Greta Thunberg

Article from a over decade ago that has been debunked.
Gerlich's views have been refuted many times,but not debunked. That's what science is about - skepticism. There have been many rebuttals to this landmark paper and many responses to the rebuttals.

Not one, single solitary reference to a prestigious scientific organization with expertise in climate science.

You really are just firing blanks, aren't you??

^^^Not a single link to a body of peer reviewed literature debunking the human impact on global climate change.
And not a single link to one study with the conclusion GW is caused by human activity.
I cannot waste anymore time on a dunce who thinks global warming is not happening.
You must be referring to another poster. I never stated GW is not happening.
Its funny that when asked for a body of peer reviewed science and the findings of prestigious scientific organizations that support your Denier claims, the absolute best you can do is fish out an article written 12 years ago in 2007 by an obscure chemist in Germany, and which you undoubtedly found via a rightwing blog. the fact that you rightwingers cling with a death grip to a 12 year old article is a sign of abject weakness. That 12 year old article has been debunked many times in the ensuing years.

Your attempt does not even qualify as weak and tepid. It actually qualifies as willfully dishonest and disingenuous.

I would not have to time travel back 12 years to find a single, solitary article to support the conclusion that humans are impacting the climate. There have probably been hundreds of peer reviewed articles written about it in the last 24 months.

By that logic Newton's Laws of motion are no longer valid since they were first published in 1687. Please tell us what has replaced them.
The reason Climate Deniers never post a body of reputable peer reviewed scientific literature that debunks the human impact on climate is because - they can't. That body of peer reviewed literature does not exist.

That is why they are always reduced to making unsubstantiated claims, posting opinion articles, or relying on obscure blogs no one has ever heard of.

The reason alarmists never post one reputable peer reviewed scientific paper that concludes the degree of human impact on climate is because - they can't. That paper/study does not exist.

That is why they are always reduced to making unsubstantiated claims and end of times predictions that never come to fruition.
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Godvernment of death with elderly Children of the Corn under the influence of a malevolent "serve the Pope or die" entity aren't the youth, but those that have enticed survival of the fittest fascists with Nazi environmental mass extinctions following in WW II concentration camp factory efficiency; which is about how long the procrastinating has continued.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Here's are a few questions that even Lord Moncton of England (climate change denier who advised the Queen at one point, I believe). couldn't answer honestly and logically: If you say that the crisis of climate change exasperated by mankind is a hoax, then are you saying that:

Define "climate change". Define "climate crisis".

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
1. Nearly 2 centuries of increasing deforestation on a global scale has NO effect on climate, given that forests remove carbon dioxide from the air?

There is no "deforestation" going on. Tress get cut down; trees get planted back in their place. There are plenty of trees.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
2. Nearly 2 centuries of increasing urbanization on a global scale has NO effect on climate, given that concrete and reflective glass enhances the heating index in it's area?

Urbanization is not causing the Earth to increase in temperature.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
3. Nearly 2 centuries of increasing industrial pollution of our air, lakes, rivers and ocean on a global scale has NO effect on climate? enhances the heating index in it's area?

What "pollution" are you speaking of?

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
4. That all of the above coincide with the increase in global population of consumers?

You want there to be less people? Okay, let's start with yourself...

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Anyone here want to give it a try?

Just did.

For your education: What is climate change? Evidence, Causes, Effects, Solutions

"Climate crisis" or "climate emergency" is a description of climate change and global warming used by a variety of scientists, governments and other organisations to describe how anthropogenic effects on the climate are proceeding so quickly that they believe the world is facing a global crisis.

1. For your education:

2. For your education:

3. A primary for your education:

4. Population in relation to the above listed. Read carefully:

All YOU have done is display either a genuine or willful gross ignorance of the subject matter. I hope you enlighten yourself so there can be a discussion based on facts. The questions still stand waiting for a rational, logical response.
This is a puzzling discussion. We often hear conservative comments about how selfish and narrowly-focused high school aged children are today. Yet here is a discussion attacking a young person who is very concerned about the world. Even better, she is inspiring her peers.

I think she terrifies you.

what really scares the powers that be is that all those "kids" will soon be of voting age!
Hitler used kids as props too. Climate Change is the home of 21st century fascists


Just when I think TFT couldn't get any more buffoonish, she surpasses my expectations!
>>>For more than 50 years Climate Alarmists in the scientific community and environmental movement have not gotten even one prediction correct, but they do have a perfect record of getting 41 predictions wrong.

In other words, on at least 41 occasions, these so-called experts have predicted some terrible environmental catastrophe was imminent … and it never happened.

And not once — not even once! — have these alarmists had one of their predictions come true.

Think about that… the so-called experts are 0-41 with their predictions, but those of us who are skeptical of “expert” prediction number 42, the one that says that if we don’t immediately convert to socialism and allow Alexandria Ocasio-Crazy to control and organize our lives, the planet will become uninhabitable.

Why would any sane person listen to someone with a 0-41 record?

Why would we completely restructure our economy and sacrifice our personal freedom for “experts” who are 0-41, who have never once gotten it right?

Here is the source for numbers 1-27. As you will see, the individual sources are not crackpots, but scientific studies and media reports on “expert” predictions. The sources for numbers 28-41 are linked individually.

1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
1970: Ice Age By 2000
1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
1972: New Ice Age By 2070
1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
1974: Another Ice Age?
1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life
1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes
1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend
1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015
2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 90s
1980: Peak Oil In 2000
1996: Peak Oil in 2020
2002: Peak Oil in 2010
2006: Super Hurricanes!
2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
1970s: Killer Bees!

Sorry, Experts… Sorry, Scientific Consensus… Only a fool comes running for the 42nd cry of wolf.

Don’t litter, be kind to animals, recycling’s for suckers (it’s all going to end up in the ground eventually), so stop feeling guilty… Go out there and embrace all the bounty that comes with being a 21st century American — you know, like Obama, who says he believes in Global Warming with his mouth but proves he doesn’t with the $15 million he just spent on oceanfront that we’re told is doomed to flooding.<<<

For 50 years I have been told that glowbull catastrophe is coming unless I follow the directions of speaker XXXX and also give them a bunch of taxpayers money. Ain't happening folks!!!!!

I notice poor to nearly zero documentation for the above screed. Typical for right wing toadies. See, it's like this: for those whose predictions 50 years ago were wrong....the sad truth is that we are now seeing that there were those who were right. Of course, right wing whores for the corporations will label any and everyone crazy or some other label for daring to point to reality....even NASA.

Well, Ms. Thunberg and all her young compatriots will be of voting age unless the right wing toadies and their masters are will to go complete totalitarian and/or fascist, they'd better get use to the idea of change for the better instead of profit.
I notice poor to nearly zero documentation for the above screed. Typical for right wing toadies. See, it's like this: for those whose predictions 50 years ago were wrong....the sad truth is that we are now seeing that there were those who were right. Of course, right wing whores for the corporations will label any and everyone crazy or some other label for daring to point to reality....even NASA.

Well, Ms. Thunberg and all her young compatriots will be of voting age unless the right wing toadies and their masters are will to go complete totalitarian and/or fascist, they'd better get use to the idea of change for the better instead of profit.

There's quite a few links.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
I notice poor to nearly zero documentation for the above screed. Typical for right wing toadies. See, it's like this: for those whose predictions 50 years ago were wrong....the sad truth is that we are now seeing that there were those who were right. Of course, right wing whores for the corporations will label any and everyone crazy or some other label for daring to point to reality....even NASA.

Well, Ms. Thunberg and all her young compatriots will be of voting age unless the right wing toadies and their masters are will to go complete totalitarian and/or fascist, they'd better get use to the idea of change for the better instead of profit.

There's quite a few links.


And then there is this:

and this:

I could go on, but hopefully you get the point.
I notice poor to nearly zero documentation for the above screed. Typical for right wing toadies. See, it's like this: for those whose predictions 50 years ago were wrong....the sad truth is that we are now seeing that there were those who were right. Of course, right wing whores for the corporations will label any and everyone crazy or some other label for daring to point to reality....even NASA.

Well, Ms. Thunberg and all her young compatriots will be of voting age unless the right wing toadies and their masters are will to go complete totalitarian and/or fascist, they'd better get use to the idea of change for the better instead of profit.

You've not been following the chronology of the posts.
I notice poor to nearly zero documentation for the above screed. Typical for right wing toadies. See, it's like this: for those whose predictions 50 years ago were wrong....the sad truth is that we are now seeing that there were those who were right. Of course, right wing whores for the corporations will label any and everyone crazy or some other label for daring to point to reality....even NASA.

Well, Ms. Thunberg and all her young compatriots will be of voting age unless the right wing toadies and their masters are will to go complete totalitarian and/or fascist, they'd better get use to the idea of change for the better instead of profit.

She has severe mental problems and people who support her are ensuring that she'll end up with a mental breakdown or worse.
She has severe mental problems and people who support her are ensuring that she'll end up with a mental breakdown or worse.

I'd correct that by saying "and people who are using her are ensuring that she'll end up with a mental breakdown or worse". Again, I have sympathy for this poor soul.
Using a mentally handicapped child to promote a political agenda is the most reprehensible, disgusting tactic I've ever seen. This overshadows that Blasey-Ford slut fiasco in an attempt to destroy an honorable man's life and family. At least they were all adults.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
And then there is this:

and this:

I could go on, but hopefully you get the point.

I do. I saw no doomsday predictions in your links.

My point was NOT to produce "doomsday" predictions, but to point out the FACTS regarding climate change predictions of dire consequence that DID come to fruition amid the blunders previously listed.
My point was NOT to produce "doomsday" predictions, but to point out the FACTS regarding climate change predictions of dire consequence that DID come to fruition amid the blunders previously listed.

The facts appear to be significantly less dire than the blunders.