Greta Thunberg

Hello TOP,

The resounding applause for Greta refutes your claim that it is 'odd.'

People applaud when they agree with what the speaker says.

People don't show up to inaugurations where they have no faith in the newly elected.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one-the claim that it is odd...because, well, it is....;)To make everyone angry and afraid, to mock and shame the world.... This Is Exactly what others would be criticized for if they treated her (mental problems) in the same way...
Hello TOP,

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one-the claim that it is odd...because, well, it is....;)To make everyone angry and afraid, to mock and shame the world.... This Is Exactly what others would be criticized for if they treated her (mental problems) in the same way...

She is a unique individual who is healing herself and she heals the world. Unafraid to address the problem directly. It's refreshing.

It is well know that humans make mistakes.

We humans made a mistake when we assumed that we could extract and burn at will and there would be no consequences. There are consequences. Now we have to deal with them.
Hello TOP,

She is a unique individual who is healing herself and she heals the world. Unafraid to address the problem directly. It's refreshing.

It is well know that humans make mistakes.

We humans made a mistake when we assumed that we could extract and burn at will and there would be no consequences. There are consequences. Now we have to deal with them.
So we do agree to disagree...good to know...thanks;)
She is a unique individual who is healing herself and she heals the world

You speak as if she were God.

What she is is a Nazi Youth robot, a tool used by lowlife scum adults. She is a little brainwashed propaganda machine, who apparently can fool imbeciles and idiots like you.
Nonsense, the post was entirely accurate. Libs are all about child abuse. Convincing kids they have no future, due to "climate change". Telling small children they can change their gender through surgical genital mutilation, and harmful synthetic hormones. Yeah, clearly that's abuse. No normal person could conclude otherwise.

No, we are not. You are off the rails again. She is into environmental issues. This crazy shit you believe is not germane. Did you add that to show how wildly conspiratorial you are? If so, it worked.
No, we are not. You are off the rails again. She is into environmental issues. This crazy shit you believe is not germane. Did you add that to show how wildly conspiratorial you are? If so, it worked.
Read her story....
Predictive text fuck up. Anyway you know that she has severe mental problems but you just don't care as she is a useful idiot for the cause. It really has entered the realms of farce when mentally ill adolescents are roped in to ramp up the emotional hysteria. Can you say RCP8.5?

I have no knowledge of any "mental problems" she has, you have, or Toxic has -- other than going by what you idiots write here. I see no evidence that Ms. Thunberg is "a mental case." I'm sure that you and Doktor Toxic though -- while being blind to Trump's evident cognitive decline -- know all about the issues of a child you've never met and never will, thankfully.

Don't you have a spurious climate denial blog to read and some more fake science to distribute?
Some people here need to educate themselves and learn about depression, autism, aspergers, eating disorders, etc, especially in young people. They are special needs, indeed....

Aw look, more Concern Troll droppings. When will you start, rather than playing long-distance psych expert -- when your career consisted of mopping the cafeteria and emptying trash cans? lol

It's interesting that you never scolded your "friend" Rebekah about HER kids not being in school, especially the one she said had issues with learning. You also neglected to trash that Nick Sandmann kid who got in the old Indian guy's face. Shouldn't HE have been in school? Oh, that was okay because he was wearing a MAGA hat. You save your hate for kids like Greta, David, and any other kids you can find to personally attack because you don't agree with their politics. Funny how you never discuss the politics themselves, only the ppl you envy and loathe.
I have no knowledge of any "mental problems" she has, you have, or Toxic has -- other than going by what you idiots write here. I see no evidence that Ms. Thunberg is "a mental case." I'm sure that you and Doktor Toxic though -- while being blind to Trump's evident cognitive decline -- know all about the issues of a child you've never met and never will, thankfully.

Don't you have a spurious climate denial blog to read and some more fake science to distribute?

So what exactly am I denying, just curious as I know you won't answer. You people always run to ground when confronted with awkward questions. I agree with Prof. Richard Lindzen, who literally wrote the book on atmospheric physics and has over 200 published papers to his credit, how many does Al Gordo have?

Stated briefly, I will simply try to clarify what the debate over climate change is really about. It most certainly is not about whether climate is changing: it always is. It is not about whether CO2 is increasing: it clearly is. It is not about whether the increase in CO2, by itself, will lead to some warming: it should. The debate is simply over the matter of how much warming the increase in CO2 can lead to, and the connection of such warming to the innumerable claimed catastrophes. The evidence is that the increase in CO2 will lead to very little warming, and that the connection of this minimal warming (or even significant warming) to the purported catastrophes is also minimal. The arguments on which the catastrophic claims are made are extremely weak – and commonly acknowledged as such. They are sometimes overtly dishonest.
Aw look, more Concern Troll droppings. When will you start, rather than playing long-distance psych expert -- when your career consisted of mopping the cafeteria and emptying trash cans? lol

It's interesting that you never scolded your "friend" Rebekah about HER kids not being in school, especially the one she said had issues with learning. You also neglected to trash that Nick Sandmann kid who got in the old Indian guy's face. Shouldn't HE have been in school? Oh, that was okay because he was wearing a MAGA hat. You save your hate for kids like Greta, David, and any other kids you can find to personally attack because you don't agree with their politics. Funny how you never discuss the politics themselves, only the ppl you envy and loathe.

Why are you always so vindictive? This is about the way that the media, climate activists and scum like George Soros are abusing a teen with mental problems for their own selfish ends. That you can't see that is your problem, not anyone elses, getting nasty and personal doesn't change that, it just makes you look exceedingly petty.
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Why are you always so vindictive? This is about the way that the media, climate activists and scum like
Soros are abusing a teen with mental problems for their own selfish ends. That you can't see that is your problem, not anyone elses, getting n asty and personal doesn't change that, it just makes you look exceedingly petty.

Bullshit. This is about a handful of climate change denying morons like yourself bashing the shit out of a kid who has courageously spoken out for her generation, and managed to rally millions of her peer group to drop their iPhones and get engaged. If this same kid was roaming the world preaching against Islam and for the greatness of Trump and your guy Mump, you assholes wouldn't care a bit if she was in school, has "mental issues," is "brainwashed," being "used," etc. Not a single whit would you care.
Why are you always so vindictive? This is about the way that the media, climate activists and scum like George Soros are abusing a teen with mental problems for their own selfish ends. That you can't see that is your problem, not anyone elses, getting nasty and personal doesn't change that, it just makes you look exceedingly petty.
Yes Indeed....:thumbsup: Spot on....
You save your hate for kids like Greta, David, and any other kids you can find to personally attack because you don't agree with their politics. Funny how you never discuss the politics themselves, only the ppl you envy and loathe.
This thread is not about hate towards Greta. It's about sympathy for her. The U.N., the far left extremists and eco-nazis using a mentally handicapped child as a pawn for the purpose of promoting a political agenda is lower than I ever thought the aforementioned would or could possibly go. And I thought parading out a mentally deranged slut in front of congress for the purpose of attempting to destroy an honorable man's life and family was the the low point.
Is there no limit to how far down you *people* ( I use that term liberally) will go? Seems your morals are bottomless.
Bullshit. This is about a handful of climate change denying morons like yourself bashing the shit out of a kid who has courageously spoken out for her generation, and managed to rally millions of her peer group to drop their iPhones and get engaged. If this same kid was roaming the world preaching against Islam and for the greatness of Trump and your guy Mump, you assholes wouldn't care a bit if she was in school, has "mental issues," is "brainwashed," being "used," etc. Not a single whit would you care.

I can't help thinking you have a few issues of your own. Much as might want to characterise it otherwise it's not just a few but many. I posted a list of highly eminent scientists that are sceptics, including Nobel Prize winners before, here it is again.

Prof. Richard Lindzen
Prof. Judith Curry
Prof. Ivar Giaever
Dr. Jasper Kirkby
Prof. Stephen E. Kooning
Prof. Joseph D'Aleo
Prof. Nils-Axel Mörner
Prof. Robert E. Davis
Dr. Harrison Schmidt
Prof. Hendrik Tennekes
Prof. Peter Stilbs
Prof. Anastasios Tsonis
Prof. William Happer
Prof. Anthony Lupo
Prof. Murray Salby
Prof. Nir Shaviv
Prof. Fred Singer
Prof. Henrik Svensmark
Prof. Ian Plimer
Dr. Sallie Baliunas
Dr. Rory Spencer
Dr. John Christy
Dr. Nic Lewis
Dr. Willy Soon
Prof. Freeman Dyson
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