Good News, Everyone.....

Here is what Evince said about VanderHoozit:

She revealed nothing personal other than the fact that any idiot -- esp. one with an unusual last name -- who uses his real name on a public forum or other public venue is easily searched on Google. This isn't, of course, the same as *some* people we know here who used mutual friends' Facebook pages to find out other posters' real names (and those of their family members) and post them on a shared public forum. VanderHoozit posted his own real name here. Oops.

Evince is right; not a smart move and definitely exposes family members to creepy stalkers and worse. Anyone from Amazon remember "The General"?

Years ago we had a poster who used the nic "poet." One of the JPPers here googled him by using some of the personal info poet posted here, and put it on the forum. They even called him by his real first name. Guess what happened to that poster?

You're right. Nada. And it was suggested to poet that he not leave so many clues to his identity when posting.
Years ago we had a poster who used the nic "poet." One of the JPPers here googled him by using some of the personal info poet posted here, and put it on the forum. They even called him by his real first name. Guess what happened to that poster?

You're right. Nada. And it was suggested to poet that he not leave so many clues to his identity when posting.

Hum?I had a poster post my real name,nothing happened?
I had a poster post a email,nothing happened?
Years ago we had a poster who used the nic "poet." One of the JPPers here googled him by using some of the personal info poet posted here, and put it on the forum. They even called him by his real first name. Guess what happened to that poster?

You're right. Nada. And it was suggested to poet that he not leave so many clues to his identity when posting.

You get a warning you shouldn't post these things. After all, it's accessible to everyone already. Evince did even less than I did with that Canadian loon David, and did it to help.
You get a warning you shouldn't post these things. After all, it's accessible to everyone already. Evince did even less than I did with that Canadian loon David, and did it to help.

A certain poster saw the assumption that Evince fucked up!
And went off the deep end.
The poster lives for getting people banned.
It's her lifes work!