APP - Greed is a mental illness.

Still heresay. Let's see the facts themselves. Is this based on tax returns?

Like I said earlier, I give whole days to fixing needy families homes. No one keeps track of that.
-- Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.

Look it up; it's all in there with references and footnotes. Who Really Cares: The Surprising Truth About Compasionate Conservatism Who Gives, Who Doesn't, and Why It Matters (9780465008216): Arthur C. Brooks: Books@@AMEPARAM@@
Yeah, and then if he tries to prove that he does exist, by posting, I can just say its all opinion-based rhetoric, so I reject it as a viable source. :cof1:
Because the premise is entirely stupid.

Not entirely. Greed is both good and bad. It motivates people to do more with their time, to accumulate more for their families and immediate society. However and this is one BIG however. Greed as part of the make up of a sociopath is most definitely negative. Of all the mental illnesses the sociopath is possibly the most dangerous. The sociopath has no natural feelings for his fellow man, is often charming and utterly convincing and can, quite honestly, see nothing wrong with casting his fellow man into oblivion.
I used this analogy not long ago. The sociopath, having killed a man, might justify his actions by saying the man deserved to die because he did not have a gun.
That logic is definitely a sign of mental illness as is. I took his money because he did not need it. I took those things because he wasnt using them.
He first convinces himself and then he convinces others. And we all know one. Think about it.
Not entirely. Greed is both good and bad. It motivates people to do more with their time, to accumulate more for their families and immediate society. However and this is one BIG however. Greed as part of the make up of a sociopath is most definitely negative. Of all the mental illnesses the sociopath is possibly the most dangerous. The sociopath has no natural feelings for his fellow man, is often charming and utterly convincing and can, quite honestly, see nothing wrong with casting his fellow man into oblivion.
I used this analogy not long ago. The sociopath, having killed a man, might justify his actions by saying the man deserved to die because he did not have a gun.
That logic is definitely a sign of mental illness as is. I took his money because he did not need it. I took those things because he wasnt using them.
He first convinces himself and then he convinces others. And we all know one. Think about it.

You just described Apple. :lol:
"I took his money because he did not need it. I took those things because he wasnt using them.
He first convinces himself and then he convinces others."
You just described Apple. :lol:
"I took his money because he did not need it. I took those things because he wasnt using them.
He first convinces himself and then he convinces others."

Hard to believe as this may seem, I expected more from you.
You may be a sociopath, based on this response.

Or I, and the rest of the human race, am BIOLOGICALLY HARDWIRED to want MORE. It's an evolutionary measure. Ergo, the premise of the OP is fundamentally and fatally flawed.
Greed is a mental illness.

normally i would agree, but i think it is more about survival of the fittest

however, it is considered by christian religions as one of the seven deadly sins

i have mixed feelings about this one
Or I, and the rest of the human race, am BIOLOGICALLY HARDWIRED to want MORE. It's an evolutionary measure. Ergo, the premise of the OP is fundamentally and fatally flawed.

Of course we are all hard wired to want more, but some of us are also hard wired with a sense of fairness and humanity. Some of us might stop on our journey to millionairedom to count the cost of our actions on others.
The sociopath does not stop, for in his world there are no others.