Good News, Everyone.....

You jumped to a unwarranted conclusions merely because you wanted something to be true about me.
Here is my post from yesterday in which I do not "ignore" bad behavior from lefty .

And yet, you still only cited "teabaggers" in the post we are talking about. Fail.
And yet, you still only cited "teabaggers" in the post we are talking about. Fail.

Somehow I knew you would not acknowledge that in this thread I clearly placed some of the blame on lefty.

Your claim was that I "IGNORE" transgressions by lefty.

Which was a completely and verifiably false accusation
Somehow I knew you would not acknowledge that in this thread I clearly placed some of the blame on lefty.

Your claim was that I "IGNORE" transgressions by lefty.

Which was a completely and verifiably false accusation

Furthermore, even in the post where you supposedly acknowledged your side's penchant for lying, you still said, "for some weird reason it all seems more ubiquitous in the reich wing". Ironically using the lie of a Nazi reference. So in retrospect, your supposed acknowledgement was nothing of the kind, and merely more left wing lies. Like I said, you and your ilk lie every minute of every day, and your example only proves that.

You're an odd fellow, you can be perfectly amiable when discussing history, or other subjects, but turn into a typical left wing liar when discussing politics.