Got Any Coronavirus Funnies?

What is so funny about China releasing this virus all over the world that has killed over 100,000 people? Why does it compare to the Lord's last supper?

If that's true, it's an act of war. Why is the world not counter-attacking China with nukes or bioweapons? Is Trump a fucking gutless pussy for not responding to this dastardly attack?
If that's true, it's an act of war. Why is the world not counter-attacking China with nukes or bioweapons? Is Trump a fucking gutless pussy for not responding to this dastardly attack?

Isn't it a bit early to make that decision? A man lives by the decisions he makes.
If that's true, it's an act of war. Why is the world not counter-attacking China with nukes or bioweapons? Is Trump a fucking gutless pussy for not responding to this dastardly attack?

Last we heard, Toadstool was desperately sucking up to Xi to help him get re-elected. The occasional flatulence he expels about China is just more hot air for his cultists. Breathe deeply, Trumpanzees -- esp. those of you in Tulsa!
Isn't it a bit early to make that decision? A man lives by the decisions he makes.

You said, as fact, that China released a bioweapon on the world. That's an act of war. Are you just being a "showman", exaggerating every little thing or do you really believe they committed an act of war?
Last we heard, Toadstool was desperately sucking up to Xi to help him get re-elected. The occasional flatulence he expels about China is just more hot air for his cultists. Breathe deeply, Trumpanzees -- esp. those of you in Tulsa!

Agreed. Trump knows China didn't "release" anything. It's conspiracy theory nonsense to say so.
You said, as fact, that China released a bioweapon on the world. That's an act of war. Are you just being a "showman", exaggerating every little thing or do you really believe they committed an act of war?

Show me where I've ever said China released a bio-weapon on the world. I said it was a virus. Never said it was
used as a weapon. If it were, we ain't the only country that would have reservations with China. Now would we?

But getting back to "pressing the button," so to speak, I answered your question. That is all.
Show me where I've ever said China released a bio-weapon on the world. I said it was a virus. Never said it was
used as a weapon. If it were, we ain't the only country that would have reservations with China. Now would we?

But getting back to "pressing the button," so to speak, I answered your question. That is all.

Dude, are you now claiming you don't know what you are talking about when you said "China releasing this virus all over the world"? FYI: A bioweapon is a virus or a bacteria. Smallpox, anthrax and other diseases intentionally released to other nations is an act of war.
Dude, are you now claiming you don't know what you are talking about when you said "China releasing this virus all over the world"? FYI: A bioweapon is a virus or a bacteria. Smallpox, anthrax and other diseases intentionally released to other nations is an act of war.

You must have had a momentary lapse in comprehension. I know what a bio-weapon is when it is used as such. I said this is a virus. I never said it was anything else.

I believe they stifled their Dr's early on thinking they could contain it, not realizing it was so contagious and severe. Again, I don't think we should nuke them.

I've had enough. find someone else to play.
You must have had a momentary lapse in comprehension. I know what a bio-weapon is when it is used as such. I said this is a virus. I never said it was anything else.

I believe they stifled their Dr's early on thinking they could contain it, not realizing it was so contagious and severe. Again, I don't think we should nuke them.

I've had enough. find someone else to play.

So you were just bullshitting when you said China released a deadly virus on the world. Got it. Thanks.