Retired Teacher
Yes, indeed....Pol Pot ordered all his subjects out of the cities and out to the farms to eek out a subsistence living.
Let me know when these kids give up everything produced with, or that is powered by, fossil fuels.
Yes, indeed....Pol Pot ordered all his subjects out of the cities and out to the farms to eek out a subsistence living.
Let me know when these kids give up everything produced with, or that is powered by, fossil fuels.
Yes, indeed....
It really really tells you how desperate climate alarmists are, and the despicable lengths they'll go to enable their agenda.
She is special needs so "nut" is probably not an appropriate or compassionate label when it comes to Greta....... That being said, addressing her needs would be better met by having her in school and at home, managing her depression and other (multiple) issues.Well, no, it isn't.
Buying home insurance is a personal option.
Being forced to buy into fake "climate change" is not.
Interesting that the climate change nuts are being led by a 16 year old nut.
Just love this, it really sums up the situation beautifully.
Climate Activists – Persons who are trying, and succeeding in some places, to force their misguided beliefs on everyone else. Their limited successes here in the U.S. and elsewhere has led to even greater tantrums from them…thus the well-orchestrated Climate Strike and Extinction Rebellion protests.
Climate Feedback – Phenomenon that enhances global warming (positive feedback) or suppresses global warming (negative feedback), the sign of which is still unknown as it relates to the climate of the real world. It is assumed by climate modelers to be positive.
Climate Models – Very expensive fantasy computer games that are abused to make an international “anti-growth, anti-capitalist, anti-American” crusade appear to be based on science. (Quote source – Margaret Thatcher’s Statecraft, under the heading of HOT AIR AND GLOBAL WARMING)
Climate Scientists Whose Work Output Sustains the IPCC – Paid propagandists (a.k.a. eco-profiteers) and celebrity wannabes whose livelihoods depend on supporting the agendas of politicians and UN bureaucrats, not for researching the truths and realities behind global warming and climate change.
Developed Nations – Prosperous countries that created or joined the fossil-fuel-powered industrial revolution early and have been reaping the economic, technical, social, and health benefits of those innovations for decades, if not centuries.
Developing Nations – Countries in this category include those that failed to join the industrial revolution early, if at all, but now want to share the economic, technical, social, and health benefits of the Developed Nations (without having to expend their own time, moneys, and efforts or their own tears, sweat, and blood to achieve the present levels of prosperity of the Developed Nations) through the distribution of wealth (from developed to developing nations) via international agreements created by power-hungry unelected bureaucrats of the United Nations. Also included in this category are more recently industrialized nations that are looking for handouts from those countries that industrialized early.
Extinction Rebellion, Climate Strike, and Other Fossil-Fuel-Protest Groups – Overindulged, immature, ungrateful, naïve, and gullible children (and adults behaving like children) who have been brainwashed by decades of ever-scarier catastrophe propaganda about fossil fuels.
Green New Deal and Democratic President Candidate Plans to Magically Create Weather Stasis – Socialist manifestos based on contrived science and unrealistic economics.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) – Political (not science) entity founded by the United Nations in the 1980s to make an international “anti-growth, anti-capitalist, anti-American” movement seem, via smoke and mirrors, to have a foundation in science. (Quote source – Margaret Thatcher’s Statecraft, under the heading of HOT AIR AND GLOBAL WARMING)
IPCC Assessment Reports – Propaganda prepared for and by UN bureaucrats that repeat the same misinforming and disinforming crystal-ball-like prognostications of the future in each edition but with ever-increasingly desperate-sounding certainties.
Mainstream Media – Propaganda purveyors.
Paris Agreement – International Treaty intended to control the prosperity, mobility, lifestyle choices, and well-being of the citizens of developed nations, while transferring wealth from developed to developing nations.
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, They Say – Actually intended to undermine the economies of fossil fuel producing and exporting countries.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC ) – A series of failed and failing international agreements that hide behind the very-transparent veils of catastrophic-human-induced global warming/climate change with the overall intent of advancing “worldwide, supra-national socialism”. (Quote source – Margaret Thatcher’s Statecraft, under the heading of HOT AIR AND GLOBAL WARMING)
Where is this sock you imagine?You repeatedly emerge with a voyeuristic aside or an inane apology for comment. Are you lonesome without your sock ?
You have to take into consideration her special needs. Including the "message"....Are you understanding where her thoughts are coming from? Once again...She's not "fine"...
How odd for anyone to applaud and encourage a child who most likely has lived a life of being mocked and shamed to literally use mocking and shaming as her platform to "change the world"....
(It's concern, not criticism....)
The only special needs Greta has are the imaginary ones in your head. She angers you because she has the entire planet's attention and admiration. As always, you go in for the personal attack against the person, rather than addressing the politics of the message. You also relentlessly attacked David Hoag personally, rather than discussing gun control, school shootings, and the need to do something about them.... remember that? It's because you don't really care about politics and are just here for the joy of bashing someone you don't know, you'll never meet in real life, and who could care less about your sad and miserable existence. Talk about someone with "special needs." Fake teacher, educate thyself.
She a mental castle and your kind are ensuring that she will end up committing suicide or have a complete nervous breakdown.
The only special needs Greta has are the imaginary ones in your head. She angers you because she has the entire planet's attention and admiration. As always, you go in for the personal attack against the person, rather than addressing the politics of the message. You also relentlessly attacked David Hoag personally, rather than discussing gun control, school shootings, and the need to do something about them.... remember that? It's because you don't really care about politics and are just here for the joy of bashing someone you don't know, you'll never meet in real life, and who could care less about your sad and miserable existence. Talk about someone with "special needs." Fake teacher, educate thyself.
She a mental castle and your kind are ensuring that she will end up committing suicide or have a complete nervous breakdown.
What does that even mean? Finish the bottle, wipe off your chin, and go take a nap.
She's a mental case and your kind are ensuring that she will end up committing suicide or have a complete nervous breakdown.
Some people here need to educate themselves and learn about depression, autism, aspergers, eating disorders, etc, especially in young people. They are special needs, indeed....
And others to pick up a few obvious facts about capitalism and its effect on climate. Children will have to live with the shit you buggers are causing.
Should they be frozen with fear and give up now?And others to pick up a few obvious facts about capitalism and its effect on climate. Children will have to live with the shit you buggers are causing.
I listened to this poor girl on NPR this. a.m.
Sad what the climate hoaxers have done in brainwashing these kids.
They should be taken away from their parents for child abuse.
And the U.N. gives her a podium and actually listens to this crap pretending to take her seriously for the advancement of Agenda 21.
Kids in S.F. think we have only 12 yrs. left before the End of Days Apocalypse.
So glad I raised well adjusted kids.