APP - Greed is a mental illness.

You do realize that being against public sector unions isn't the same thing as working to "end worker rights" don't you?

Other people who realized that public sector unions were a bad thing:

F.D.R - "All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations when applied to public personnel management. The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for administrative officials to represent fully or to bind the employer in mutual discussions with Government employee organizations. The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives in Congress. Accordingly, administrative officials and employees alike are governed and guided, and in many instances restricted, by laws which establish policies, procedures, or rules in personnel matters."

George Meany - (the former president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O) - “It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.”

It may seem strange to you that FDR and George Meany agree with the Koch Brothers on this, but that is the reality. The links provided in this thread show that the Koch brothers are working to end public sector unions to bring back the idea of a representative democratic government that can work for the public good. This isn't a "horrible evil" or something, it is sane policy.
The links provided in this thread show that the Koch brothers are working to end public sector unions to bring back the idea of a representative democratic government that can work for the public good. This isn't a "horrible evil" or something, it is sane policy.


Thanks Damo, I needed a good laugh tonight....

Thanks Damo, I needed a good laugh tonight....

Why would you laugh about small d democratic... The idea that public sector unions are bad isn't solely a republican idea. We are a democratic republic. Whatevs... Basically, what you have presented here is not what you say it is. The links you give do not even suggest what you say they do.
Why would you laugh about small d democratic... The idea that public sector unions are bad isn't solely a republican idea. We are a democratic republic. Whatevs... Basically, what you have presented here is not what you say it is. The links you give do not even suggest what you say they do.

Yes they do. You and Yurt are of the same ilk - either you're willfully ignorant and deliberately deny easily-connected dots right in front of your face, or you're loyal to the corporatocracy for whatever reason - partisanship, brainwashing or whatever. There's no other explanation for your seeming inability to see what's obvious to any reasonable human being.
deleted a bunch of posts in this thread under thread derailment or response to thread derailment. If a post of yours got deleted it's not necessarily that you did anything "bad" per se, but it got to a point where there was a lot of back and forth and the conversation wasn't going anywhere. I tried to keep enough though. Don't take it personal to anyone that had a post deleted, I am just trying to keep this thread on topic.
You do realize that being against public sector unions isn't the same thing as working to "end worker rights" don't you?

You do realize that government workers are workers right?
Hence workers rights are under attack.

For something that is supposedly impossible, it has been working, disproving the rest of your post in entirety
deleted a bunch of posts in this thread under thread derailment or response to thread derailment. If a post of yours got deleted it's not necessarily that you did anything "bad" per se, but it got to a point where there was a lot of back and forth and the conversation wasn't going anywhere. I tried to keep enough though. Don't take it personal to anyone that had a post deleted, I am just trying to keep this thread on topic.

That was Yurt's whole point.
You do realize that government workers are workers right?
Hence workers rights are under attack.

For something that is supposedly impossible, it has been working, disproving the rest of your post in entirety

public sector unions have different rights than private sector unions. thus, there are no rights being violated. further, you have not presented any evidence they want to end worker rights.
Yes they do. You and Yurt are of the same ilk - either you're willfully ignorant and deliberately deny easily-connected dots right in front of your face, or you're loyal to the corporatocracy for whatever reason - partisanship, brainwashing or whatever. There's no other explanation for your seeming inability to see what's obvious to any reasonable human being.

Both of them are just masters at playing the "clueless rube" character to the hilt anytime evidence gets placed in front of them they can't deny.
August 30, 2012, 10:58 AM85 Comments
G.O.P. Platform Seeks to Weaken Powers of Unions

By STEVEN GREENHOUSEUnlike in the past, this year’s Republican platform in Tampa, Fla., does not contain any sympathetic nods to the nation’s labor unions, which have become among the Republicans’ most formidable political foes. Instead, the platform calls for numerous steps that could significantly weaken America’s labor unions — public-sector and private-sector ones — and help speed organized labor’s overall decline.

The 2012 platform urges elected officials across the country to change their laws regarding public-sector unions and follow the lead of Wisconsin’s governor, Scott Walker, who spearheaded an effort to curb the ability of his state’s public employees to bargain collectively. The platform states, “We salute Republican governors and state legislators who have saved their states from fiscal disaster by reforming their laws governing public employee unions.” Mr. Walker said that that legislation was needed to weaken overly powerful unions and balance Wisconsin’s budget, while labor leaders said the legislation aimed to destroy public-sector unions and cripple them politically.

The platform — saying it would promote “greater economic liberty” — calls for enacting a nationwide “right-to-work” law. Such a law would prohibit union contracts at private-sector workplaces from requiring employees to pay any dues or other fees to a union. In states without such laws, workers at unionized workplaces generally have to pay such dues or fees. Right-to-work laws exist in 23 states, and labor leaders say these laws undermine unions’ strength by reducing the flow of dues money.

The platform said a Republican president would protect public employees by proposing legislation to bar mandatory members’ dues for political purposes. Such a move would likely weaken government employees’ unions politically by prohibiting them from using any dues money for politics unless the member first gives individual authorization for his dues money to be used for political campaigns or legislative work.
In a move that would further deplete the coffers of public-sector unions, the platform says “no government at any level should act as the dues collector for unions.” Nowadays many states, counties and cities do public-sector unions a big favor by collecting members’ dues through a deduction from workers’ paychecks. This proposal would force unions to make individual arrangements with each worker to collect dues.

The Republican platform also calls for barring the use of “card check” anywhere in the United States as a way for workers to unionize. Ever since the 1930s, the National Labor Relations Board has allowed, but not required, employers to grant union recognition once a majority of workers sign cards saying they want to to join a union.

More at link...
We should just give unions -- especially public sector -- whatever they want, whenever they want it, and see how long things work out...
We should just give unions -- especially public sector -- whatever they want, whenever they want it, and see how long things work out...

You know what these people wish, since many are my friends, to have a decent wage now to live on, insurance to cover their illness so they dont have to use their savings or lose their homes, and a retirement that will allow them to live with dignity in their old age. The people I know are hard working folks who are valuable to our society, they plow my roads, educated my children, help the elderly, put out fires and protect our streets.
They'll vote for the outsourcer in chief...Romney/Ryan...and rejoice in their servitude! God is great!!! Slavery isn't so bad....
A few threads are asking why Mitt lost.
The answer is clear actually.
His disgustingly excessive greed and that of those he represented was soundly rejected by the rest of the country.
They know why and if they don't you can't educate them. Just like they think there's no war on women. You can't have a conversation with Limbaugh or Beck. Crazy is beyond reason.
Greed as a Mental Illness

