Global fry-up.

New Zealand – State of Emergency as Record Rain Causes Flood Havoc in Auckland

Deadly flooding leaves thousands stranded in New Zealand

A state of emergency has been declared in Auckland, New Zealand after record rain caused widespread flooding on 27 January 2023.

“It only took a half-day to beat the previous daily rainfall record,” the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research said.

An entire summer’s worth of rain
Auckland, New Zealand’s largest city, has been badly hit by heavy rain and thunderstorms. Friday was the city’s wettest day on record, with an estimated 240mm of rainfall – equal to an entire summer’s worth of rain.


An entire summer's -worth of rain - in one day.

We need to start work on massive-capacity urban drainage systems.
‘Generational’ Arctic blast hits Northeast US, Canada
A powerful arctic blast swept into the US Northeast, Canada pushing temperatures to perilously low levels.

A “generational” Arctic blast brought dangerously cold temperatures to swaths of the northeastern United States and Canada on Saturday, with forecasters warning that frostbite could occur in just five minutes.

Atop Mount Washington in New Hampshire state, the wind-chill factor reached -78 degrees Celsius (-108 degrees Fahrenheit) overnight, the National Weather Service (NWS) said.

That broke the previous low recorded there of -74C (-101F), the Weather Channel said.
24 people killed as Chile battles deadliest wildfires in country’s recent history
South-central Chile currently has 275 active fires, which have consumed 667,000 acres of land

Chile is in the grip of an over decade-long period of dry weather, which the World Meteorological Organization called a "mega drought" last year, adding it was the longest in a thousand years and marked a major water crisis.

Folks- after years of potty-mouthed abuse of the climate lobby and hundreds of posts denying the realities of climate change- please welcome aboard the Brit maggot, aka Serendipity, the Thai Terrorist - a convert not by love for his planet and the future of our children- but for the state of his stock portfolio and his wallet. I give you- maggot, the Hydrogen Hypocrite ;


...... there is an argument that if we (humans) really want to fight climate change,...... #3

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw,.....................haw, haw, haw, haw, haw..................................haw, haw................................haw.
It's now proven - beyond any shadow of doubt - revealed by documentation and open confessions by 'scientists ' of the fossil fuel industries , that those industries embarked upon a campaign of deceit and disinformation for over twenty years in order to discredit the climate lobbies and so continue to dump their shit into our atmosphere. Now, it would be justice if those industries were prosecuted , broken up and their nauseating profits used to address some of the damage they have DELIBERATELY caused- but that would only be possible when governments are not beholden to them themselves. Change has to come though.

Meanwhile, just watch the Denier lobbyists try to claim that they are themselves innocent victims of fossil fuel industry deceit.

Haw, haw..................................haw.

We are in the final throes of this information war and the Deniers have been crushed. Don't let them walk free. They have fucked our planet to line their pockets. It is unforgivable.
It's now proven - beyond any shadow of doubt - revealed by documentation and open confessions by 'scientists ' of the fossil fuel industries , that those industries embarked upon a campaign of deceit and disinformation for over twenty years in order to discredit the climate lobbies and so continue to dump their shit into our atmosphere. Now, it would be justice if those industries were prosecuted , broken up and their nauseating profits used to address some of the damage they have DELIBERATELY caused- but that would only be possible when governments are not beholden to them themselves. Change has to come though.

Meanwhile, just watch the Denier lobbyists try to claim that they are themselves innocent victims of fossil fuel industry deceit.

Haw, haw..................................haw.

We are in the final throes of this information war and the Deniers have been crushed. Don't let them walk free. They have fucked our planet to line their pockets. It is unforgivable.

I agree that climate change is real and caused in large part by mankind's actions. Regardless of what one thinks of Al Gore as a person, I think that his speeches and graphs in the An Inconvenient Truth documentary were very compelling. I also believe that there are some who've known it was real but have continued to espouse otherwise to line their own pockets. But I think those who line their pockets with the profits are far fewer than those who have been bamboozled into thinking that climate change isn't real or at the very least not caused by man's actions.
Cyclone Gabrielle: New Zealanders forced to swim to safety in floods

New Zealand has only previously declared a national state of emergency on two occasions - during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and following the 2011 Christchurch earthquake.

The government has attributed the scale of the disaster to climate change.

"The severity of it, of course, [is] made worse by the fact that our global temperatures have already increased by 1.1 degrees," said climate change minister James Shaw.

"We need to stop making excuses for inaction. We cannot put our heads in the sand when the beach is flooding. We must act now."

Cyclone Gabrielle has hit New Zealand just two weeks after unprecedented downpours and flooding in the same region, which killed four people.

The country's meteorological agency, MetService, on Tuesday said Auckland had received about half of its annual rainfall in just the first 45 days of 2023.

Fires Blaze Through South-Central Chile


Air temperatures in Chile’s hard hit regions have exceeded 104 degrees Fahrenheit (40° Celsius). Meanwhile, warm easterly winds blown from Argentina down the slopes of the Andes, also known as “Puelche winds,” contributed to the rapid spread of the fires.

Chile is in the midst of a drought, which has lowered reservoirs and caused tensions over water. According to the World Meteorological Organization, the 13-year megadrought in central Chile is the longest in at least 1,000 years.
Complete and utter bullshit from the Marxist mullah man-meat muncher, why anyone gives this fucker the time of day is beyond me.

Final Brief Submitted In CHECC v. EPA

The briefing is now complete in Concerned Household Electricity Consumers Council v. EPA. That is the case, currently pending in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, where a small and brave band of electricity consumers, CHECC, challenges the “science” behind EPA’s 2009 finding that CO2 and other “greenhouse gases” constitute a danger to human health and welfare. I am one of the attorneys for CHECC.

Our final Reply Brief was filed originally on Tuesday February 7, and then re-filed in corrected form the next day. (The reason for “correction” is too trivial to go into here. The clerks in the D.C. Circuit take great pleasure in devising trivial reasons to require lawyers to file “corrected” briefs.). Here is a link to the brief. It probably requires a subscription to access. Over the next few days we will probably come up with a way to provide a public access link to the full set of briefs in the case.

In the case, we ask the court to compel EPA to go back and re-assess the “science” of greenhouse gas “endangerment.” The briefing process gave EPA the chance to put its best foot forward as to the scientific basis underlying the finding of endangerment. What is truly remarkable is the extent to which EPA, not to mention the entire government-backed scientific establishment, completely lack any real scientific basis for the claim of great “danger.” The briefing has made that embarrassingly clear.

Equally remarkable is that the job of challenging EPA’s pseudoscientific smokescreen is left to a small handful of individuals working completely pro bono. The fear of being labeled a “science denier” by leftist groupthinkers is apparently strong enough to force almost everyone who should know better off the field of battle. However, we are grateful to the CO2 Coalition for its support in the form of an excellent amicus brief. The CO2 Coalition is the principal group of real scientists willing to continue to speak out about the fake science behind the climate change scare. The CO2 Coalition’s amicus brief was mainly the work of Professors William Happer of Princeton and Richard Lindzen of MIT.

Besides the failure of temperatures to rise at nearly the rate models have predicted, there is an even more definitive and embarrassing model failure, which is the absence of the predicted “tropical hot spot.” The “hot spot” was fundamental to EPA’s claimed understanding of the mechanisms of world climate that formed one of the bases of the Endangerment Finding. At pages 15-19 of the Reply Brief we beat EPA over the head with the fact that the “hot spot” can’t be found.

In EPA’s Brief, it responded as to the “hot spot” not by showing that it existed, but rather by claiming that they never said it was important. From the Reply Brief, page 18:

EPA’s contention at p. 48 of its brief, and p. 21 of the Denial that the model- observation mismatch on the Tropical Hot Spot is not important is inconsistent with its previous position on this topic. The Technical Support Document for the 2009 Endangerment Finding at p. 50 says that if the Hot Spot were missing it would be “an important inconsistency.” Now that it is proven to be missing, even by the IPCC, EPA says it is an unimportant inconsistency. EPA’s double-talk does not meet the requirement of rational decision making.

There is plenty more in the Reply Brief for your reading pleasure, should you have the time. The betting line is that the D.C. Circuit will fall for EPA’s hocus pocus, but you never know when rationality might prevail.
Folks- after years of potty-mouthed abuse of the climate lobby and hundreds of posts denying the realities of climate change- please welcome aboard the Brit maggot, aka Serendipity, the Thai Terrorist - a convert not by love for his planet and the future of our children- but for the state of his stock portfolio and his wallet. I give you- maggot, the Hydrogen Hypocrite ;

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw,.....................haw, haw, haw, haw, haw..................................haw, haw................................haw.

I've been posting about hydrogen for at least a decade, cunt on steroids. This is a vivid example how Marxist mental midgets like McMoonshi'ite distort and fabricate lies, Saul Alinsky would be proud.
Originally Posted by moon View Post
Folks- after years of potty-mouthed abuse of the climate lobby and hundreds of posts denying the realities of climate change- please welcome aboard the Brit maggot, aka Serendipity, the Thai Terrorist - a convert not by love for his planet and the future of our children- but for the state of his stock portfolio and his wallet. I give you- maggot, the Hydrogen Hypocrite ;

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw, haw,.....................haw, haw, haw, haw, haw..................................haw, haw................................haw.

I've been posting about hydrogen for at least a decade, cunt on steroids.

Ah, the Deniers seek forgiveness and attempt to slough their Denier skins- just as predicted.
See you, Jiminy

Haw, haw..............................haw.
It's been determined that at least 50% of those asylum seekers are in fact slave workers imported by Albanian drug gangs to act as mules and tend to skunk crops.

maggot, your status as a climate-denying terrorist, racist, turd is already well established. No further limp efforts towards justification are necessary.
maggot, your status as a climate-denying terrorist, racist, turd is already well established. No further limp efforts towards justification are necessary.

Limp efforts towards justification (from Marxist bullshitters) = Inconvenient facts (from informed people).
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Limp efforts towards justification (from Marxist bullshitters) = Inconvenient facts (from informed people).

You're such a bullshitter, don't you ever get tired of it? I wouldn't cry if either disappeared, one way or another, in fact the same applies to you as well. Not one of you would be any great loss to the world.

You've become transparent, maggot. I pride myself on my role in your embarrassment.

Haw, haw............................haw.