APP - GOP consistent on race since its inception: equality.

Some pshrinks classify it as a perversion, others do not. The military does.

The APA and the AMA do not classify it as a perversion. They do classify other things as perversions that will not get a person discharged from the military.

Also, the military will discharge a person for being gay whether or not they have acted on it or not. This is not the case with other perversions.

In 1981 and 1986 the Republican National Committee (RNC) sent out letters to predominately African-American neighborhoods. When tens of thousands of them were returned undeliverable, the party successfully challenged the voters and had them deleted from voting rolls. Due to the violation of the Voting Rights Act, the RNC was taken to court. Its officials entered a consent decree which prohibited the party from engaging in anti-fraud initiatives that targeted minorities or conducting mail campaigns to "compile voter challenge lists."[5]

[edit] 2004 US Election
BBC journalist Greg Palast obtained an RNC document entitled "State Implementation Template III.doc" that described Republican election operations for caging plans in numerous states. The paragraph in the document pertaining to caging was:

V. Pre Election Day Operations New Registration Mailing
At whatever point registration in the state closes, a first class mailing should be sent to all new registrants as well as purged/inactive voters. This mailing should welcome the recipient to the voter rolls. It is important that a return address is clearly identifiable. Any mail returned as undeliverable for any reason, should be used to generate a list of problematic registrations. Poll watchers should have this list and be prepared to challenge anyone from this list attempting to vote.[6][7]

Shortly before the 2004 election, Palast also obtained a caging list for Jacksonville, Florida, which contained a high number of African Americans and registered Democrats. The caging list was attached to an email which a Florida Republican party official was sending to RNC headquarters official Tim Griffin. [7] [8] [9]
The Republican National Committee sent letters to predominately urban minority areas in Ohio. When 35,000 letters were returned as undeliverable, the party employed poll watchers to challenge the voters. Voting rights groups challenged the RNC in a case that went to the Supreme Court, but the RNC was not stopped from challenging those voters. Similarly, the RNC sent out 130,000 letters in Philadelphia hoping to cage voters there. Philadelphia is a city with a majority African American population that votes heavily Democratic. The Republicans were attempting to cage votes by people who were likely to vote for the Democratic candidates. [10]
In the Ohio court challenge, the RNC submitted a caging list that targeted urban and African-American areas in and around Cleveland.[11]
Journalists found evidence that the Republican National Committee (RNC) attempted to use caging to suppress votes in five states in the 2004 US presidential election. For example, in New Jersey RNC officials used caging lists to challenge absentee ballots and absentee ballot requests.[11]
[edit] 2008 US Election
As noted earlier, the Republican Secretary of State in Michigan was found purging voters from voting rolls when voter ID cards were returned as undeliverable. In the court challenge, the federal judge ordered the state to reinstate the voters.[12] The judge ruled that the state's actions were in violation of the NVRA. His decision noted that there was no way to prevent qualified voters from being disfranchised as their cards may be returned as undeliverable due to postal error, clerical error, inadvertent routing within a multi-unit dwelling, and even simple misspelling or transposition of numbers in an address. [13]
In December 2007, Kansas GOP Chair Kris Kobach sent an email boasting, "[T]o date, the Kansas GOP has identified and caged more voters in the last 11 months than the previous two years!"[14]
Republicans sent out fundraising mailers to voters in five Florida counties: Duval, Hillsborough, Collier, Miami-Dade and Escambia, with 'do not forward' on the letters. The mailers included inaccurate Voter ID numbers and ostensibly confirmed with voters they were registered as Republican. The RNC declined to discuss the mailer with the St. Petersburg Times. A representative denied the mailing had anything to do with caging. "Two top Florida elections officials, both Republicans, faulted the GOP mailing, calling it "confusing" and "unfortunate" because of a potential to undermine voter confidence by making them question the accuracy of their registrations." Some officials expressed concern that the RNC would try to use a caging list derived from the mailers.[15]
In Northern California reports of voter caging emerged when letters marked 'do not forward' were sent to Democrats with fake voter ID numbers. The description of the letters matches the letters that were sent out in Florida.[16] See the caging letter that was sent out here. Many details on the letters were false; for example, the letters referred to a Voter Identification Division but RNC personnel said they had no such department. The RNC did not return calls from a news organization regarding the letters.
On October 5, 2008 the Republican Lt. Governor of Montana, John Bohlinger, accused the Montana Republican Party of vote caging to purge 6,000 voters from three counties which trend Democratic. These purges included decorated war veterans and active duty soldiers.[17]
The New York Times found in its review of state records that unlawful actions in six states led to widespread voter purges, which could have impact on the 2008 elections. Some of the actions were apparently the result of mistakes by the states' handling voter registrations and files as they tried to comply with a 2002 federal law related to running elections. While neither party was singled out, because the Democratic Party registered more new voters this year, Democratic voters were more adversely affected by such actions of state officials.[18]

Raging Caging
What the heck is vote caging, and why should we care?

Thursday, May 31, 2007
By Dahlia Lithwick * Slate
Posted Thursday, May 31, 2007, at 6:24 PM ET

Vote caging is an illegal trick to suppress minority voters (who tend to vote Democrat) by getting them knocked off the voter rolls if they fail to answer registered mail sent to homes they aren't living at (because they are, say, at college or at war). The Republican National Committee reportedly stopped the practice following a consent decree in a 1986 case. Google the term and you'll quickly arrive at the Wizard of Oz of caging, Greg Palast, investigative reporter and author of the wickedly funny Armed Madhouse: From Baghdad to New Orleans—Sordid Secrets and Strange Tales of a White House Gone Wild. Palast started reporting allegations of Republican vote caging for the BBC's Newsnight in 2004. He's been almost alone on the story since then.
The kind of liberal screwy reasoning that takes a fact "unqualified voters" and turns it into a racial inequality discussion is a large part of the problem we have with getting reasoned debate.

I went to our local TEA party protest yesterday and on the way tuned into a progressives morning program to hear what they, the libs, were saying. This particular guy was playing sound bites from different east coast ralley's and then parsing them against straw man arguments. One such argument was TEA party folks are hypocrites because by and large they want big government programs for things like; military and border enforcement yet protest against big government programs like health care. I loved it when a caller articulated what I was thinking: "Excuse me, but you have a false argument- TEA party folks are against "unconstitutional" big government. Border protection and military protection ARE Constitutional!" It's these kinds of false arguments that convince me liberals lack reasoning skills.

ID, you are the one doing the straw man argument.

The correct liberal argument is that teabaggers for social security, medicare, and huge defense spending. Which is irreconcilable with lower taxes. To keep those programs is irreconcilable with even keeping taxes as they are, much less lowering them.
You'd change the name of the IRS. Congratulations.

No, you would remove the connection between the tax collections and the huge invasion of privacy that is the IRS. You would remove audits as a way of punishing people. And you would cut the costs of tax compliance down to a minimal amount from the gross amount it is now.
No, I asked you to cite one thing a homosexual was prohibited from doing because of their sexuality, which the rest of society gets to do! You missed the part following the comma, which is vital to proving an "inequality."

There are all kinds of things people are prohibited from doing for all sorts of reasons. Blind people can't be air traffic controllers! Armless people can't be Olympic swimmers! 60-year-olds can't compete on American Idol! White people can't be president of the NAACP! Women can't model men's underwear! Men can't belong to NOW! Nudists can't run through the streets naked! All kinds of restrictions exist in life, some are societal and some are just physical attribute, but none are indicative of "discrimination" as we are discussing, regarding rights and equality.

They are prohibited from serving because their sexual lifestyle is detrimental to the morale of the troops, and diminishes the strength of the military unit. Just as a blind man might be considered unqualified to be a school bus driver, because his inability to see might be a hazard and detriment to the safety of his passengers. This is basic common sense, not discrimination!
Openly gay soldiers serve all the time in the military. They are all single so they live in the barracks and at some pointed they get outed. Most of the time, they have already established themselves as good soldiers, so they don't get booted because no one reports it. My MI unit in Germany had a female senior NCO that was SEEN going down on another female. She forgot to lock her door and a drunk SSG opened her door by mistake and saw it. My Battalion Commander threatened people with early transfers out of our battalion if ANYONE spilled the beans, and she was there when I was discharged over a year later. I also know gay men that served in line units and their buddies knew they were gay. Nothing was said. The reason is, we want people that can do their jobs well. When you are a soldier you have to rely on people and you want the best available.

Your comparison of a 60 year old who wants to serve in the military to a gay man who meets all other requirements is ignorant, and you know it. If two twenty year old men in good shape want to serve and one is gay, who the fuck cares. It is worse on morale is the job can't get done. Like discharging over 300 linguists at a time when we are at war and need linguists.
What I really love is how Dixie and SM tell me how detrimental it is going to be to units and NEITHER of thise arm chair officers has ever served a day in the defense of his country.
What I really love is how Dixie and SM tell me how detrimental it is going to be to units and NEITHER of thise arm chair officers has ever served a day in the defense of his country.
Actually what I have always said is that the policy should be up to the commanders.
Actually what I have always said is that the policy should be up to the commanders.
No, just like desegregation of the military, it should be up to the CiC, and just like Truman, Obama can take the resignations of those not willing to carry out his orders.