Got Any Coronavirus Funnies?

Meanwhile, at Walmart...

Or you're being retarded when you think there aren't better means of taking the CCP down. Remember how we nuked China in 1950 when they attacked us?

The fact you feel the need to use insults instead of logic backup with fact proves two things to me: You are closer to mental retardation than I am and you lack a solid education.

War is a means of last resort, but once the war starts, it's best to hit the enemy hard enough to neutralize both their will and ability to fight. Doing nothing or, worse, trying to appease them in the middle of an attack, is simply being weak and inviting further attacks. Basic stuff any competent E-6 would understand.

The complaint here is that China launched a bioweapon attack on other nations. Smart people know that's just conspiracy theory nutjob rantings....usually off some asshole's twitter feed. There's no evidence it was an attack/intentional. All evidence points to a random virus and a FUBAR'd response to it both in China and in the United States. Putting it all on China is just an idiot's attempt to save face for failing to listen to our own medical and intelligence experts.
The fact you feel the need to use insults instead of logic backup with fact proves two things to me: You are closer to mental retardation than I am and you lack a solid education.

War is a means of last resort, but once the war starts, it's best to hit the enemy hard enough to neutralize both their will and ability to fight. Doing nothing or, worse, trying to appease them in the middle of an attack, is simply being weak and inviting further attacks. Basic stuff any competent E-6 would understand.

The complaint here is that China launched a bioweapon attack on other nations. Smart people know that's just conspiracy theory nutjob rantings....usually off some asshole's twitter feed. There's no evidence it was an attack/intentional. All evidence points to a random virus and a FUBAR'd response to it both in China and in the United States. Putting it all on China is just an idiot's attempt to save face for failing to listen to our own medical and intelligence experts.

It was spread quickly by certain animals in these horrid markets. Most notably are Pangolins who are part of illicit trade as they are used in quackery medicine practices. Apparently they have a disposition to a weakened immune system.
The fact you feel the need to use insults instead of logic backup with fact proves two things to me: You are closer to mental retardation than I am and you lack a solid education.

War is a means of last resort, but once the war starts, it's best to hit the enemy hard enough to neutralize both their will and ability to fight. Doing nothing or, worse, trying to appease them in the middle of an attack, is simply being weak and inviting further attacks. Basic stuff any competent E-6 would understand.

The complaint here is that China launched a bioweapon attack on other nations. Smart people know that's just conspiracy theory nutjob rantings....usually off some asshole's twitter feed. There's no evidence it was an attack/intentional. All evidence points to a random virus and a FUBAR'd response to it both in China and in the United States. Putting it all on China is just an idiot's attempt to save face for failing to listen to our own medical and intelligence experts.

I'm mostly having fun with the bioengineering rhetoric. Clearly, China didn't want to be the only country to be harmed by the careless outbreak, and decided we should all be made to share the pain so that they could continue their programs of economic and military expansion. It still demands a serious response of sanctions and diplomatic isolation.

Even if COVID-19 had been a bioweapon, your idiotic trolling would still be retarded.
I'm mostly having fun with the bioengineering rhetoric. Clearly, China didn't want to be the only country to be harmed by the careless outbreak, and decided we should all be made to share the pain so that they could continue their programs of economic and military expansion. It still demands a serious response of sanctions and diplomatic isolation.

Even if COVID-19 had been a bioweapon, your idiotic trolling would still be retarded.
Again, an act of war even if opportunistic. How should the United States respond to an attack by a nation which has killed over 100,000 Americans? GW Bush took down an entire country in weeks for them killing about 3000 Americans. Why is Trump such a pussy?