Global fry-up.

Skiiers urge sport’s governing body to act over climate crisis and lack of snow

This season, there has been a notable lack of snow across Alpine resorts, leaving holidaymakers disappointed and causing some ski tournaments to be called off.

NOW maybe there'll be some action.


Haw, haw....................................haw.
‘Everyone should be concerned’: Antarctic sea ice reaches lowest levels ever recorded


With the continent holding enough ice to raise sea levels by many metres if it was to melt, polar scientists are scrambling for answers

For 44 years, satellites have helped scientists track how much ice is floating on the ocean around Antarctica’s 18,000km coastline.

The continent’s fringing waters witness a massive shift each year, with sea ice peaking at about 18m sq km each September before dropping to just above 2m sq km by February.

But across those four decades of satellite observations, there has never been less ice around the continent than there was last week.
Some good news- albeit not for ecocidal capitalist assholes;

Ocean treaty: Historic agreement reached after decade of talks


Nations have reached a historic agreement to protect the world's oceans following 10 years of negotiations.

The High Seas Treaty aims to place 30% of the seas into protected areas by 2030, to safeguard and recuperate marine nature.

The agreement was reached on Saturday evening, after 38 hours of talks, at UN headquarters in New York.

The negotiations had been held up for years over disagreements on funding and fishing rights.

The last international agreement on ocean protection was signed 40 years ago in 1982 - the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

That agreement established an area called the high seas - international waters where all countries have a right to fish, ship and do research - but only 1.2% of these waters are protected.

Marine life living outside of these protected areas has been at risk from climate change, overfishing and shipping traffic.
Revealed: 1,000 super-emitting methane leaks risk triggering climate tipping points

More than 1,000 “super-emitter” sites gushed the potent greenhouse gas methane into the global atmosphere in 2022, the Guardian can reveal, mostly from oil and gas facilities. The worst single leak spewed the pollution at a rate equivalent to 67m running cars.

Separate data also reveals 55 “methane bombs” around the world – fossil fuel extraction sites where gas leaks alone from future production would release levels of methane equivalent to 30 years of all US greenhouse gas emissions.

Methane emissions cause 25% of global heating today and there has been a “scary” surge since 2007, according to scientists. This acceleration may be the biggest threat to keeping below 1.5C of global heating and seriously risks triggering catastrophic climate tipping points, researchers say.

The two new datasets identify the sites most critical to preventing methane-driven disaster, as tackling leaks from fossil fuel sites is the fastest and cheapest way to slash methane emissions. Some leaks are deliberate, venting the unwanted gas released from underground while drilling for oil into the air, and some are accidental, from badly maintained or poorly regulated equipment.

Weak government is killing the planet.
Menindee: Millions of dead fish wash up near Australian town


In a Facebook post, the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) said the heatwave put "further stress on a system that has experienced extreme conditions from wide-scale flooding".

Heatwaves have become more frequent, more intense, and last longer because of human-induced climate change. The world has already warmed by about 1.1C since the industrial era began and temperatures will keep rising unless governments around the world make steep cuts to emissions.
Your Denier status is indelible, maggot. You even DENY it !

Haw, haw..................................haw.
Aviation chiefs rejected measures to curb climate impact of jet vapours
Airline industry claimed science not ‘robust’ enough to implement new controls to combat climate warming caused by vapour trails


Airlines and airports opposed measures to combat global warming caused by jet vapour trails that evidence suggests account for more than half of the aviation industry’s climate impact, new documents reveal.

The industry argued in government submissions that the science was not “robust” enough to justify reduction targets for these non-CO2 emissions. Scientists say the climate impact of vapour trails, or contrails, has been known for more than two decades, with one accusing the industry of a “typical climate denialist strategy”.

While carbon emissions from jet engines contribute to global heating, research suggests the contrails formed when water vapour and soot particles form into ice crystals have an even greater impact. These human-made clouds trap heat in the atmosphere that would otherwise escape into space.

Just imagine- corporations deliberately fucking up YOUR sky for THEIR PROFIT !

I wonder at the scale of ' Free flights for Congresspersons ' ?
Samoa PM urges world to save Pacific people from climate crisis obliteration

Fiame Naomi Mata’afa pleads for action before landmark IPCC report is expected to issue ‘final warning’

The world must step back from the brink of climate disaster to save the people of the Pacific from obliteration, the prime minister of Samoa has urged.

On the eve of a landmark report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is expected to deliver a scientific “final warning” on the climate emergency, Fiame Naomi Mata’afa, Samoa’s prime minister, issued a desperate plea for action.

“We’re all impacted, but the degree of the impact is in the particular circumstance of countries. So our low-lying atoll countries, it’s right there, we’re living with it,” said Mata’afa.

“There are already examples in the Pacific of communities, whole communities, that have relocated to different countries,” she said. “They’re really having to address issues of sovereignty through loss of land.”

Mata’afa warned that all countries would face escalating damage unless they acted now. “This is a collective issue, no one is free from the impacts of climate change,” she said, in an interview with the Guardian. “So it’s very important for the global family to hold to determinations [to cut greenhouse gas emissions] that have already been made. It seems more immediate for us [in the Pacific] but it’s still impacting all of us.”

Rest easy, folks- it isn't affecting the Brit maggot.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw.................................haw.

Monday's report said that in the past decade there have been 15 times more deaths from droughts, floods and storms in highly vulnerable regions

UN calls for rapid, ambitious action to tackle climate crisis
IPCC’s world leading scientists say there are enough resources and knowledge to tackle the global climate crisis.

The world has the tools to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to secure a sustainable future if more ambitious actions are taken, a United Nations report has said, noting that actions taken so far are not enough to tackle the growing threats posed by climate change.

A UN panel of scientists stressed in a synthesis report on Monday that there are multiple, feasible and effective options to adapt to climate change.

The tool of the Brit maggot- and his ilk- is to deny that it's happening. That's far, far worse than Holocaust denial, another mantra of the degenerate and the insane.
UN warns of ‘draining humanity’s lifeblood’ amid worsening water scarcity


Secretary general urges countries to tackle ‘vampiric overconsumption’, water guzzling industries and climate crisis

' Industries ' again. We should start by closing down all industries whose environmental negatives outweigh the positives.

Fuck the profiteers. In fact, arrest them . Make ecocide a criminal offense.
Mississippi tornado kills 24 and brings devastation to US state

Search and rescue efforts are under way after one of the deadliest tornadoes to have ever hit the US state of Mississippi.

At least 24 people have died following Friday night's tornado, with more thought to be trapped under the rubble of destroyed buildings.

The twister caused devastation in several rural towns, tearing down trees and power lines.

Several southern states are also braced for powerful storms.

The storm system which ripped through Mississippi produced a tornado that has caused catastrophic damage to communities across the state. The biggest twister obliterated dozens of buildings in several small towns, flipping cars on their sides and toppling power lines.

One of those small towns, Rolling Fork, located in Sharkey County in western Mississippi, has essentially been wiped out, according to its mayor.

Sam Emmerson from the School of Meteorology at the University of Oklahoma said that the "extremely high-calibre" tornado lofted debris above 30,000ft (9144m).

One local weather forecaster, concerned at the strength of a tornado about to hit the town of Amory, momentarily paused his TV forecast to offer a prayer for the residents of the town.

Tornadoes will become more frequent, more powerful as global warming accelerates.
Hailstones are already so large that they are killing people.
The way to address these lethal extremes is through following the advice of ' De-Growth '. Pushing for larger economies will prove fatal.
Tornadoes will become more frequent, more powerful as global warming accelerates.
Hailstones are already so large that they are killing people.
The way to address these lethal extremes is through following the advice of ' De-Growth '. Pushing for larger economies will prove fatal.

Still out here talking to yourself, eh? Your Church of Global Warming chanting is inane. And you figure your chanting is doing anything but attempting to prove to yourself that your life has any meaning.

Now it's just a test to see how long you want to quote random bullshit numbers.
Still out here talking to yourself, eh? Your Church of Global Warming chanting is inane. And you figure your chanting is doing anything but attempting to prove to yourself that your life has any meaning.

Now it's just a test to see how long you want to quote random bullshit numbers.

Says the moron that refuses to accept that Sweden is to the East of the UK
Man, what a loser.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw.........................................haw, haw, haw.................................haw. haw.....................haw.

In fact, the dumbass doesn't even know that Sweden has an Arctic component;

Into the Night Soil
Sweden is not in the Arctic
Moon NOW thinks that Sweden is in the Arctic! #35

Tell me some more about science, addlepate.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw.........................................haw, haw.................................haw.
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Says the moron that thinks Sweden is east of the UK, and doesn't know when to capitalize or not capitalize.

Yes, despite pernickety stumble-bums such as yourself claiming otherwise, Sweden is east of the UK.

Now tell the forum how many lines of latitude the UK shares with Sweden.

You poor dumbass.

Haw, haw, haw, haw, haw...............................haw, haw..................................haw.
Still don't know where Sweden is, eh? I already know you don't. You don't have to keep proving it.

To the contrary- it's you that refuses to accept that Sweden shares lines of latitude with the UK - and therefore must be to the east of the UK- because it isn't in the Atlantic.

Haw, haw..........................................haw.

You are a dumbass, plain and simple. Do you enjoy looking stupid here ?

Haw, haw....................................haw.