GOP moron quote of the week.

Once again dullard; the House passed budgets. They were DOA in the Senate. Why is it that even after having your dull empty head continually bashed by the facts you continue to ignore them? Because you're an incredibly dense hyper partisan buffoon?

anyone who doesn't know the difference between a budget and a continuing resolution should probably refrain from discussing either of them, imo. Where has Obama gotten the money to operate government for the past five years? Did or did not the House originate and pass the CR's necessary to do so?
why do you still not allow bills that would pass by a majority to be voted on?

beucase you people hate the government and WANT it NOT to work
anyone who doesn't know the difference between a budget and a continuing resolution should probably refrain from discussing either of them, imo. Where has Obama gotten the money to operate government for the past five years? Did or did not the House originate and pass the CR's necessary to do so?

Dear dunce; the reason we have continuing resolutions is because the asshat Democrats in the Senate refuse to pass one. But you are an incredibly ignorant dullard that appears to be immune from common sense, truth, reality or facts.
why has the republican party only sought to harm the function of government over the past few years they have had power in the house?
Dear dunce; the reason we have continuing resolutions is because the asshat Democrats in the Senate refuse to pass one. But you are an incredibly ignorant dullard that appears to be immune from common sense, truth, reality or facts.

can't answer the question, eh? We have CR's because both chambers pass them when they cannot agree on a budget. The GOP controlled house has originated and passed CR's that have given Obama every dime he has spent.
With the illness and subsequent death of Ted Kennedy, we have not had such a majority.

Yes, I'm quite aware of that.

Did you take anything away from the fact that even the people of Massachusetts (of all states!) saw the need to deprive Obama of a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate?

No? Didn't think so.
Bush crashed the world wide economy.

Obama helped it recover

Bush started the Iraq war by lying to the American people

Obama ended that war for lies.

Bush refused to pay for his wars.

Obama is paying for the wars Bush started

now how can anyone who supported bush claim Obama is the one who fucked us all up?

I never realized your head could fit that far up your ass that would make you produce a post like this....amazing...
if you want to start (yet another) thread about the president being a moron, please feel free to do so. This one is about the idiocy that Rep. Stutzman uttered. Care to comment on it, or are you going to derail yet another thread by talking about something other than the stated topic?
You whining about derailing threads with off topic pabulum is the epitome of irony. But again, you're an incredible uninformed dullard; you can't even begin to comprehend such irony.
If your president was running the country with a budget, like every other president, this situation wouldn't even exist.

A budget was presented 6 mos. ago and guess what? The House would not pass it.
Ryan's budget cut IHN (shameful) and now they want to fund it, piecemeal of course. What a bunch of morons.
A budget was presented 6 mos. ago and guess what? The House would not pass it.
Ryan's budget cut IHN (shameful) and now they want to fund it, piecemeal of course. What a bunch of morons.
Another leftist dullard with the my way or the highway attitude. The house sent a budget to the Senate where it was then changed and sent back to the House. The house took out the Senate provisions and instead of conferencing with the Republicans, dipshit Harry Reid told them to go pound sand; much like this dullard of a President does...until he needs a vote to go to war, then he pretends to play nice until he gets back on the campaign trail to demogagogue them like a putulant ignorant little tard.
Another leftist dullard with the my way or the highway attitude. The house sent a budget to the Senate where it was then changed and sent back to the House. The house took out the Senate provisions and instead of conferencing with the Republicans, dipshit Harry Reid told them to go pound sand; much like this dullard of a President does...until he needs a vote to go to war, then he pretends to play nice until he gets back on the campaign trail to demogagogue them like a putulant ignorant little tard.

Your stinking thinking attitude is no indicative of the GOP nutters.
A Canadian closed down our government, and all the Koch Bros sycophants, who are too cowardly to vote their conscious, had rather play games than fund the government. Oh, they want to play Solomon and fund the government piece by piece.
The ACA is the law of the land and no matter how many amendments the nutters propose, they all the same, defund the ACA.
Vote these idiots out of office.