Got Any Coronavirus Funnies?

Agreed. I think it's along the lines of "I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet."

That cartoon reminds me of the fallacy of relative privation.

Example: "Eat your veggies! There are starving children in Africa!"

This one is where everything is equal.
That cartoon reminds me of the fallacy of relative privation.

Example: "Eat your veggies! There are starving children in Africa!"

This one is where everything is equal.

Agreed on the reference, a slight disagreement on the conclusion. True, it's not an equal comparison, but that's not the point. The point is "be happy you have food to eat".

I never had kids, but love being an uncle and a grandfather. I'm getting an introduction to raising kids with frequent visits by grandkids (out of school, COVID-19, parents about to off themselves, etc). My wife/grandma would say something like that to the kids. I'd say something like "no more chicken until you clean your plate!"

I love Calvin and Hobbes.

LOL. Me too. Back in the day we'd cut them out, whiteout some of the text and insert our own with work related stuff often keeping the same punchline then xerox the shit out of it and leave them hidden in cockpits. Hidden from management. All the pilots knew where to check. Calvin and Hobbes or porn. Eventually the porn became a termination offense. Sad.
LOL. Me too. Back in the day we'd cut them out, whiteout some of the text and insert our own with work related stuff often keeping the same punchline then xerox the shit out of it and leave them hidden in cockpits. Hidden from management. All the pilots knew where to check. Calvin and Hobbes or porn. Eventually the porn became a termination offense. Sad.

I always figured that Hobbes was a real person (tiger). That's just me.

This one was one of my favorites. Fathers know best, huh?

I always figured that Hobbes was a real person (tiger). That's just me.

This one was one of my favorites. Fathers know best, huh?


It was always my favorite. The father messing with Calvin's head was always funny. Hobbes was Calvin's Superego in Freudian terms. In that respect, he was "real" since he was Calvin.

Now that is interesting.

There's a psychological theory about the Bicameral mind.
Bicameralism[Note 1] (the condition of being divided into "two-chambers") is a hypothesis in psychology that argues that the human mind once operated in a state in which cognitive functions were divided between one part of the brain which appears to be "speaking", and a second part which listens and obeys—a bicameral mind.

Anatomically modern humans are over 200,000 years old, but behavioral modernity is only about 40,000 years old. Obviously there are a lot of problems analyzing the state of mind of someone from 40,000 years ago much less 200,000 years ago.

The Bicameralism would help explain people talking to "God" and modern split personalities, meaning the latter were "throwbacks" to an earlier time. Most people will talk to themselves, but they still consider it "themselves", not a different person in their head. I have no doubt there are some people on this forum who do have a "different person" in their head.

Children are developing minds so having an "imaginary friend" is common, but it could be an example of bicameralism or split personality. There's an old psych joke that "By adult standards, all children are insane"...which is true. A child's mind is like a bramble bush; wild, uncontrolled. An adult mind is that same bush but trimmed down, pruned and focused. Hobbes would be Calvin's smarter, wiser self but would eventually disappear as those parts grew together when Calvin matured.