Global fry-up.

Cities across Iran engulfed in thick layers of dust, pollutants
Tehran was the most polluted city in the world on Friday with air quality hazardous and visibility very low.


Tehran, Iran – Cities across Iran, including the capital, Tehran, have been engulfed in thick layers of dust and pollutants said to be carried in by strong winds from the west.

The air quality was hazardous and visibility was very low throughout Friday and also on Saturday in Tehran as a white and grey fog enveloped the entire city.

Tehran was the most polluted city in the world on Friday, with a “very unhealthy” average real-time air quality index of 236, according to global air quality monitoring company IQAir.

The Swiss company’s index showed an “unhealthy” 183 by noon on Saturday, but local estimates on Friday at one point indicated an index of more than 500, the maximum level on the scale.

Municipality officials said old vehicles, factories and low-quality fuel were not the main cause this time as storms and strong winds are thought to have carried dust mainly from Iraq, spurred by climate change, droughts and desertification.

Iran’s Department of Environment said on Saturday that the pollution situation is expected to deteriorate by Saturday evening as more dust waves are pushed into Iran, some also from Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
Scorching weather forces India to face climate change head on
Tens of millions of Indians are struggling to cope with a relentless heatwave, with temperatures reaching record highs.


‘Duration, intensity, and frequency’
Heatwaves – with temperatures ranging from 43°C to 46°C – are prevailing in 15 Indian states, including New Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, and Gujarat.

Surface land temperatures, meanwhile, have exceeded 60°C over some parts of northwest India, according to satellite data.

“The extreme climate events are occurring due to climate instability. Nowadays, there are solely extremes whether it is heat, cold, floods or drought. This will occur more often than earlier because of climate change. The duration, intensity, and frequency will also rise in the future,” Akhilesh Gupta, head of the Climate Change Program at India’s Department of Science & Technology, told Al Jazeera.

Hundreds of millions of climate refugees can be expected- as forecast.
Pakistan city hits nearly 50C as blistering heatwave grips nation
Parts of the nation already scorched by temperatures of nearly 50Cs as officials warn of acute water shortages and a threat to health.


Woman tests a Pakistani Ghetto Blaster in Karachi

Pakistan is in the grip of a blistering heatwave, with parts of the nation already scorched by temperatures of nearly 50C as officials warn of acute water shortages and a threat to health.

Swathes of Pakistan have been smothered by high temperatures since late April, in extreme weather the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has warned is consistent with climate change.

Planetwide heatwave sets all-time temperature records across the world

All-time world-wide heat records set this week

Global warming to blame for ‘worldwide record-breaking heatwave’

Scorching Earth: Global warming to blame for all-time heat records being set worldwide, as experts warn stifling temperatures will continue to soar

Heat wave smashes records around the world — a look at the sizzling temperatures


Deadly heat waves becoming more common due to climate change

By the numbers: The heat records broken across the world this week

Fake news. In maggot-world, all is kewl.

I think it's worth taking a step back to recognize that none of this actually comes as a surprise to those of us who reasonably assumed the experts had some idea what they were talking about.

Back in the late 1980's and early 1990's, climate science was still very young. We didn't have mountains of data and research to work with, and climate models were still quite primitive. Yet even by then, the experts had seen enough to predict we were about to see decades of extraordinary warming. That was captured in the first IPCC reports.

If you rejected the work of those experts, back then, there'd have been no reason to expect warming between then and now. In fact, the default prediction would have been the opposite: that there'd be "regression to the mean." After all, as of the early 1990's, we'd already been going through an unusually warm period, so if things had gone back to normal from there, by now we'd have seen cooling relative to that early 1990's level. Yet the experts were making the very bold prediction that things would get still hotter, decade after decade.

They were right. We didn't regress to the mean, nor did we stabilize at the early-1990's level. Things just kept getting hotter and hotter, just as they'd predicted. For example, in the decade leading up to 1990 (the year of the first IPCC report), the Global Land and Ocean Temperature Anomaly (relative to the 20th century average) was +0.367 degrees Celsius, and for the last ten it's been +0.970 degree Celsius. That suggests almost a two-degree-per-century warming pace, which is well within the range the IPCC was projecting way back in the early 1990s.

In fact, back in that first IPCC report, their "Scenario B" projection (a projection based on the assumption some efforts would be made to restrict emissions, but not dramatic efforts, which is about what's actually been happening), they predicted about 0.2 degrees Celsius warming per decade, going forward. That's been remarkably accurate. Since then, the actual average has been about 0.19 per decade. Yet, because climate denialism is a religion instead of a scientific manner of thinking, that remarkable accuracy can't penetrate the minds of the denialists.
Yet, because climate denialism is a religion instead of a scientific manner of thinking, that remarkable accuracy can't penetrate the minds of the denialists.

Some are that stupid, yes. Others are fully aware of impending catastrophe but want to protect their investments- such as the Brit maggot.
Others are fully aware of impending catastrophe but simply don't give a fuck.

The stupid we can educate. The others we can imprison.
‘It seems this heat will take our lives’: Pakistan city fearful after hitting 51C
Residents of Jacobabad say loss of trees and water facilities makes record-breaking temperatures unbearable

Sardar Sarfaraz, a chief meteorologist of the Pakistan Meteorological Department, told the media that the temperature had already reached 49C in April, a record. He pointed out that Jacobabad “is one of the hottest places in the world” and warned that if the heat began to arrive so early, it was a matter of serious concern.
‘There Is No Way To Fool Physics’: Climate Breakdown And State-Corporate Madness


In the terrifying opening to his 2020 novel, ‘The Ministry for the Future’, Kim Stanley Robinson depicts an intense heatwave in India. In an ‘ordinary town’ in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, people are struggling to cope with unbearable heat and humidity. It is the combination of the two, measured by the so-called ‘wet-bulb temperature’, that is potentially fatal. When it approaches the core body temperature of 36C, sweat cannot evaporate and humans can no longer cool themselves down. Dehydration rises to dangerous levels. Vital organs become seriously stressed, especially the heart. Unless the body temperature is reduced, death follows in a matter of hours.

In the novel’s opening scenes, there are shouts of:

‘Go to the lake! Get in the water!’

One man shakes his head:

‘That water is in the sun. It’s as hot as a bath. It’s worse than the air.’

Nevertheless, people jump in the lake, hoping it will help. But a catastrophe is unfolding.

‘People were dying faster than ever. There was no coolness to be had. All the children were dead, all the old people were dead. People murmured what should have been screams of grief; those who could still move shoved bodies out of the lake, or out toward the middle where they floated like logs, or sank.’

It is a nightmare vision of what may lie ahead for humanity in the very near future.

This month, an intense heatwave did indeed hit northern India with temperatures reaching a record high of 49.2C in parts of Delhi. This was the fifth heatwave in the Indian capital since March.

Before very long, if human nature runs true to form, there will be armies of climate victims looking to destroy the creators of their misery.

It won't be a matter of ' Letting them in '. They'll be coming anyway.
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UN Warns of ‘Total Societal Collapse’ Due to Breaching of Planetary Boundaries
Nafeez Ahmed
26 May 2022

A landmark report by the United Nations concludes that ‘global collapse’ is becoming more likely.

When the United Nations published its 2022 ‘Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction’ (GAR2022) in May, the world’s attention was on its grim verdict that the world was experiencing an accelerating trend of natural disasters and economic crises. But not a single media outlet picked up the biggest issue: the increasing probability of civilisational collapse.

Buried in the report, which was endorsed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, is the finding that escalating synergies between disasters, economic vulnerabilities and ecosystem failures are escalating the risk of a “global collapse” scenario.

This stark conclusion appears to be the first time that the UN has issued a flagship global report finding that existing global policies are accelerating toward the collapse of human civilisation. Yet somehow this urgent warning has remained unreported until now.

The report does not suggest that this outcome is inevitable or specify how close to this possibility we are. But it does confirm that, without radical change, that’s where the world is heading.

Planetary Boundaries

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and the Sendai Framework are a set of social, economic, legal, political and institutional measures to reduce “disaster risk and losses” – both involve targets to 2030 which the world is in danger of failing to meet.

That failure, however, is directly linked to the rate at which human activities are interfering with natural systems, in particular, ‘planetary boundaries’.

The planetary boundaries framework was developed by the Stockholm Resilience Centre in 2009 to provide what it calls a “science-based analysis of the risk that human perturbations will destabilise the Earth system at the planetary scale”. This framework identifies a range of nine key ecosystems which, if pushed passed a certain threshold, will dramatically reduce the “safe operating space” for human habitation.

The report notes that at least four of the nine planetary boundaries now seem to be operating outside the safe operating space.

While land system change and climate change are in a zone of “uncertainty with increasing risk” of overstepping the safe operating space, the report says, biochemical flows and ‘novel entities’ (“new engineered chemicals, materials or organisms and natural elements mobilised by human activity such as heavy metals”) have “far exceeded” that space.

However, the situation is likely to be worse than acknowledged in the UN’s report.

Byline Times revealed last summer that, according to Professor Will Steffen of the Stockholm Resilience Centre, two more planetary boundaries – ocean acidification and freshwater use – would probably by then also be “transgressed”, meaning that we are breaching six out of nine planetary boundaries. If we continue to cross boundaries at this rate, it is possible that we cross almost all of them before 2030.

We all know this. We ignore it.

Some are that stupid, yes. Others are fully aware of impending catastrophe but want to protect their investments- such as the Brit maggot.
Others are fully aware of impending catastrophe but simply don't give a fuck.

The stupid we can educate. The others we can imprison.

Some are just straight fucking idiots like you and your new pal Meaner.
Some are just straight fucking idiots like you and your new pal Meaner.

The comments in this thread have had you fucked from breakfast to Christmas for months, maggot . You're a profiteering dinosaur with no effective argument for anything except profiteering for dinosaurs. Begone.
‘It seems this heat will take our lives’: Pakistan city fearful after hitting 51C
Residents of Jacobabad say loss of trees and water facilities makes record-breaking temperatures unbearable

Sardar Sarfaraz, a chief meteorologist of the Pakistan Meteorological Department, told the media that the temperature had already reached 49C in April, a record. He pointed out that Jacobabad “is one of the hottest places in the world” and warned that if the heat began to arrive so early, it was a matter of serious concern.

I went to Lahore in the mid 80s to install some new software for their telephone exchanges, it was touching 50c for several days while I was there. Luckily I got to stay in a decent hotel for the two weeks I was there.
The comments in this thread have had you fucked from breakfast to Christmas for months, maggot . You're a profiteering dinosaur with no effective argument for anything except profiteering for dinosaurs. Begone.

No, there is no fucking chance that a cunt like you will ever be able to tell me anything apart from you're about to commit suicide.
Earth’s CO2 level passes a new climate milestone
The atmospheric CO2 level in May was 50 percent higher than during the pre-industrial era, raising fears about climate change.


Concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in May were 50 percent higher than during the pre-industrial era, reaching levels not seen on Earth for about four million years, the main US climate agency said on Friday.

Those that have done nothing at all to reduce their personal emissions- do you have any feelings of guilt at all ? Or are you content to let the pollution of the earth continue- because you won't be on it for very long.
Over a third of US population urged to stay indoors amid record-breaking heat

More than 125 million people under heat alerts as record high temperatures set throughout US, particularly in the south-west


More than 100 million Americans have been advised to stay indoors amid record-breaking heat, with experts warning that such temperatures could become the norm amid the climate crisis.

Step up, maggot- let's have a look at you.
2021: Hottest ever

Last year was Europe’s hottest summer on record, according to the European climate change monitoring service Copernicus.

Between late July and early August 2021, Greece endured what Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis called the country’s worst heatwave in more than 30 years, with temperatures hitting 45 degrees Celsius (113 Fahrenheit) in some regions.

In Spain, temperatures reached 47C in parts of the south, according to national weather agency AEMET.

The heat and drought sparked large wildfires along the Mediterranean, from Turkey and Greece to Italy and Spain.

A European Union study of 16 nations puts the number of excess deaths across the bloc during that heatwave as high as 70,000, with France and Italy each seeing between 15,000 and 20,000 fatalities, according to various reports since.