APP - GOP consistent on race since its inception: equality.

And you were wrong, as I pointed out.

Are gays allowed to serve in the military? No they are not. So I was right.

Your claim that, by hiding their sexuality, they are allowed to serve changes nothing. The question is whether there is something they are prohibited from doing based on their sexuality. They are prohibited from serving in the military based on their sexuality.
I know for a fact there are gay people currently serving in the military.

By hiding it? That does not mean anything. In fact, it proves my point. As soon as their sexuality is discovered they are discharged.

Whether they hide it or not is irrelevant.
Serve in the military.

Also, military service is not open to every American. We can't ALL do it, regardless of our sexuality. It is not a "right" but an honor. I can't serve... would love to, but I am too old. People who are handicapped don't get to serve in the military. Even people who do not meet certain physical requirements, can be denied service in the military. So, it's a really piss poor example of "gay inequality" in the USA.
Also, military service is not open to every American. We can't ALL do it, regardless of our sexuality. It is not a "right" but an honor. I can't serve... would love to, but I am too old. People who are handicapped don't get to serve in the military. Even people who do not meet certain physical requirements, can be denied service in the military. So, it's a really piss poor example of "gay inequality" in the USA.

Except that it is a perfect example.

If two people of the same age, gender, health, physical fitness and education both try and enlist in the military. One is gay and one is straight. The gay person will not be allowed to enlist, while the straight person will.

That is certainly discrimination based on sexuality. The fact that there are other reasons people cannot enlist is irrelevant.
By hiding it? That does not mean anything. In fact, it proves my point. As soon as their sexuality is discovered they are discharged.

Whether they hide it or not is irrelevant.

I am really sorry you don't understand the special circumstances regarding the military, and how something like a person's sexuality is a major distraction for the unit and the other soldiers who have to deal with it in reality. The current "don't ask-don't tell" policy was probably one of Clinton's best ideas! Of all the things he could have done, and all the other possibilities available, that seems to be the one which gave both sides some consideration on the issue, and pretty much resolved it from a policy standpoint.

It still isn't an example of "gay inequality" which, as I described, you have failed to present. I am still waiting for a valid example.

In 1981 and 1986 the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent out letters to predominately African-American neighborhoods. When tens of thousands of them were returned undeliverable, the party successfully challenged the voters and had them deleted from voting rolls. Due to the violation of the Voting Rights Act, the RNC was taken to court. Its officials entered a consent decree which prohibited the party from engaging in anti-fraud initiatives that targeted minorities or conducting mail campaigns to "compile voter challenge lists."[5]

2004 US Election

V. Pre Election Day Operations New Registration Mailing
At whatever point registration in the state closes, a first class mailing should be sent to all new registrants as well as purged/inactive voters. This mailing should welcome the recipient to the voter rolls. It is important that a return address is clearly identifiable. Any mail returned as undeliverable for any reason, should be used to generate a list of problematic registrations. Poll watchers should have this list and be prepared to challenge anyone from this list attempting to vote.

The Republican National Committee sent letters to predominately urban minority areas in Ohio. When 35,000 letters were returned as undeliverable, the party employed poll watchers to challenge the voters. Voting rights groups challenged the RNC in a case that went to the Supreme Court, but the RNC was not stopped from challenging those voters. Similarly, the RNC sent out 130,000 letters in Philadelphia hoping to cage voters there.

How stupid must one be to not understand that lying on your voter registration SHOULD disqualify you from registering and voting in a district you can't even prove you live in....?

Thats just a rhetorical question....
Two people of the same age, gender, health, physical fitness and education both try and enlist in the military. One is perverted and one is not. The perverted person will not be allowed to enlist, while the other person will.
Just like any one with a perversion.

No, not at all. A person can admit to being gay and he will not be allowed to serve.

And the AMA and the APA no longer recognize homosexuality as a perversion any more than they recognize masturbation as a perversion.
Please cite ONE thing a homosexual is prohibited from doing on the basis of their sexuality, that every one else in society is allowed to do?

Everyone else in society is not allowed to serve in the military, so it doesn't qualify.
Two people of the same age, gender, health, physical fitness and education both try and enlist in the military. One is perverted and one is not. The perverted person will not be allowed to enlist, while the other person will.

You define it as perversion, while medical and psychiatric professionals do not.
Please cite ONE thing a homosexual is prohibited from doing on the basis of their sexuality, that every one else in society is allowed to do?

Everyone else in society is not allowed to serve in the military, so it doesn't qualify.

You asked me to cite one thing a homosexual is prohibited from doing based on their sexuality.

I did that. The fact that there are other reasons for people to not be allowed to enlist is irrelevant. They are prohibited from serving based on their sexuality.
I am really sorry you don't understand the special circumstances regarding the military, and how something like a person's sexuality is a major distraction for the unit and the other soldiers who have to deal with it in reality. The current "don't ask-don't tell" policy was probably one of Clinton's best ideas! Of all the things he could have done, and all the other possibilities available, that seems to be the one which gave both sides some consideration on the issue, and pretty much resolved it from a policy standpoint.

It still isn't an example of "gay inequality" which, as I described, you have failed to present. I am still waiting for a valid example.

Dixie, is being gay grounds for being disqualified from service in the US military?

The answer is 'Yes'. Therefore, my answer was accurate. All the excuses you want to offer do not change that.
You asked me to cite one thing a homosexual is prohibited from doing based on their sexuality.

I did that. The fact that there are other reasons for people to not be allowed to enlist is irrelevant. They are prohibited from serving based on their sexuality.

No, I asked you to cite one thing a homosexual was prohibited from doing because of their sexuality, which the rest of society gets to do! You missed the part following the comma, which is vital to proving an "inequality."

There are all kinds of things people are prohibited from doing for all sorts of reasons. Blind people can't be air traffic controllers! Armless people can't be Olympic swimmers! 60-year-olds can't compete on American Idol! White people can't be president of the NAACP! Women can't model men's underwear! Men can't belong to NOW! Nudists can't run through the streets naked! All kinds of restrictions exist in life, some are societal and some are just physical attribute, but none are indicative of "discrimination" as we are discussing, regarding rights and equality.

They are prohibited from serving because their sexual lifestyle is detrimental to the morale of the troops, and diminishes the strength of the military unit. Just as a blind man might be considered unqualified to be a school bus driver, because his inability to see might be a hazard and detriment to the safety of his passengers. This is basic common sense, not discrimination!
No, I asked you to cite one thing a homosexual was prohibited from doing because of their sexuality, which the rest of society gets to do! You missed the part following the comma, which is vital to proving an "inequality."

There are all kinds of things people are prohibited from doing for all sorts of reasons. Blind people can't be air traffic controllers! Armless people can't be Olympic swimmers! 60-year-olds can't compete on American Idol! White people can't be president of the NAACP! Women can't model men's underwear! Men can't belong to NOW! Nudists can't run through the streets naked! All kinds of restrictions exist in life, some are societal and some are just physical attribute, but none are indicative of "discrimination" as we are discussing, regarding rights and equality.

They are prohibited from serving because their sexual lifestyle is detrimental to the morale of the troops, and diminishes the strength of the military unit. Just as a blind man might be considered unqualified to be a school bus driver, because his inability to see might be a hazard and detriment to the safety of his passengers. This is basic common sense, not discrimination!

Dixie, you are being ridiculous. Yes, there are all sorts of reasons why people cannot do certain things.

Can you tell me a few things that all of society can do?

You claim that unless everyone is allowed to do something except the specific group, there is no discrimination? That pretty much means there has never been discrimination, ever.

Women have not been discriminated against, nor have blacks, nor have men, nor have jews or anyone.