the polluting smokes of Ukraine , Yemen and Palestine.
‘Grave threat to life’: UN climate chief issues warning for MENA


The first-ever Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Climate Week runs from March 28 to 31 as one of the world’s most vulnerable regions to climate change seeks ways to address its dire threat.

About 600 million people, or 50 percent of MENA’s population, may be exposed to “super-extreme” weather events by 2100 at current projections, raising questions about “human survivability” in some areas.

Think that hardships for MENA populations aren't going to affect you ?
Methane leaks at US petroleum operations far worse than previously estimated – study

Researchers from Stanford University claim wells and pipelines in New Mexico are leaching large amounts of methane

Oil and gas wells and pipelines in the state of New Mexico are emitting significantly larger amounts of methane than previous data had indicated, researchers from Stanford University have revealed. Methane is known to be one of the main contributors to global warming, many times more potent than carbon dioxide.

A fresh analysis of aerial data collected over the Permian Basin indicates that oil and gas facilities there are giving off 194 metric tons of methane per hour– a figure six times as high as the latest estimate from the US Environmental Protection Agency. The alarming study, authored by Yuanlei Chen and Evan Sherwin, was published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology on Wednesday.

The two researchers described their disbelief when they first saw the startling results. Dr. Sherwin, a postdoctoral research fellow in energy resources engineering at Stanford, told The New York Times that he and his colleague had “spent really the past more than two years going backwards and forwards thinking of ways that we might be wrong and talking with other experts in the methane community.” He noted that, after initial doubts, the researchers “realized that this was our best estimate of methane emissions in this region and this time, and we had to publish it.”

Yes- and into OUR atmosphere.
Not my fault that you don't understand IR absorption by atmospheric gasses.

No, maggot- the world will be grateful that you've saved it from the danger of atmospheric methane at a stroke.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
Lest we forget, in the polluting smokes of Ukraine , Yemen and Palestine.

There have been a couple of stories recently about “Antarctic heatwaves” in the eastern Antarctic.

A close look at daily maximum temperatures from KNMI show that little has actually changed over the years. There is no evidence that the weather is getting hotter, either at the continental sites such as Amundsen and Vostok, or the coastal ones