APP - Greed is a mental illness.

normally i would agree, but i think it is more about survival of the fittest

however, it is considered by christian religions as one of the seven deadly sins

i have mixed feelings about this one

The list included Φιλαργυρία (philargyria) which is avarice, which is different than the more simplified translation you read today.

Avarice is an "insatiable greed", it isn't greed that is deadly, it is a greed that is endless.
Of course we are all hard wired to want more, but some of us are also hard wired with a sense of fairness and humanity. Some of us might stop on our journey to millionairedom to count the cost of our actions on others.
The sociopath does not stop, for in his world there are no others.

And some lock themselves behind gatted communities, so the unwashed and unwanted masses don't befoul the pool. :palm:
The list included Φιλαργυρία (philargyria) which is avarice, which is different than the more simplified translation you read today.

Avarice is an "insatiable greed", it isn't greed that is deadly, it is a greed that is endless.

hence the story of king midas
Or I, and the rest of the human race, am BIOLOGICALLY HARDWIRED to want MORE. It's an evolutionary measure. Ergo, the premise of the OP is fundamentally and fatally flawed.

We are also hardwired to copulate with nubile females but most us use restraint (or restraints if you are into that kind of thing).
Like so many things it is a matter of degree.
Of course we are all hard wired to want more, but some of us are also hard wired with a sense of fairness and humanity. Some of us might stop on our journey to millionairedom to count the cost of our actions on others.
The sociopath does not stop, for in his world there are no others.

Those that bother me are already so wealthy they couldn't possibly spend it, yet lobby and agitate for more, regardless of who suffers as a result.

2001-2008 in the USA pretty much covers it.
And some lock themselves behind gatted communities, so the unwashed and unwanted masses don't befoul the pool. :palm:

If you had a gate, you would lock it too.

What the poor soul does not understand is that in a place where almost all new building is in the form of high rise estates only the very poor and obscenely rich live in low rise accomodation. The rich, of course are sheltered behind high walls and razor wire. About 15 minutes walk from me lives Sir Michael Kadoorie the owner (chief shareholder) of the Peninsular group of Hotels and of the largest electric utility in HK. He has a beautiful house with helicopter pad and a small private quay. So if the poor fool likes to think of me in a 'gatted' (sic) community a la USA gated developments I am quite content to let him wallow in his ignorance.
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What the poor soul does not understand is that in a place where almost all new building is in the form of high rise estates only the very poor and obscenely rich live in low rise accomodation. The rich, of course are sheltered behind high walls and razor wire. About 15 minutes walk from me lives Sir Michael Kadoorie the owner (chief shareholder) of the Peninsular group of Hotels and of the largest electric utility in HK. He has a beautiful house with helicopter pad and a small private quay. So if the poor fool likes to think of me in a 'gatted' (sic) community a la USA gated developments I am quite content to let him wallow in his ignorance.

Imagine; enough ignorance to wallow in it.
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Saying x is a mental illness, when science or any other esteemed source would patently disagree with you, is a mental illness in of itself. It must be, if one cannot accept the reality that not everyone operates the same as you.

Nor does one realize that greed is subjective. Many poor starving 3rd world citizens would say that your 2-3 cars, decent sized house, having as much running water as you want on demand, a pantry full of junk food, and spending enough money on tv and internet in a month that could easily feed a village is greedy. But you aren't going to change your habits. You aren't going to try and get by with just one car, or take your tv money and donate it to the third world.

And you aren't wrong for not doing so, greed is subjective, and everyone has different standards.

And for the 1%, their yachts are standard.

haters gonna hate. Proles gonna prole.
Saying x is a mental illness, when science or any other esteemed source would patently disagree with you, is a mental illness in of itself. It must be, if one cannot accept the reality that not everyone operates the same as you.

Nor does one realize that greed is subjective. Many poor starving 3rd world citizens would say that your 2-3 cars, decent sized house, having as much running water as you want on demand, a pantry full of junk food, and spending enough money on tv and internet in a month that could easily feed a village is greedy. But you aren't going to change your habits. You aren't going to try and get by with just one car, or take your tv money and donate it to the third world.

And you aren't wrong for not doing so, greed is subjective, and everyone has different standards.

And for the 1%, their yachts are standard.

haters gonna hate. Proles gonna prole.

Sorry, but there are textbook mental illnesses which espouse gluttony.
A for effort but no.
DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)

Sorry, but there are textbook mental illnesses which espouse gluttony.
A for effort but no.

what does the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) say on the subject

and please list one or more of the mental illnesses that espouse gluttony

NB: The DSM is the diagnostic "bible" for mental health medicine. Used internationally, it is published by the American Psychiatric Association. The descriptions, symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders are referred to by psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals across the board.

This newly revised edition, known as DSM-5, set to be released in May 2013, encompasses a ridiculously wide range of problems, problems that would not normally be thought of as a mental illness such as being shy, bereaved or simply eccentric.
No, I thought you might put some thought into the topic rather than just slam an easy target.
Refuting is easy. Apple is hardly representative of the insatiable greed I am refering to.

Then why don't you post something, instead of requiring others to provide the base for your complaining?
What the poor soul does not understand is that in a place where almost all new building is in the form of high rise estates only the very poor and obscenely rich live in low rise accomodation. The rich, of course are sheltered behind high walls and razor wire. About 15 minutes walk from me lives Sir Michael Kadoorie the owner (chief shareholder) of the Peninsular group of Hotels and of the largest electric utility in HK. He has a beautiful house with helicopter pad and a small private quay. So if the poor fool likes to think of me in a 'gatted' (sic) community a la USA gated developments I am quite content to let him wallow in his ignorance.

The only "wallowing" that is being done, is by you; because you are the one that said it.
what does the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) say on the subject

and please list one or more of the mental illnesses that espouse gluttony

NB: The DSM is the diagnostic "bible" for mental health medicine. Used internationally, it is published by the American Psychiatric Association. The descriptions, symptoms and other criteria for diagnosing mental disorders are referred to by psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals across the board.

This newly revised edition, known as DSM-5, set to be released in May 2013, encompasses a ridiculously wide range of problems, problems that would not normally be thought of as a mental illness such as being shy, bereaved or simply eccentric.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder (one in my family, I know too much about the first hand effects),
as well as
The only "wallowing" that is being done, is by you; because you are the one that said it.

Definitely a na-na-n-na-na moment.
I have several bottles of 2008 Bordeaux; each one more mature than you and each more welcome and more able to stimulate intelligent discussion.
A recent comment and Facts are Suborned's new sig prompted me to resurrect this thread.

Please note the topic is not everyday greed, but extreme greed such as we see in the case of Romney, Ryan, the Koch bros., and the Waltons of Walmart fame, (who pay their employees so poorly that they must rely of government assistance to survive).

Romney is included because despite his staggering wealth he continues to close factories on american soil and ship jobs to factories he purchases in China.
How many forclosures can be directly attributed to Romney's greed? That many would lose their homes so one might have more to invest in foreign countries? That is my definition of greed.

Ryan, who took advantage of S.S.I. payments as a young adult to further his education, but would raise the retirement age for manual laborers, who earned every penny he has ever seen on the backs of taxpayers but votes against all stimulus bills, whose entire family fortune is due to the government of the US.

Koch Bros, wealthy beyond all reason yet would end workers rights and ban unions.

The Waltons who, if their family fortune were combined are the wealthiest family in the world, yet can't pay decent wages. This type of greed is a mental illness, is not to be cheered and egged on, is not OK.

Grind, I know you are being somewhat funny and ironic, but a little reality mixed in with your posts would be palatable.
romney is not closing factories. can you please try to be honest for one day?

please provide proof the koch brothers would end workers rights and ban unions.

please provide proof ryan's 'family fortune' is due to the government of the US.