GOP moron quote of the week.

Well my dear, Google is a wonderful thing.

You should look at the Obama budget that didn't get a single vote in House... either Democrat or Republican.

I think a universal and bi-partisan verdict is unquestionable.... Obama's a moron.
Among teabaggers like you who didn't go to college.
Educated people overwhelmingly prefer Obama.
Go back to nascar redneck
Among teabaggers like you who didn't go to college.
Educated people overwhelmingly prefer Obama.
Go back to nascar redneck

I did go to university, and I did graduate.

Furthermore, I didn't just absorb what was spewed at me, I applied critical thinking, which is why I'm not liberal drone like yourself.

A budget resolution based on President Obama’s 2013 budget failed to get any votes in the Senate on Wednesday.

In a 99-0 vote, all of the senators present rejected the president’s blueprint.

It’s the second year in a row the Senate has voted down Obama’s budget.

Obama's 2012 budget failed 97 to 0 last May after Obama himself last April said he wanted deeper deficit cuts.

The House earlier this year unanimously rejected Obama's budget.
Yeah, I knew I'd heard The Dude's "I'm smarter you, I went to college" rap before.

Yeah, I knew I'd heard The Dude's "I'm smarter you, I went to college" rap before.

University janitors say "they went to college", can't they, since they had to go to campus to work? Judging by his language skills, I'd say Dude was custodial staff.
University janitors say "they went to college", can't they, since they had to go to campus to work? Judging by his language skills, I'd say Dude was custodial staff.

I think McDonalds has a "Hamburger College" and Sears has a "Tire College."

The potential hilarity of The Dude's alleged higher education is boundless.
What is your degree in Taft?

Why do you want to know all of this personal information about me?

You can't argue on the merits of a topic? You need to accumulate personal information to argue with ad hominems?

Your fail on a simple forum is epic, clearly there is no way possible you finished a course of higher education.

The republicans in the House tried how many times to repeal ACA? And failed every time. So they attached the repeal to the budget and then expect it to pass?

It was a chickenshit way to try and get the repeal thru. And they knew the dems wouldn't go for it. The shutdown is NOT about the budget. It is about the republicans who are so desperate to repeal the ACA that they will shutdown the gov't.
Nothing I posted was horsehit, but I had to put hipwaders on to read your bullshit. Again; this buffoon of a President you socluelessly and desperately defend has not put forth a budget that even theSenate would take seriously.

For five years this Government has operated on neverending Continuing Resolutions and this asshat President whines that he has tobe forced to talk to Republicans every four months; then pass a meaningfulbudget ALL parties can agree on dumbass Obama!

Now you can continue to effeminately whine and rant likea buffoon about Republicans doing what they were sent to Washington for, or youfinally hold this buffoon of a President accountable for his incredible lack ofleadership. But alas, you're a brain dead low information fool perfectlywilling to parrot the DNC talking points in a vacuum of reality, the truth orthe facts.

Why do you want to know all of this personal information about me?

You can't argue on the merits of a topic? You need to accumulate personal information to argue with ad hominems?

Your fail on a simple forum is epic, clearly there is no way possible you finished a course of higher education.
I weed out simpletons like you
Anybody stupid enough to be with dems or republicans 100 percent of the time goes to ignore.
Pollitician are too dumb for blind following.
So your looking lemming ish more by the second.
I have an under grad in accounting and an MBA, I like to know who can relate to what