Good News, Everyone.....

Even though it is public info I won't post it because the rules. Just look up his name, and his favorite Orange topic. Enough said.

I have never conducted google research on any poster, have never had the slightest interest in doing anything of the sort, and unlike many teabaggers here, I have exactly zero - none, nada, zilch - interest in the lives and activities of obscure message board posters I do not know and will never meet.

I am just here to bash Trumpf and talk to the higher life forms!
Here is what Evince said about VanderHoozit:

She revealed nothing personal other than the fact that any idiot -- esp. one with an unusual last name -- who uses his real name on a public forum or other public venue is easily searched on Google. This isn't, of course, the same as *some* people we know here who used mutual friends' Facebook pages to find out other posters' real names (and those of their family members) and post them on a shared public forum. VanderHoozit posted his own real name here. Oops.

Evince is right; not a smart move and definitely exposes family members to creepy stalkers and worse. Anyone from Amazon remember "The General"?

These idiots giving out all this info. Do they not realize the things people can get with that info. They could even figure enough out to open a line of credit under those names if they get enough info. Mistakenly using your real name isn't the end of the world as I've done it myself in the past. Other info above and beyond is insane though. Evince seems to be doing him a favor by bringing this up and yet the baboon wants to punish her.
I have never conducted google research on any poster, have never had the slightest interest in doing anything of the sort, and unlike many teabaggers here, I have exactly zero - none, nada, zilch - interest in the lives and activities of obscure message board posters I do not know and will never meet.

I am just here to bash Trumpf and talk to the higher life forms!

Well the guy has enough info plastered to get him in a heap of trouble. Evince pointed it out to him and it all was publicly available. Several others saw it before Evince even brought it up.
These idiots giving out all this info. Do they not realize the things people can get with that info. They could even figure enough out to open a line of credit under those names if they get enough info. Mistakenly using your real name isn't the end of the world as I've done it myself in the past. Other info above and beyond is insane though. Evince seems to be doing him a favor by bringing this up and yet the baboon wants to punish her.

I'm waiting for the classic "two sets" complaint
But desh brought it up...and more...she needs to go...
Those two sets of rules, though;)
Well the guy has enough info plastered to get him in a heap of trouble. Evince pointed it out to him and it all was publicly available. Several others saw it before Evince even brought it up.

It sounds like she was warning him to look out for his best interests.
I put the probability at exactly zero percent that Evince would ever willfully and maliciously try to dox a poster here. And I say that with the experience of having over 15 years of experience posting with Evince.
It sounds like she was warning him to look out for his best interests.
I put the probability at exactly zero percent that Evince would ever willfully and maliciously try to dox a poster here. And I say that with the experience of having over 15 years of experience posting with Evince.

A certain poster smells blood in the water.
Could it be another life altering disappointment!:(
It sounds like she was warning him to look out for his best interests.
I put the probability at exactly zero percent that Evince would ever willfully and maliciously try to dox a poster here. And I say that with the experience of having over 15 years of experience posting with Evince.

Well, he apparently has even more then I saw. I signed up for credit awhile back and can tell you he has a lot of the boxes checked off already for an online hacker/thief. The guy needs to stop being a little kid about it and change these things while he can.
Hook....line...sinker...the committee is so easy;) Pineapples in a barrel, so to speak:):laugh:
Poor desh...hopefully she didn't spit on the wrong B guy this time....and just got banned for her very wrong doing....