God help us. Senate confirms BLACK MAN as Secretary of Defense !!!

All Darkies should be deported back to Africa. That's what Lincoln was doing before he was assassinated; that's what needs to be done now !

On April 11th, Booth saw Lincoln give a speech where he argued for equal rights for Blacks, who would, obviously, stay in America. On April 14th, Booth killed Lincoln, in part for that speech. In other words, you are just plain wrong.

I say we deport all racists to Africa. They really contribute nothing to America.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
40 years ago these jokers were called "survivalists"....talked the same crap, walked the same walk. I figure they ended up using there secreted/secluded "redoubts" as make shift retirement homes by now.
Maybe they interbred and Hawkeye et all is the result? LOL

Now, now....play nice! :D
On April 11th, Booth saw Lincoln give a speech where he argued for equal rights for Blacks, who would, obviously, stay in America. On April 14th, Booth killed Lincoln, in part for that speech. In other words, you are just plain wrong.

I say we deport all racists to Africa. They really contribute nothing to America.

And you give the Africans endless hours of target practice....win, win!
Same old sh!t Western Europeans are really dumb, and kind of evil & Jews are kind of dumb & really evil.

You can't just blame Blacks for this.

Blacks are going to be Blacks.

But, Western Europeans are so dumb they tolerate everything.
Jews use darker skinned peoples as a means of control & destruction.


I'm always fascinated as to how some people disseminate their racist hatreds, prejudices and bigotry.
You got a problem with Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, too?

Socialist ID politics :palm:

Yes, he does. One thing about TDAK is that he consistently bitches about black people, even when Trump is president, and even when it's a conservative person. That being said, this is all he amounts to:

On April 11th, Booth saw Lincoln give a speech where he argued for equal rights for Blacks, who would, obviously, stay in America. On April 14th, Booth killed Lincoln, in part for that speech. In other words, you are just plain wrong.

I say we deport all racists to Africa. They really contribute nothing to America.

In order to understand Lincoln's view on Black Africans in America, you need to understand the difference between NATURAL RIGHTS of which freedom (from, for example, slavery/human bondage) is one, and political and social rights. Lincoln did NOT believe that emancipated black slaves were entitled to equal political and social rights with respect to White individuals in mainstream American society. In this regard he described them as "inferior" to White Americans (generally speaking) due to what he believed was a "biological difference" between the two races. HE correctly predicted there would be continual racial tension, and civil strife/violence between the two racial groups and that has actually been the case for over 400 years to date, which he why he felt it best that emancipated slaves were deported from the United States. (He did, in fact, manage to deport several thousand, though for a number of reason (malaria, etc) they had to be returned to America.) If you don't believe me I am happy to quote him at length on the issue. But before that, I expect you will have your hands full enough trying to understand the meaning of NATURAL RIGHTS. My advice is for you to read how the Engligh, Enlightenment political philosopher, John Locke, conceived them; because Thomas Jefferson plagiarised Locke's conception of "natural rights" in the preamble to the Declaration of Independendence where he famously wrote... "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal (in God's eyes) and that they are endowed with certain unalienable (NATURAL) rights among which are ,life, liberty etc." Jefferson left out the word "NATURAL".

Funny how I am an Australian who has never lived in the US, though I know and understand American history better than you ??:):)

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In order to understand Lincoln's view on Black Africans in America, you need to understand the difference between NATURAL RIGHTS of which freedom from slavery/human bondage) is one, and political and social rights. Lincoln did NOT believe that emancipated black slaves were entitled to equal political and social rights with respect to White individuals in mainstream American society. In this regard he described them as "inferior" to White Americans (generally speaking) due to what he believed was a "biological difference" between the two races. HE correctly predicted there would be continual racial tension, and civil strife/violence between the two racial groups and that has actually been the case for over 400 years to date, which he why he felt it best that emancipated slaves were deported from the United States. (He did, in fact, manage to deport several thousand, though for a number of reason (malaria, etc) they had to be returned to America.) If you don't believe me I am happy to quote him at length on the issue. But before that, I expect you will have your hands full enough trying to understand the meaning of NATURAL RIGHTS. My advice is for you to read how the Engligh, Enlightenment political philosopher, John Locke, conceived them; because Thomas Jefferson plagiarised Locke's conception of "natural rights" in the preamble to the Declaration of Independendence where he famously wrote... "We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal (in God's eyes) and that they are endowed with certain unalienable (NATURAL) rights among which are ,life, liberty etc." Jefferson left out the word "NATURAL".

Funny how I am an Australian who has never lived in the US, though I know and understand American history better than you ??:):)


Lincoln started out with one view, and ended with another. Three days before he died, Lincoln gave a speech that Blacks should have all the rights of whites, including the right to vote. Booth saw that speech, and proclaimed it would be the last speech that Lincoln ever gave.
Lincoln started out with one view, and ended with another. Three days before he died, Lincoln gave a speech that Blacks should have all the rights of whites, including the right to vote. Booth saw that speech, and proclaimed it would be the last speech that Lincoln ever gave.

Lincoln was a politician, and that statement was a matter of - (to put it diplomatically) - "political expediency" with respect to certain, particular circumstances he had to deal with at around the time of that speech.

Lincoln was a politician, and that statement was a matter of - (to put it diplomatically) - "political expediency" with respect to certain, particular circumstances he had to deal with at around the time of that speech.


Lincoln had just been reelected in a system where there was a gentleman's agreement that he only serve two terms. In other words, he was never going to be elected to anything again, so was moving out of being a politician. At that point, he suddenly started doing extreme things, like say that Blacks should have the right to vote. That was extreme for the time, but he clearly was working towards it.
Lincoln had just been reelected in a system where there was a gentleman's agreement that he only serve two terms. In other words, he was never going to be elected to anything again, so was moving out of being a politician. At that point, he suddenly started doing extreme things, like say that Blacks should have the right to vote. That was extreme for the time, but he clearly was working towards it.

Linoln's final speech was an ad hoc affair. He took advantage of the fact that a crowd had gathered at the White House to celebrate Lee's surrender to deliver some remarks. In that final "speech" Lincoln gave CONDITIONAL support for Black suffrage, saying that the right to vote for emancipated Black be...

"...now conferred on the very intelligent and those who serve our cause as soldiers."

Why do you think he would make the qualification "conferred on the VERY intelligent" re granting the right for Blacks to vote in the US ? If Lincoln had said something like that in today's America he would be excoriated as NAZI/FASCIST/ EVIL WHITE SUPREMACIST and so on. As it happens I agree with him wholeheartedly on this point. I do not have a problem with an African-American like Thomas Sowell being granted the right to vote, nor a man like MLK. But an IQ of 85 points is, IMO, too low for anyone with that level of intelligence to be granted the right to vote; and 85 points is the AVERAGE (i.e. MEAN) IQ of the population of African-Americans in the US today ??

These comments represent an EXTRAORDINARY departure from the position he had firmly held for the previous seven years. Also, we know that in the months before his death Lincoln was working assiduously at solving the logistical and other practical problems associated with organizing the deportation of population of Blacks from the United States ????

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Linoln's final speech was an ad hoc affair. He took advantage of the fact that a crowd had gathered at the White House to celebrate Lee's surrender to deliver some remarks. In that final "speech" Lincoln gave CONDITIONAL support for Black suffrage, saying that the right to vote for emancipated Black be...

White suffrage was also conditional at the time. Lincoln argued that Blacks should be treated equal to whites.
Yes, he does. One thing about TDAK is that he consistently bitches about black people, even when Trump is president, and even when it's a conservative person. That being said, this is all he amounts to:

TDAk uses his car as a weapon on the highway, doing 55 in the fast lane. He 's a socialist authoritarian.

He and Dachsund must have shared a cell with Charles Manson. They fall for Charlie's "faux intellectual" prison con games. :palm:
so now you attack people for obeying the law??? No wonder you don't have any friends.

Slow drivers blocking the passing lane cause crashes. You're not a trained law enforcement officer. You shouldn't be using a 3,000 lb. weapon as your own private, public law enforcement tool. It is legal right to pass cars if there is a dashed line..
TDAk uses his car as a weapon on the highway, doing 55 in the fast lane. He 's a socialist authoritarian.

He and Dachsund must have shared a cell with Charles Manson. They fall for Charlie's "faux intellectual" prison con games. :palm:
As far as TDAK is concerned, Charlie being white made him better than a guy like Thomas Sowell.