Global fry-up.

The killing starts;

How Spain looked on as dozens were crushed to death at its border


Killing migrants will soon become the norm in ' frontline ' countries as people flee from countries destroyed by global warming.
COP27: Fresh hope for climate talks after climate damage offer


A promise from the developed world to foot more of the climate bill has raised fresh hopes of breakthrough at the UN climate summit COP27.

Nations meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, worked late into Thursday night to find agreement over what has been the biggest sticking point.

The European Union has suggested a new fund to help poor nations deal with climate disaster.

Developing nations insist they will push for the best deal on the table.

The summit is nearing its end after two weeks of talks to make progress on tackling climate change, but there were fears it could collapse over the question of money. It was supposed to finish on Friday and is now expected to go on until at least Saturday.

Vulnerable nations including Pakistan, which leads developing countries here, say richer nations owe this money because they historically released most of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming.

The devastating floods in Pakistan this summer, which killed about 1,700 people, have been a powerful backdrop to talks in Egypt.

But rich nations are worried about signing a blank cheque. At the start of the summit, the US was adamant there would be no new fund, and it has been silent in negotiations, observers say.

OMG ! Surprise ! The greatest polluter doesn't want to pay !
Evacuation orders and advisories are in place in parts of northern California as a major storm slams into the coast.

"To put it simply, this will likely be one of the most impactful systems on a widespread scale that this meteorologist has seen in a long while," the NWS forecaster for the region said in a weather advisory.

"The impacts will include widespread flooding, roads washing out, hillsides collapsing, trees down (potentially full groves), widespread power outages, immediate disruption to commerce, and the worst of all, likely loss of human life," he added.

"This is truly a brutal system that we are looking at and needs to be taken seriously."

It is expected to form into a bomb cyclone, a type of rapidly intensifying storm that is more commonly seen along the east coast of the US and Canada.

More than 105 million people across the US are currently at risk of severe weather, according to the NWS.

Further east, some 30 million people are facing large storms that have already produced tornadoes in several states.



' Don't worry, lady, it's only weather '

Australia flood crisis: 'Once in a century'

"This is at least a one-in-100-year event. They haven't seen anything like this, certainly that anyone can ever recall," Albanese told Nine radio station 6PR.

Key infrastructure has been destroyed in the region, including the Great Northern Highway, which has been cut off by floodwaters, and the collapsed Fitzroy Crossing Bridge.

Major flooding has occurred along the Fitzroy River to Fitzroy Crossing, reaching record levels of 15.81m.

Yes, 15 m + is a ' hundred year event ' alright. They've got to stop using that stupid insurance company term. These floods are unprecedented.

After unprecedented rainfall, one-third of the entire country of Pakistan was under water. Those floods still have not receded from the south.

Land-loss will lead to more refugees. More refugees means that we will have to make room for them.

Drown a Denier today.
What are atmospheric rivers and bomb cyclones?

In the last week, California has experienced two overlapping weather phenomena - an atmospheric river, where an airborne stream of dense moisture flows in from the ocean, and a bomb cyclone, a storm with a rapid drop in pressure that creates an explosive effect.

Atmospheric rivers can cause extreme rainfall and floods. Bomb cyclones require a mix of high and low temperatures, rising and dropping air pressure, and moisture, often resulting in strong winds and severe storms.

Last week's storms inflicted widespread damage in northern California and dumped record-breaking rain.


Much of the area hit by heavy rain has been under extreme drought conditions. Last year, California capped how much water residents can use in an effort to conserve its depleting supply.

Despite the rain, much of the state remains under moderate to extreme drought warnings, according to the US Drought Monitor.

Experts have said that it would take many years of rain to reverse the two-decade drought that has hit the western US.
What are atmospheric rivers and bomb cyclones?

In the last week, California has experienced two overlapping weather phenomena - an atmospheric river, where an airborne stream of dense moisture flows in from the ocean, and a bomb cyclone, a storm with a rapid drop in pressure that creates an explosive effect.

Atmospheric rivers can cause extreme rainfall and floods. Bomb cyclones require a mix of high and low temperatures, rising and dropping air pressure, and moisture, often resulting in strong winds and severe storms.

Last week's storms inflicted widespread damage in northern California and dumped record-breaking rain.


Much of the area hit by heavy rain has been under extreme drought conditions. Last year, California capped how much water residents can use in an effort to conserve its depleting supply.

Despite the rain, much of the state remains under moderate to extreme drought warnings, according to the US Drought Monitor.

Experts have said that it would take many years of rain to reverse the two-decade drought that has hit the western US.

Stop talking to Tom, you're just encouraging him.
Twelve European countries broke temperature records in 2022
Continent records hottest ever summer as analysis shows temperatures rising twice as fast as global average

Twelve European countries broke monthly temperature records in 2022 as the continent recorded its hottest ever summer, new analysis shows.

Of 27 European countries analysed by the Guardian, 12 recorded their highest ever temperature anomaly for at least one month in 2022. In each case, the anomalies were more than 1.9C above the average temperature recorded between 1991 and 2020 for at least one month.

The EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) released data on Tuesday showing Europe recorded its second warmest year on record, and its hottest ever summer.[/img

'Yeah but- it's been hot before. '

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Polar bear kills woman and boy in Alaska village


A polar bear has killed a woman and a boy in a remote Alaska village, authorities have said.

The bear entered the village of Wales on Tuesday afternoon, on the western tip of the Seward Peninsula, and began chasing people, police said.

As it attacked the woman and boy, it was shot and killed but the mauling proved to be fatal.

Fatal polar bear attacks in Alaska are rare but experts say encounters with humans will increase as more ice melts.

Studies in the US have shown that as the animal's natural habitats begin to recede, attacks on humans were more likely as they moved inland.

A 2017 study published by The Wildlife Society found that polar bear attacks on humans had increased since 2000 and were more likely to occur between July and December - when sea ice covered a smaller area.

Truth in 'trivia '
Greenland temperatures hottest in 1,000 years: Study
A new study of Greenland’s ice cores indicates that rising temperatures bear the ‘clear signature of global warming’.


New data has revealed that temperatures in Greenland are the warmest they have been in 1,000 years, underscoring the growing impact of human-driven climate change on the natural world.

A study published in the scientific journal Nature on Wednesday found that temperatures have risen 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above the 20th-century average since 1995. The data shows that Greenland’s ice cores — samples taken from deep within ice sheets and glaciers — have warmed substantially.

“We keep on [seeing] rising temperatures between the 1990s and 2011,” said the study’s lead author Maria Hoerhold, a glaciologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany. “We have now a clear signature of global warming.”

The point of publicizing the myriad declarations of proven anthropogenic climate change is not simply to humiliate and identify the Denier monkeys- it's to compound the movement to make them PAY.