Good News, Everyone.....

......evince hasn't posted since yesterday morning! Maybe she got a well-deserved temporary ban from the threads? One can only hope.....
......evince hasn't posted since yesterday morning!
Maybe she got a well-deserved temporary ban from the threads? One can only hope.....

You show a very odd interest in Evince for somebody who supposedly just joined the forum this month.

What was your previous handle you posted under?
SHE showed a very odd interest in ME. In fact, she looked me up on the Internet and posted personal info about me on a thread for this site WITHOUT MY CONSENT. This is a direct violation of Rule #1. THAT'S why I stated a temporary ban for her would be well-deserved.
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SHE showed a very odd interest in ME. In fact, she looked me up on the Internet and posted personal info about me on a thread for this site without consent by me. This is a direct violation of Rule #1. THAT'S why I stated a temporary ban for her would be well-deserved.
She did indeed...and should have been banned....
SHE showed a very odd interest in ME. In fact, she looked me up on the Internet and posted personal info about me on a thread for this site without consent by me. This is a direct violation of Rule #1. THAT'S why I stated a temporary ban for her would be well-deserved.

You sure you are not an old poster suddenly posting under a new handle??

I would have to hear her side of the story. The internets taught me years ago that teabaggers will lie about, misrepresent, and mischaracterize lefties without a hint of conscience or the slightest remorse. I am not saying you are doing it, I am just saying that lack of moral character is very ubiquitous on message boards.
You sure you are not an old poster suddenly posting under a new handle??

I would have to hear her side of the story. The internets taught me years ago that teabaggers will lie about, misrepresent, and mischaracterize lefties without a hint of conscience or the slightest remorse. I am not saying you are doing it, I am just saying that lack of moral character is very ubiquitous on message boards.

First off, you are a D*CKHEAD. Next, check out my "This Should Trigger Some On This Site" thread, under General Politics. Starting at the top of page 2, evince is ALL OVER the thread, actually admitting she looked me up on the Internet. And she posted personal info about me, without my consent. There you go, d*ckhead. Please do some research before you go spouting off any more nonsense.
You sure you are not an old poster suddenly posting under a new handle??

I would have to hear her side of the story. The internets taught me years ago that teabaggers will lie about, misrepresent, and mischaracterize lefties without a hint of conscience or the slightest remorse. I am not saying you are doing it, I am just saying that lack of moral character is very ubiquitous on message boards.

I'm sorry I called you a d*ckhead. THAT was very rude of me. And I NEVER posted on this site before August 5th of this year. Please do your research before making any accusations.
SHE showed a very odd interest in ME. In fact, she looked me up on the Internet and posted personal info about me on a thread for this site WITHOUT MY CONSENT. This is a direct violation of Rule #1. THAT'S why I stated a temporary ban for her would be well-deserved.

If that is a concern of yours, maybe you should try using an alias instead of your real name.

Evince often takes off for a while. She has a life, unlike some ppl we know. Now toddle along and find someone to impress with your super huge IQ (Idiot Quotient). :laugh:
She did indeed...and should have been banned....

Quick, Toxic, to the Report Button! Don't let another chance to get someone banned get away like the last time! Hurry, run! Report report report!!! Use your socks for more reporting! :laugh:


Here is what Evince said about VanderHoozit:

She revealed nothing personal other than the fact that any idiot -- esp. one with an unusual last name -- who uses his real name on a public forum or other public venue is easily searched on Google. This isn't, of course, the same as *some* people we know here who used mutual friends' Facebook pages to find out other posters' real names (and those of their family members) and post them on a shared public forum. VanderHoozit posted his own real name here. Oops.

Evince is right; not a smart move and definitely exposes family members to creepy stalkers and worse. Anyone from Amazon remember "The General"?
You sure you are not an old poster suddenly posting under a new handle??

I would have to hear her side of the story. The internets taught me years ago that teabaggers will lie about, misrepresent, and mischaracterize lefties without a hint of conscience or the slightest remorse. I am not saying you are doing it, I am just saying that lack of moral character is very ubiquitous on message boards.

Even though it is public info I won't post it because the rules. Just look up his name, and his favorite Orange topic. Enough said.
Desh was clearly in violation of the rules...just have to point it out to the right mod...give it time;)
Here is what Evince said about VanderHoozit:

She revealed nothing personal other than the fact that any idiot -- esp. one with an unusual last name -- who uses his real name on a public forum or other public venue is easily searched on Google. This isn't, of course, the same as *some* people we know here who used mutual friends' Facebook pages to find out other posters' real names (and those of their family members) and post them on a shared public forum. VanderHoozit posted his own real name here. Oops.

Evince is right; not a smart move and definitely exposes family members to creepy stalkers and worse. Anyone from Amazon remember "The General"?

Thanks for the leg work.

Yet another case of a teabagger misrepresenting, even lying, about what a lefty poster said, wrote, or intended.

Why am I not surprised?

Having known evince since 2006, I was highly dubious that she was willfully threatening to dox someone here. The lesson here is that it pays to not accept at face value the claims, assertions, contentions, and suppositions of obscure rightwing posters on jpp dot com.
First off, you are a D*CKHEAD. Next, check out my "This Should Trigger Some On This Site" thread, under General Politics. Starting at the top of page 2, evince is ALL OVER the thread, actually admitting she looked me up on the Internet. And she posted personal info about me, without my consent. There you go, d*ckhead. Please do some research before you go spouting off any more nonsense.

"Me thinks the lady protest to much"