APP - Greed is a mental illness.

It's amazing how in the dark these bots are.

They're not in the dark. They're partisan blind loyalists. It doesn't matter how despicable or destructive the actions of Romney, Ryan and Koch are/would be - all acts are justified in the end with these people.
Agreed...everything you said is true. They'll vote for and support the most vile candidate or policy.
and once again bijou's link does not support the claim. nothing in your link proves they want to end workers rights and ban unions.

can you even think for yourself?

You asked for proof and I provided it. The fact that you're incapable of connecting blatantly-obvious dots is your problem, not mine.
A recent comment and Facts are Suborned's new sig prompted me to resurrect this thread.

Please note the topic is not everyday greed, but extreme greed such as we see in the case of Romney, Ryan, the Koch bros., and the Waltons of Walmart fame, (who pay their employees so poorly that they must rely of government assistance to survive).

Romney is included because despite his staggering wealth he continues to close factories on american soil and ship jobs to factories he purchases in China.
How many forclosures can be directly attributed to Romney's greed? That many would lose their homes so one might have more to invest in foreign countries? That is my definition of greed.

Ryan, who took advantage of S.S.I. payments as a young adult to further his education, but would raise the retirement age for manual laborers, who earned every penny he has ever seen on the backs of taxpayers but votes against all stimulus bills, whose entire family fortune is due to the government of the US.

Koch Bros, wealthy beyond all reason yet would end workers rights and ban unions.

The Waltons who, if their family fortune were combined are the wealthiest family in the world, yet can't pay decent wages. This type of greed is a mental illness, is not to be cheered and egged on, is not OK.

Grind, I know you are being somewhat funny and ironic, but a little reality mixed in with your posts would be palatable.

Excellent post.

However, in my opinion, greed isn't a mental illness. It's a symptom of self-centered ideals that are applauded and rewarded by society and the American Capitalist structure.
Thanks for some great support Bijou. You provided wonderfully appropriate links.

I specifically chose linked articles that directly addressed and supported your points.

It appears only one person reading had trouble comprehending the content; I think the articles were pretty clear to everyone else. :)
More from the article about the Ryan family construction company:

Paul Ryan’s great-grandfather started a construction company to build railroads and, eventually, highways. According to the Web site of Ryan Incorporated Central, the company was “ founded in 1884 with a single team of mules building railroad embankments in Southern Wisconsin.” And in the 1800s, railroad construction was subsidized by the federal government. Mid-century, President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railway Act into law, providing taxpayer dollars to fund the construction of a transcontinental railway. All railroads thereafter connected to, and benefited from, that public investment.

At the turn of the century, Ryan Inc. turned to road building. A subsidiary family corporation, Ryan Incorporated Southern, states on its Web site , “The Ryan workload from 1910 until the rural interstate Highway System was completed 60 years later [and] was mostly Highway construction.” The $119 billion spent by the federal government on the Interstate Highway System was, by one account , “the largest public works program since the Pyramids.”
and once again bijou's link does not support the claim. nothing in your link proves they want to end workers rights and ban unions.

can you even think for yourself?

I would say this absolutely backs up the claims regarding Koch Brothers' helping to destroy unions. From the article I linked:

Charles and David Koch, who both rank 24th on the Forbes list of the world's richest people with $17.5 billion each, are behind campaign donations of tens of thousands, if not millions, of dollars to Republicans leading the anti-union effort.

"They're the poster boys for the incredible out-sized influence that corporate America has on our government right now," said Mary Boyle of the left-leaning group Common Cause.

In Wisconsin, state records show new Republican Governor Scott Walker's campaign received $43,000 last year from the political action committee of Koch Industries Inc, the energy and consumer products giant co-owned by the brothers.

The low-profile brothers also gave $1 million to the Republican Governors Association, which spent $3.4 million attacking Walker's Democratic opponent. Charles Koch and his wife each gave the limit of $11,000 to Republican Governor John Kasich's campaign in Ohio, which is also weighing curbs on union power.

The group Americans for Prosperity, founded by David Koch and aligned with the Tea Party movement, has launched a $342,000 advertising campaign in support of Walker's effort to end collective bargaining for most state workers.

Still don't see the connection yet Yurt?

Here, let me help you:

The group Americans for Prosperity, founded by David Koch and aligned with the Tea Party movement, has launched a $342,000 advertising campaign in support of Walker's effort to end collective bargaining for most state workers.

Still having trouble?

Would you like me to draw you a picture?
1. the claim is --> end workers rights and ban unions.

2. your link only shows they support ending collective bargaining for public or state unions.

3. your link does nothing to show they want to end worker's rights and ban unions.