Global fry-up.

Neither Sweden nor the UK is underwater. You are just chanting again.

Your pitiful attempts at sidestepping are a hallmark of your ignorance.

Sweden is east of the UK on everybody's map but yours. You are a fucking moron.

Haw, haw......................................haw.
Sea level is not rising.

Yes, it is, globally. You are not only a dumbass, you are a repetitious dumbass.

What have you done with Sweden ? The world thought it was east of the UK until you claimed it wasn't.

Haw, haw......................................haw.
Yes, it is, globally. You are not only a dumbass, you are a repetitious dumbass.

What have you done with Sweden ? The world thought it was east of the UK until you claimed it wasn't.

Haw, haw......................................haw.

Nope. You are hallucinating. JFK airport is still 13 ft ASL. Pacific island airstrips built during WW2 are still there.
And you're still trying to claim Sweden is east of the UK. What a moron.
Nope. You are hallucinating. JFK airport is still 13 ft ASL. Pacific island airstrips built during WW2 are still there.
And you're still trying to claim Sweden is east of the UK. What a moron.

That's because Sweden IS east of the UK, dumbass. Do you know how many lines of latitude they share ?

Tell me some more about climate science.

Haw, haw................................haw.
The scientophobic ass, ITNS has chosen to remain silent.

Meanwhile the global-warming -denier Brit maggot's home turf has just experienced its highest-ever temperature.

For the first time... Thailand sets a record for the highest temperature due to a heat wave hitting Southeast Asian countries


Sweating a bit there, maggot ? Why would that be ?

Haw, haw..............................haw.
Chiang Mai; Wold's most polluted city

‘It's very hard for me to breathe lately’: Thick smog covers Bangkok and hospitalises thousands

‘It's very hard for me to breathe lately’: Thick smog covers Bangkok and hospitalises thousands

What is the most polluted part of Thailand?
The public health ministry said 50 districts in Bangkok on Wednesday 8 March recorded unsafe levels of the most dangerous PM2.5 particles, which are so tiny they can enter the bloodstream.

Levels dropped on Thursday, but remained well above World Health Organization guidelines.

As a Thailand resident the Brit maggot seems a tad reluctant to acknowledge how global warming has fucked his adopted country.
Still, he'll be able to call for the murder of US politicians from the obscurity of his Chiang Mai smog, the most polluted city on earth.
As a Thailand resident the Brit maggot seems a tad reluctant to acknowledge how global warming has fucked his adopted country.
Still, he'll be able to call for the murder of US politicians from the obscurity of his Chiang Mai smog, the most polluted city on earth.

The smog is coming from rice and sugar cane stubble burning, stupid cunt. It's a big problem especially in Chiangmai and Chiangrai. It has absolutely nothing to with alleged global warming. Hopefully after the elections next month the problem will finally be addressed.
The smog is coming from rice and sugar cane stubble burning, stupid cunt. It's a big problem especially in Chiangmai and Chiangrai. It has absolutely nothing to with alleged global warming. Hopefully after the elections next month the problem will finally be addressed.

The Brit maggot wants to vote away global warming. Incomprehensible capitalist stupidity.

Haw, haw..........................................haw.
Climate change: recent, rapid ocean warming alarms scientists

A recent, rapid heating of the world's oceans has alarmed scientists concerned that it will add to global warming.

This month, the global sea surface hit a new record high temperature. It has never warmed this much, this quickly.

Scientists don't fully understand why this has happened.

But they worry that, combined with other weather events, the world's temperature could reach a concerning new level by the end of next year.

Experts believe that a strong El Niño weather event - a weather system that heats the ocean - will also set in over the next months.

Warmer oceans can kill off marine life, lead to more extreme weather and raise sea levels. They are also less efficient at absorbing planet-warming greenhouse gases.


Well, that's it folks. We're stuffed full of capitalists' plastic shit on the inside and slowly cooking due to capitalists' shit on the outside.
Seems to me that the dumbest life-form on the planet is on the steep slope to the Big Exit.

Meanwhile , Biden's run looks like setting against each other the two most incompetent presidential candidates in world history . The futility of witnessing supporters of these two megalomaniacal numbnuts debase themselves while the planet shrivels is not my idea of an entertaining cosmic swan-song.

I'm off to get my shit together and load up for the zombie storm. moon out.

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It isn't ' Israel' of course, it's occupied Palestine- and if the Jewish fascists aren't driven into the sea soon it looks like the sea is coming to get them

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw.....................haw, haw, haw......................haw, haw.........................haw.

The sea is certainly going to get Hamas, just a shame you won't be in one of the tunnels when the IDF flood them with sea water.
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